A Little Human



Tao’s POV


We were sitting in the bar we usually go to, EXO Bar. I like it here, it’s comfortable.

“Tao, what’s in this?” Sehun asks, looking into Chen’s glass. I shrug to him.

“Probably something that would kill a normal person.”  I say slowly.

Chen chuckles as Sehun takes another sip of his drink and screws his face up.

“That’s disgusting.” Sehun says. Chen chuckles more.

“No one told you to drink it, you .” He says. Sehun glares at him for a moment.

“I need to get my mind off of…things.” Sehun says. I sit back in my chair, amused by the two of them.

“Yeah whatever, Sehun you’re not even legal.” Chen says as he pulls the glass of alcohol from his hands. Sehun pouts at him.

“Come on Chen, not like I haven’t had alcohol before. Hell, I’ve had .” Sehun says. Chen sighs and rolls his eyes at him.

“I don’t care. You’re not having it.” He says. Sehun pouts again.

“Please, please Chen? Please, come on be fair!” Sehun says, shaking Chen’s arm with his and slowly. Chen groans.

“No, so stuff off and bug someone else you annoying brat.” Chen hisses. Sehun pulls Chen’s arm up to his mouth and bits down on it. Chen blinks at him and smirks.

“Sehun, did you think that would actually hurt me, you idiot?” He asks in a low voice. Sehun drops his hand and sighs.

“You’re a . You let Tao drink.” Sehun says. Chen snickers.

“He’s legal.” He says. Sehun scoffs.

“You’re being biased, again.” He says.

“I’m not biased.” Chen says. I roll my eyes at them and look towards the door to see Kai enter. He sees me and waves. He walks over and sits down between myself and Sehun.

“Is Sehun trying to get drunk again?” Kai asks. Chen nods a yes.

“You let Kai drink. Do you hate me?” Sehun asks. Chen closes his eyes and rubs his temples with his middle fingers.

“No, Sehun. I just know how you get when you’re drunk.” Chen says.

“I don’t ‘get’ anything when I’m drunk.” Sehun says, clueless to the fact he turns into a sobbing mess or a little thing when he is drunk; at times it can be hilarious.

“Oh, sure you don’t Sehun. Just like I don’t think you’re annoying, but wait. I do.” Chen says with a smirk. Kai snickers at the comment and Sehun pouts.

“You’re so mean.” Sehun says. Chen shrugs.

“I actually don’t care Sehun; you’re not drinking just because Luhan won’t see you because he has work.” Chen says. That sets something off in Sehun, of course. Chen knew it would set him over the edge, enrage him so that’d he’d show his true self, and he can’t, not here in public like this. It was a small comment, but Sehun can be sensitive at times.

“Chen, stop already. If he rages we’re screwed.” I say, my tone is cold and hard. Chen sighs and stands, he leaves the table slowly. I look to Sehun and he’s glaring at Chen’s empty seat. Kai nudges him softly but he doesn’t look to him.

“Sehun, drink.” I say as I push the glass closer to him. It was mine, full to the top and smelt something like death. Sehun turns slowly; his hand shaking as he grabs the glass and gulps it down, it’s the strongest alcohol the bar serves.

“Can you handle this? I need to talk to Lay.” Kai says. I nod to him. He stands and walks way, towards where Lay stands by the staircase that lead upstairs. Sehun stops drinking and places the glass on the table.

“You know what he meant.” Sehun slurs.

“He meant that Luhan wouldn’t like someone like me, right? Because I’m young, and that whole working is a whole lot of bull.” He says.

“Sehun.” I say. He shakes his head.

“It’s true though. Isn’t it? It would be. Because I’m a stupid demon…” He says, tears rolling down his cheeks. I sigh, sobbing Sehun is better than Sehun. For me anyway, I never deal with the other.

“Sehun, that’s not true.” I say. He shakes his head and looks down at his hands.

“I don’t want to be this.” He sobs. I sigh and stand. I pull Sehun up from his chair and pull him out of the bar by his wrist. The cool air hits me and I shiver slightly.

“W-why couldn’t I-I be h-human?” Sehun asks in between his sobs. I don’t answer; instead I pull him down the road.


We walk in the cool night, my arm around Sehun’s shoulders as a way to comfort him and make him walk. There are other ways, but this is the easiest way. We get to our apartment building, at times like this I’m glad we live together. I pull Sehun inside and we go to the elevator. I press the up button with my spare hand as Sehun sniffles.

“You can drink all of Chanyeol’s alcohol; I’ll buy it all back.” I say. Sehun nods slowly as the elevator dings and the doors open. We step inside and I press our floor number before the doors close.

“Don’t tell Chen.” Sehun whispers. I look to him, confused.

“Don’t tell Chen, what?” I ask. Sehun sniffles.

“That I don’t want to be…you know.” He says. I nod, finally getting it.

“Ok, sure. I won’t.” I say. It’s not like Chen doesn’t already know how Sehun feels about being what we are; demons.

We get to our floor and the door open. I pull Sehun out and to our apartment door. I get the keys from my jean pocket and unlock the door before pushing it open with my foot and we walk inside. Chanyeol looks up from the couch and smiles before seeing Sehun’s face. His smile drops and he stands.

“What happened?” He asks. I drop my arm from Sehun’s shoulders and he goes to the kitchen. I look back to Chanyeol and close the door.

“The usual, Chen pissed him off.” I say. Chanyeol nods slowly and sits back onto the couch.

“Great. He’s drinking my alcohol, isn’t he?” Chanyeol asks. I nod to him before I make my way to the couch across from him. I sit down and Chanyeol looks up at me with a small smile.

“I’ll buy it all back.” I say. Chanyeol shrugs.

