Kyuhyun wants breakfast!

Wrong Number

AN :  Hi guys! (: just want to say that i'm gonna try adding photos from now on. (: ENJOY!



Heechul came in his room, threw his body on his bed and shut his eyes close, only to wait for morning to come.

"I shall meet you finally, Fried Rice."




Heechul woke up with the sunlight striking his eyes. He opened them slowly and realised that Kyuhyun was standing in front of him with folded arms. "What do you want...." Heechul mumbled.

Kyuhyun sat by the end of the bed as he started pulling the blanket away from Heechul's body, "Wake up, it's 7AM...."

"So!?" Heechul tried to pull back the blanket that was taken away from him and hid his whole face underneath to block the sunlight.

"Hyung, get up~!" Kyuhyun stood up to pull the blanket away again as Heechul did the same.

"Leave me alone!" Heechul yelled with half closed eyes, kneeling on the bed trying to pull his blanket back

"Hyung!~" Kyuhyun yelled in between each pull he made, "You have.. to meet..Fried Rice today! Remember?!" Kyuhyun immidiately fell on the ground as Heechul suddenly let go of the blanket and sat on his bed without a word. "Yeah, don't tell me you forgot, Heechul."

"I....Should I still meet her?" Heechul buried his head under his pillows and wiggled his legs all over the bed.

"Uh...Why not?"

Heechul sat up and looked at Kyuhyun, "Have I told you that Fried Rice... likes Sushi...but not Kim Heechul?"

Kyuhyun placed his left palm on his forehead as his eyes widened and mouth hanged open, "Hyung...!"

"Yes" Heechul looked down, "...she hates Kim Heechul. If she sees me, we'll probably never talk again..."

"Ah hyung!" Kyuhyun exclaimed as he sat next to Heechul, "Can't we just see what happens?! If she hates you, then she hates you. If she likes you, then she likes you..."

"No! I want to remain friends with her!" Heechul ruffled his own hair in frustration. "No, i won't meet her."

"You know what? Fine. Be like that" Kyuhyun immediately walked out of Heechul's room with an upset expression glued on his face and shut the door close.

After a few seconds, Heechul heard the front door of the dorm open then shut again. "Why is he so upset for..."


. . . . . . . . . .




Kyuhyun stood straight in front of the door until it finally opened. "Hi~" he greeted with a smile as he saw Fried Rice, still dressed in her heart-printed pyjamas. Her brown, asian eyes widened as she saw the visitor.

"Kyuhyun!" she yelled in surprise but Kyuhyun quickly placed his hand on , avoiding the other tenants to wake up.

"Can I come in?" he requested as he stared at her like a kid with his marble eyes. Who wouldn't be able to resist?


She stared back at him, hypnotized but suddenly forced herself to snap out of it, "Ah, i guess. Come in..."

Her dorm was clean, as how he saw it before. He sat on the couch, next to the telephone, just like before. She sat across him this time, still staring at him and not saying a word.

"So.." Kyuhyun cleared his throat, "You know who I am, right?"

"Uhm...Y-yes. Of course I do. Yes." She seemed to be stuttering as she her fingers tried to repeatedly remove the long fringe that kept covering her eyes.

"I was wondering..." Kyuhyun stood up and walked towards her until he was able to sit next to her, "Would you mind ..."

"Uhmm..?" She tried to move away as Kyuhyun slowly moves closer to her.

"Would you mind cooking me and the members breakfast? We'd love to taste a fan's cooking for once..." He smiled at her as he waited for her reply.

"Um..." Her heart was beating faster than ever as Kyuhyun continued to move closer to her until she was leaning at the end of the couch and Kyuhyun's face only a few centimetres away from hers.

He suddenly placed a hand on her hand and squeezed them a little, "Please?" She felt the softness of Kyuhyun's hands on hers as she tried to decide what to reply.

"Um...Now?" she asked.

"Yes, please...I hadn't had breakfast and I'm hungry... All the other members are still asleep so none of them could be bothered cooking yet..." he leaned to her even more closer.

Her heart skipped a beat at the cute image the maknae was making as he complained to her about the lazy members, "Okay...i guess i need to have breakfast too..."

"Okay! Thanks noona!~" He yelled as he hugged her tightly.

"Wait. How do you know i'm your noona?" She tried asking as Kyuhyun continued to squeeze her body with his hug.

"I don't know. . . It just looks like you're older, i guess" Kyuhyun laughed a little as he let go of her and stood up, grabbed her left wrist and pulled her up from the couch, "Anyway, lets get the breakfast ready, shall we?"

"Wait, where?" She said as Kyuhyun pulled her out of her dorm and closed the door, "I thought we're gonna cook in my dorm??!"

"No, you silly~" Kyuhyun smirked, "You're already the cook, we don't want to mess your kitchen too..." Kyuhyun opened the door as they got to his dorm. He led her to the kitchen and started taking ingredients out of the fridge.

"We should be quiet though, because the other members are still sleeping... Okay, so Eggs...Bacon..." Kyuhyun whispered, "Oh, should we have fried rice too?" He laughed in a low tone as he said the words 'fried rice'.

"Kyuhyun, are you sure it's okay to let a stranger in your dorm?" She whispered as she started helping him to get the cooking started.

"It's okay if it's a friend. You helped me yesterday to call someone, so you're now my friend." He smiled as he started taking a pan out of the cupboard.

Fried Rice started cooking the eggs and bacon as Kyuhyun started chopping carrots for the fried rice. Once he finished, he stood up and looked over at how Fried Rice was doing.

"Uwah~ I'm gonna eat a lot~" He said as his mouth watered, "Wait here. I'll call the others."



Kyuhyun entered Heechul's room, only to find him reading along with Heebum, placed on his stomach.


 Heechul looked at Kyuhyun and started sniffing, "Yah, what's that smell? Did you cook breakfast?"

Kyuhyun laughed, "haha~ come on hyung, the food is ready~"

Heechul smirked as he placed his comics and the cat down and followed Kyuhyun to the kitchen. As they got there, Heechul saw a female figure, facing her back as she was cooking with her pyjamas on. "Kyuhyun-ah, who's your friend?" he whispered. Heechul sat on a chair and waited for the girl to turn around.

"Hi" Heechul said out loud, hoping that it would make the girl turn arond to him. And it worked.

She turned around and stared at him.

Kyuhyun was just beside Heechul. He smiled at the two and said, "Fried my hyung. Kim Heechul."


. . . . . . . . .. .


AN: THEY FINALLY MET! AHAHAHHA! But she still has no idea that he's Sushi~ haha!

By the way, do you guys like it with photos? or is it better without them? (:


Comment replies:

@chocolate great observation! I like it! :) keep it up!

@eunjhaei hi! hope you enjoy reading this~ (:

@najieberry yes! she does hate heechul! ..but will that change? ;)

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sujushineegg #1
aahh!! want fried rice!!
Here goes the Evil Maknae again. >.<
"Yeah, cause once she finds out that Sushi is Heechul.." Heechul paused, "you will never see your games again." <br />
<br />
Kyu.. you better think for a plan or else... say goodbye o your starcraft... :3
eca_anisa #4
i can't wait for the next chapter... this is going to be fun..
yehey! you finally updated! thank you so much! i'm so happy that you did not forget this ff :D
HAHAHA! This is so funny XD<br />
hyukjae_ #7
a new chapter! FINALLY! sorry for the reaaaaally long wait guys~ >_<
Im super duper interested!
ceechicken #9