Scaredy cat.

The photoshoot. (Three shot)

Gongchan's pov

I couldn't take it anymore. I just decided to go with what my heart told me. I loved the feeling of the kiss and the way our lips fitted together perfectly. It felt perfect. I pulled away to see her lightly brush her fingertips over her lips and smile, going bright red in the process. This made me very happy. 

"See?! I knew it!" Beth shouted in triumph as she high fived Baro. 

"It just rolls of the tongue." Baro added.

"W-what does" Katy asked, stumbling on her own words.

"Kannie, kannie, kannie." They said whist getting quieter every time, making it sound like an echo. 

"S-shut up guys!" Katy replied, trying to hide her blushing face in her shirt. 

"Katy~?" I asked, putting on my aeygo. She turned around to face me but quickly turned back around again. 

'Adorable' I thought as I continued my plan. 

"How about we go out for food after you finish work?" I held my breath as I waited for a reply. 

"You a date?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

" a date."


Katy pov

I had finally finished work. It was beyond exhausting. I had to view the magazine sales records. Research their most liked photos and phone up the manager of the magazine to discuss the photos I faxed over to him. 

'Aish' I thought as I slouched back in the seat of my car. 'I'm too exhausted to so anything!' Then I remembered something which made me smile. Gongchan promised to take me out for food today. Maybe I shouldn't go. It's been a really long day and I'm so tired. But I want to. The thought of Channie's smile made me happier. My body reacted on its own and drove me straight to the restaurant. I waited outside the restaurant for him to arrive since I was a few minutes early. 

'Why am I feeling so happy all of a sudden? This is too weird. My feelings are all over the place once I think of him and I haven't even known Channie for a long time.' I sighed and my breathed hitched in my throat mid way.

'Oh god. Am I in LOVE with this guy?' I was completely questioning my sanity at this point and didn't realize that Channie had already parked his car and made his way over to me. 'I'm even making up a nickname for him and I haven't even been friends with him for a day!' I thought before I was snapped out of my thoughts by Gongchan poking my forehead, causing me to jump what felt like 50 feet into the air. 

"Yah!" I shouted and smacked his hand away which rewarded me a chuckle from him. I loved the sound of his laugh. Aw man....I am seriously starting to quesion my feelings for this guy. 

He pulled me into the fancy looking restaurant and said reserved a table. Hang have to book weeks in advance to get a table like this.


"Channie?" I looked over to him, string at the menu before meeting his gaze. 

"Did you just call me Channie?" he sounded excited and that made me giggle.

"Yes." I smiled before continuing. "When did you reserve a table here?"

"A-a few days ago." He said shyly.

"So you planned this whole date?" My smile began to widen.

"Aniyo~!" Channie whined at me and It was so adorable I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're so sweet." I said, suddenly leaning over the table and placing my lips upon his. I place the menu next to our faces so no one could see. I pulled away but Channie grabbed me by my shirt and smashed his lips upon mine once again.

"Lets skip the meal shall we?" He whispered sweetly into my ear before grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the restaurant.

We decided to take a walk on the beach nearby. It was a fun time as we got to learn about each other and by the end of the date we were speaking to each other like we had been best friends for years. We learnt everything about each other. Like and dislikes, what we love and hate, our fears. Everything.

 He insisted he walked me home even though we both have cars. I guess I'll go and pick my car up tomorrow since I couldn't say no to him. 

We arrived at my house and unlocked the door. It looked like it was about to rain but Gongchan couldn't stay as he had a schedule the next day and couldn't be late for it. I said goodnight to him and he gave me a quick peck on the lips before leaving to return to his car. I sighed and entered the door. Locking it after me. I checked al the windows and doors were shut since I'm such a paranoid person. I headed to my room and shut the door after me. I opened my laptop and started typing away for some project I had to do. Suddenly, something bad happened. 

A blackout. 

My entire house went pitch black. I was petrified. You see, his is one of my worst fears. The dark. I know it seems childish but I can't sleep without my landing light on. I ran downstairs with my blanket and sat the sofa. I felt safer downstairs. I frantically rummaged through my bag until I came upon my phone. I searched the contact list for someone to call. To come over. To keep me company. Subconsciously I picked a contact and put the phone to ear. Who did I call?

"Anneyonghaseyo." I heard his voice on the other line. Stupid brain.

Gongchan's POV

I stared up my car and made my way back home. 

~Her whisper is the lucifer~ 

I heard my phone ring. I pulled over so I could answer it. 

"Anneyonghaseyo." I answered quietly.

"Channie." I heard Katy's voice on the other side of the phone.

"What's up?" 

"Blackout." She sounded panicked.

"What?" I asked, confused at what she was trying to say to me.

"My house. You left. Blackout. I'm really scared." She whimpered. 

"I'm on my way." I said. "I'll keep talking to you until I get to your house okai~?" I said in a cheery voice, trying to make her feel better.

"Wait.. are you driving?" 


"Then don't. Just hurry and get over here.....please." 

I hung up and drove as fast as I could to her house without getting pulled over.


I banged the door. he door opened to reveal a terrified looking Katy. I instantly connected our lips together, shutting the door behind me. I let go of her for one minute to lock her door before turning back around and crashing our lips together.

"Does this. Make you. Feel better." I asked between kisses.

"Mmmhmmmm~" She mumbled into the kiss as I smiled. 

We sat on the couch and I pulled her onto my lap. I wrapped the blankets around us and she nuzzled into the crook of my neck. We stayed in silence for what seemed like forever before I blurted it out. 

"I think I'm in love with you Katy." I mentally slapped myself for saying that kind of thing when she was in this state.

"I don't think I love you." She replied and my heart sunk. It was probably too soon for something like this. She looked up at me before smiling and kissing me softly. She pulled away and looked me in the eyes. My heart went crazy as my stomach was feeling buterflies.

"Pabo." She began. "I know I love you. I love you alot." I sighed in relief and fell asleep with her in my arms. 

"I love you too." 

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