“I don’t care. If he doesn’t drink it no-Chen probably will or Baekhyun.” He says, smiling at Baekhyun’s name, his boyfriend’s name.

“As long as he doesn’t explode the microwave again, I’m fine.” Chanyeol says with a nod. I snicker. Chanyeol is one of the only human who knows what we are. He…adopted us into his family and let us into his home, he fed and clothed us, and he’s someone I’ll never be able to fully repay. When he first found us, we were wrecks. I didn’t think I’d find someone like Chanyeol on earth, who wasn’t an angel.


I get up at the sound of glass breaking, Chanyeol does the same. We rush into the kitchen where Sehun is. There’s blood running from his hand and glass on the floor. I walk over to him, around the glass. I look at his hand closely, the cut isn’t deep but there are more than one. Chanyeol sighs at the mess.

“What happened?” I ask. Sehun shrugs.

“It slipped and I tried to pick up the glass.” He says slowly. I walk Sehun around the glass and out of the kitchen and to the bathroom where the first aid kit was.

I sit Sehun on the toilet and I take the first aid kit from on top of the mirror cabinet. I open it and look to Sehun. He’s just letting the blood roll down his hand and drip onto the white floor that makes Chanyeol mad because it’s never ‘clean enough’. He’s insane when it comes to the bathroom floor, and I don’t know why. I take an alcohol wipe from the first aid kit and open the packet. I take it out and step closer. I take his hand and dab the alcohol wipe on the cuts, Sehun hisses as I do so. I finish cleaning the cuts and take the bandage wrap from the kit. I wrap it around Sehun’s hand slowly, making sure it’s tight enough to stay on but loose enough that it doesn’t hurt.

“Had enough to drink?” I ask. Sehun nods in response and stands, his legs shaking as he does.

“Go to bed. I’ll get some food.” I say. Sehun nod and stumbles around me and out of the bathroom. I sigh when I look to the floor, droplets of blood here and there. I take some toilet paper and kneel down. I wipe away the blood, already knowing Chanyeol will be in here later with bleach and the strongest chemicals he has to clean the entire bathroom, again. I sigh and leave.

I walk into the kitchen and Chanyeol sighs when he sees the toilet paper I hold. I shrug and put into the rubbish bin.

“What should I feed him?” I ask. Chanyeol points to the bread that sits on the counter behind me. I nod and turn to it.

“Is Kai still at the bar?” Chanyeol asks as I take the packed loaf of bread. I nod before I take two slices of bread.

“Oh, he might throw up; just give it to him plain.” Chanyeol says. I nod. I look to Chanyeol and he smiles at me.

“Everything is fine Tao, he won’t die.” He says. I nod again.

“I know. It’s just…we’ve been here so long we have feelings now.” I say with a sigh.

“Yeah, yeah, you’ve said it a lot. You have feelings, emotions, urgers…even if you always had those. And of course, you’re more human and can get injured.” Chanyeol says, repeating what I’ve said to him once before. I smile at him slowly.

“Hey, you said it the other day, just repeating you said bro.” Chanyeol says. I snicker.

“Don’t call bro, bro.” I say. We both laugh and I shake my head. This is what Chanyeol is good at, even when we first met. He can make me laugh, something I had never done as a Demon in the Underworld. And something I liked on earth.

“Go feed the little one.” Chanyeol says. I nod to him and leave the kitchen.


I walk into Sehun’s dim room. He’s on his bed, lying down and looking up at the ceiling. I walk over to the bed and sit beside him. He sits up slowly as I pass him the bread. He looks it over slowly, seeing that it’s plain.

“Is Chanyeol mad?” He asks. I shrug to him.

“Chanyeol never gets mad, he just smiles and moves on.” I say. Sehun nods as an agreement to what I said.

“Eat the bread and sleep.” I say before stand from the bed. Sehun starts to nibble on the bread and I leave, closing the door behind me. I take a deep breath in before I walk over to my room and open the door. I walk inside but I don’t turn the light on as there’s no need to, the moon is enough light for me. I take my shirt off and drop it onto the floor before I walk over to my bed. I lie down, too lazy to take my jeans off. I pull the covers over my body and close my eyes. I hadn’t noticed how tired I was until I laid down. I fell asleep with ease.



A.N A little thanks to the crazy person for helping me with the start and whatnot, also you're a little weird. You know who you are. ^-^

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*cries a river*
ehhhh???! kai alive? what.the @.@
duh, ren, what he want to do with kai..
can you stop, ren..
Bliss_Destiny #3
Can I kill Ren??
DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN *insert dramatic music*

///I'm sorry I'll stop trying to be Eminem now...

*whispers* Kai never really left tbh buuut watevs.

but I'm not a guy or a k-pop idol..
SORRY FOLKS I LIED. I feel privileged to actually know who it is, because I recommend him to bad guy status as well~ (although if people think hard enough it shouldn't really be that hard to figure out, you mentioned he had a DEEP voice...)

BUT KAI IS NOW A HUMAN~ AND HE CAN LIVE PEACEFULLY WITH HIS ANGEL NOW~ (so did Kai know Lay was an angel before he was "killed"?)

REN YOU (eheheheheh) WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MR. SE-- I mean Kai..... >_> (totes wasn't gonna write Mr. then... nope)

I NEED PRAISE I THINK, Maybe I should make other people posters or something... I like editing (playing with paint more like)

AHAHAHAHAHA, I THINK I'M INSANE BRO (and I think I broke the N key kind of...)
WE'RE ALL MAD HERE ;D (omg me don't reference things that haven't even started yet)
Cookie7 #5
Is he gonna use Kris to draw Tao out>>>>?????????????