Day one - the meeting.

The photoshoot. (Three shot)

Katy pov

I've been assigned another job today. B1A4 are coming to my studio today for a photo shoot. It took every ounce within me not to scream and jump about like the fangirl I am in the conference room.  Once it ended and my dressing room door was closed I started to jump with excitement.  I'm a massive fan of B1A4. Especially my bias Gongchan. Then I started to freak out even more. 

"Oh my good god I'm going to be taking pictures of my bias!" I thought out loud as the door opened revealing my best friend Beth.  She became a famous kpop star years ago and funded my once run down business. Luckily for me my photography business picked up and I've taken photos of a lot of famous people like B2ST, big bang, SNSD and many others.
B1A4 were a rookie group but I was still a huge fan. I thought they were so adorable. Especially Gongchan. I really need to stop fantasising about him. His perfect face, his perfect jawline, his perfect eyes-OK KATY ENOUGH STOP IT! I thought as I saw Beth's hand waved frantically in front of my face. 

"STOP DREAMING OF GONGCHAN AND SAY HELLO TO YOUR BEST FRIEND ALREADY!" she grinned at me like an idiot. "HEY!" I shouted as I hugged her with so much force that we both fell on the floor.

"How the hell did you manage to come and see me with your busy schedule?" I smiled brightly at my best friend. I was happy to see her since she couldn't visit as much as I wanted her to. She was so busy touring so I was so excited when she popped in unexpectedly. 

"I asked the manager for a favour." she smiled back at me. Her smile turned into a smirk.  "sooooo..." he said teasingly.  "I heard the news." I went bright red. I turned away from her as burst into laughter. She stood up and skipped out the room chanting " Katy and Channie sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G!!" whilst running down the corridor. I jumped to my feet and ran after her. I looked at my watch as I ran after her. . B1A4 were scheduled to arrive any second. I had to make sure they didn't run into us while she is chanting that.

Gongchans POV

Jiyoung Patted my back as we waited for our photo shoot with Kim Katy. The world famous photographer. I could barely hold my excitement as I kept staring at the clock. Everyone knew I was nervous. I was also excited too. I couldn't believe the manager made this official. All our photo shoots will be officially taken by Katy. I was so happy! I'm a big fan of a lot of people but for some reason i would always fan..boy? If i saw katys name mentioned...well....anywhere really.  I kept looking In the mirror placed opposite my seat in the waiting room.  We all heard a familiar voice running down the corridor chanting something that made my face go bright red. Then i saw Katy. Wow she was pretty. I quickly stood up to meet  her but she wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into my chest. Before she could fall back onto the floor I caught her and pulled her back into a hug. 

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