Glasses and Ice cream

Glasses and Ice cream


“I look so silly!”

Dongho laughed and looked at you. You were helping Dongho look for a pair of reading glasses.

“Noo! You look nice.” You giggled and started to take your phone out of your pocket. Dongho looked over at you and pursed his lips.

“What are you doing?” he asked opening his mouth into a smile. You moved his shoulder to move his body, so that way he was facing you.

“Let me take a picture of you~” you asked him and put the camera on your phone on. He smiled shyly and looked down for a moment.

“Why? I look so funny.” Dongho fiddled with the pair of big glasses on his face. His cheeks turned a very light shade of pink. You pouted and walked over to him.

“You look…” you paused for a moment, embarrassed at what you about to say to your friend. “You look nice, trust me? Let me take the picture. PLEASSSSEEEEE?” You pouted at him and smiled. He couldn’t help but laugh at your cute pouty face.

“Okay fine, but no one else sees this besides us. Okay?” He pointed at you and smiled. You got your phone’s camera back up. Dongho looked down for a moment then back up, looking at your camera and gave a closed mouth smile. You took the picture and showed him right away.

“See you look cute.” You closed your mouth quickly, not believing what you just told Dongho. You felt your cheeks get warm and you put your phone in your pocket and looked around at the other glasses in the shop, hoping he didn’t hear you. You never wanted him to know what you thought about him, this is the first time you two had actually gone out for this long. Usually it’s just a quick bite to eat then he had to go perform. But even if it was a short time of you guys hanging out, you still thought he was the funnest person you had met.

“I wish we could hang out like this more often” He said taking the glasses off his face. You looked down with a faint smile.

“…Yeah, I wish.” He looked over at you and pouted his lower lip as he looked down where you were looking then back up at you. You felt his hand grab yours and he started guiding you out toward the ice cream stand outside of the glasses shop. You stumbled at first then kept up with his pace.

“D-Dongho where are we going?” you asked confused. He just looked back at you quickly and smiled.

“I’m making an excuse to hang out longer today.” He pointed at the ice cream sign and smiled big. You couldn’t help but smile seeing him so happy. He stepped up to the vender and asked for two strawberry ice cream cones and soon after he smiled and pointed toward a bench to sit at.

Just when you had started to eat your ice cream Dongho started talking to you.

“Why did you call me cute awhile ago?” You quickly stopped eating and looked at him shyly.

“…well, I just think you’re really nice and….cute, ever since I met you at school.” You confessed and moved your hair from your cheek with your free hand. His eyes were focused on your eyes. Your face quickly went a shade brighter when you noticed this. He smiled and looked down.

“You too. I like hanging out like this with you a lot.” He smiled at you and took a of his ice cream. “And I promise I will start hanging out with you more, if you let me.” He smiled and looked at you for your answer. You smiled big.

“Of course! I hate the little time we have to do this kind of stuff.” You finished your ice cream and started getting up to throw your napkins away when you felt Dongho’s hand hold yours right as you were about to go. You looked back at him.

“_____, will you be mine?” Dongho asked you with serious eyes. Your mouth opened slightly and you felt your breath leave you for a moment. He got up and stood next to you. “I will make more time to be with you too, your special to me either way.” You smiled and hugged him.

“Why would I say no?” You said near his ear. You felt him hug you tight at this. You smiled and held him close to you. He pulled away and your faces were close to each other.

“Thank you ____, this means a lot to me.” Dongho smiled big and he grabbed the napkin out from your hand. “Let me take care of these for you.” He ran towards a nearby trashcan. You smiled big and walked close behind your boyfriend. You couldn’t wait for the next time you two would hang out.  

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NicLuvGuiLun #1
Chapter 1: Omo omo!~ short but sweet >~< ADORABKEE <3
ruby01 #2
so sweet! i love it!
monsterbubble #3
KekouUnnie #4
Kya~!This was so cute~!
Omg , so sweet. <3
cute ^^