Teenage Dream (APPLY)




“Wow, I never knew you could write like that!” Mir commented for the nth time.
“Who is this ‘Thunder’ you wrote about?” Sanghyun said as he sat down beside me.
"Ugh. Stop reminding me! It's embarrassing!"
We were at the school cafeteria early in the morning and my two best friends still can’t get over what happened yesterday in English class. Last week, considering that Valentine’s Day is up and coming, our professor had the craziest idea of making us write an essay where we should describe an event when we truly felt it was Valentine’s Day, or Single’s Awareness Day for those less fortunate.
Mine happened when I didn’t even knew what ‘season of the hearts’ meant.
“Since she’s not here, I think it’s safe for me to read this out loud.” Mr. Hwang said, holding a piece of paper in his hand. The class cheered in return as everyone was excited to hear how she managed to impressed our English professor. We urged him to continue, with which he complied happily.
“When Valentine’s is mentioned, or even February for that matter, my father won’t stop reminding me of my past puppy
love when I was 5 years old. I was in pre-school with my best friend, Thunder. He was Korean so he had a hard time
communicating with others. But when our teachers learned of my mixed heritage, they decided that I’ll be his walking translator. We were partners in everything we did; even at those activities that didn’t require partners. I was disappointed at first, for there was nothing about him that interested me in any way. He was plain-looking, and wasn’t
really outgoing; he always opted to skip school events, or when he was present, he always sat in a corner, away from everybody. He remained like that for a few weeks, and refused to talk to me. Until I spoke to him in Korean, that is.
Ever since, the two of us were inseparable; he would always hold my hand, buy me stuff and do my homework. Our teachers couldn’t intervene for when they tried to; he would refuse to acknowledge them saying, ‘I don’t like you. You took me away from my wife!’ He even made yarn rings, equipped with a promise of forever. Every day, he’d make it a point that we’d pretend we were married. I’d make breakfast for him, make sure that he was properly dressed for work, and even bring lunch to his office. Everyone knew that the little house in the playground was ours. He’d kiss my cheek before
leaving for work and would come back a minute later saying, ‘Honey, I’m home!’ I had my own fairytale, and he was my
prince charming. 
But one day, he stopped going to school. The first day, I waited; for I thought he was just absent because he wasn’t
feeling well. I even asked my mother to pack me two lunch boxes so I could give him a welcome back present the next day. But a day turned into a week, and a week turned into a month. I was like a puppy waiting by the door, hoping that its owner would come back. My mother got scared and asked for his address from the school. I was so excited to see him; I even wore my best dress. But when we reached his house, there wasn’t anyone there to answer. Only then did my mother decide to tell me that his family went back to Korea; he went back to Korea.
I don’t know where Thunder is now, or whether he’s doing okay. All I know is that I had my own fairytale when I was little. And now that I’m also in Korea, maybe, just maybe, our paths may cross again.”
“And that is your classmate’s essay.” The professor concluded, putting the paper back in his folder. “For those who haven’t passed theirs yet, I’m waiting to be inspired.”
“Seriously, how can we compete with that?” Mir exclaimed.
“I don’t know, write something personal? I think Mr. Hwang’s a hopeless romantic.” I said, shrugging in return.
"It seems you are too." Mir joked, which earned him a smack at the arm from me.
"Sanghyun! She's harassing me again!"
Sanghyun just smiled beside me. “You seriously are something, Joo Rae Ah.”
;; imagetyourheartracing }
Couldn't update for 10 days! :O
Are you guys still with meeee?
Anyways! How do you feel about the first girl?
She had a really long application. And I mean REALLY.
But it was detailed and precise.
The big question is.... WHO IS THIS THUNDER???
LOL, not so tricky is it?
Do keep the inspiring applications coming!
You can reapply as many times as you want, if you'd like.
Just make sure it would be better than your previous ones.
Okay? :D
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-notyourself #1
Chapter 1: is the application still open?
I'll send in my app later okay? I'm kinda busy right now^^
Wahhhh!! I love this chappie!!:) haha I can wait for the other girls to appear!!:)
Applied as Park Min Hee<br />
Hope I wasn't too late<br />
And congrats to the first girl :]
Congratz to the first girl! :)
FlamingCharismaGirl #6
yay,i'm on the list,I hate whe there are problems when sending an app
Cool Teaser!
Applied as Lee Mikki! :))
applied :)<br />
sorry for the long personality and background :(