The Front Sitters Club



There will always be weird things that can happen to you in the world. At least mine has a contingency plan.



Rating | Genre:

PG | Slice-of-Life | Romance


The Front Sitters Club

000. The Front Sitters Club




“You just looked a lot like your sister.”

That was his first line when I opened the door to my new room and said hi to him.

“I get that a lot.” I said and settled down my bags on the unoccupied bed—it’s been thoroughly readied already; with pillows (that has  cookie monster prints on it), comforter (elmo prints, god, it’s ELMO) and mattress (no prints, that's a first)— which is surprisingly normal, given the fact that my crazy older sister was the one who placed my stuff in there. She’s always been weird. And over-protective. And I guess I have to give her the I-am-not-a-kid-anymore-so-stop-putting-sesame-street-printed-stuff-in-my-possesions talk again.

“No, seriously. It’s like you’re her twin.”

“As a matter of fact, we are. She’s just older than me by five minutes.”

“Oh.” He paused. “I’ve never thought of that.”

“Of course you didn’t.” I said in my mind and took of my shoes.

“I’m tired. I am going to sleep first.” I muttered but I knew it was loud enough for him to hear. The pillows looked suddenly appealing to me so I lay down and engulfed myself with supreme comfort.

“Sure. Nice to meet you too, roomie.”

There was silence.

“I’m Taemin by the way.” He said.

And that was what I heard before my eyes finally found their sleepy state, my lashes kissing the tips of my eyes.

I wasn’t even able to tell him my name.


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Chapter 1: Yeah. This is veeeery interesting. i like it. Update soon! Fighting!! :3
this is quite interesting