Shhh...It's a secret!

Wrong Number

AN; You guys are too awesome for subscribing and commenting~! All your lovely comments gave me the urge to update RIGHT NOW. I usually only update about once a week, but you all are too nice, so here's another update~ ^-^


Heechul looked at his phone, which was being held by Kyuhyun's trembling hands.

"O-o-oh,'re home..." Kyuhyun stuttered.

Heechul asked calmly, "What are you doing with my phone?"



"I uh..." Kyuhyun struggled to tell him, "I was just..." Suddenly, Kyuhyun ran towards Heechul, held his hands out which were holding Heechul's phone and bowed down his head, "Mianhe (Sorry) hyung... I just needed to call the manager to tell him that I can't make tonight's practice...It's cos my phone isn't working and you weren't here, so I thought I'd just quickly use your phone..."

Heechul slowly grabbed the phone off Kyuhyun's cold hands, "It's okay..." Heechul said, "It's not like I'll bite your head off or anything... Just so long as you didn't see anything else in my phone and just called the manager...It's all good." Heechul gave Kyuhyun a smile and rested his whole body on his soft bed.

"A-ah...Yeah...Of course I didn't do anything else..." Kyuhyun started stuttering again but then changed the topic, "Oh yeah, hyung, it's like 7AM in the morning..everyone were asleep but you...Where were you?"

"I just took a short walk..." After saying that, nothing else came out of Heechul's mouth as he slowly dozed off to sleep. Kyuhyun went out of the room, not making any noise, and headed towards the kitchen.

While on his way there, he saw Donghae sitting on the dinning chair as he sipped his steaming coffee with sleepy eyes.

"Good morning..." Kyuhyun greeted as he sat next to Donghae, "You still seem tired from last night's practice... Why are you up early?"

"Oh..." Donghae placed his mug down on the table and turned his head to face Kyuhyun, "I don't know... Lately, I've just been waking up in the most unneccesary times...And I can't go back to sleep once I wake up... this time, I woke up at 5 in the morning..." Donghae sighed and continued sipping his coffee.

Kyuhyun stood up and walked towards the bar to make his own coffee, "Well, have you told Leeteuk hyung?" Kyuhyun asked as he stirred his coffee and went back to sit next to Donghae. "Maybe you need to see a doctor or something, hyung..."

Donghae took another sip from his mug before placing it down and looked at Kyuhyun, "Yah... Who were you talking to earlier on the phone?"

Kyuhyun literally sprayed coffee straight from his mouth to Donghae's face in surprise of Donghae knowing about him talking to someone. Donghae sighed and just stared at Kyuhyun evilly, feeling the coffee on his face dry up slowly.

"I..." Kyuhyun started stuttering again, "I-i-i was talking to our manager. C-cos i can't make it to today's rehearsal..."

"No" Donghae interupted, "After talking to our manager... You talked to someone else, I heard you kind of whispering...and making a wierd voice, like you were imitating Heechul's voice or something"

"OKAY!" Kyuhyun whisperedly yell as he placed his mug on the table, "I didn't mean to touch Heenim's phone~ I wasn't meant to answer his phone, but I couldn't just leave it ringing...So I answered it...Well it's not my fault she called, okay~"

"Wait what?" Donghae looked at Kyuhyun confused, "What are you talking about? Who's 'she'?"

"I think Heechul hyung", Kyuhyun leaned in a little closer to Donghae to whisper, "I think he's got a girl he's not telling us about..."

"WHAT?!" Donghae yelled loud enough for the rest of the members to wake up.

Kyuhyun immediately placed his hand to cover Donghae's mouth to  stop him from yelling any further, "Shhh...It's a secret! I still need to find out who she really is..."

Donghae removed Kyuhyun's hand that were stopping him from talking and just before he spoke, someone from behind the two suddenly spoke.

"Uhmm... find out WHO really is who?" The two was startled and turned around, only to see Ryeowook.

Kyuhyun looked at Ryeowook and Donghae in the feeling of the need to explode and wanted to slap his own big mouth for telling Donghae about the call in the first place.

Ryeowook continued, "Heechul hyung's got a girl??"

- - - - - - - - - -



OMO!~ more and more people are knowing the gossip about Heechul and fried rice!!! All because of the maknae, Kyuhyun~! Aigoo, Kyuhyun-ah...tsk tsk...

&& sneaky Ryeowook is sneaky... XD

Will Kyuhyun end up telling Heechul about what he knows or will he GO and meet fried rice himself? ^_~ gotta see on the next update~

Keep subscribing and commenting~! THANKS GUYS~! ^_______^

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sujushineegg #1
aahh!! want fried rice!!
Here goes the Evil Maknae again. >.<
"Yeah, cause once she finds out that Sushi is Heechul.." Heechul paused, "you will never see your games again." <br />
<br />
Kyu.. you better think for a plan or else... say goodbye o your starcraft... :3
eca_anisa #4
i can't wait for the next chapter... this is going to be fun..
yehey! you finally updated! thank you so much! i'm so happy that you did not forget this ff :D
HAHAHA! This is so funny XD<br />
hyukjae_ #7
a new chapter! FINALLY! sorry for the reaaaaally long wait guys~ >_<
Im super duper interested!
ceechicken #9