Wicked and Vicious


If someone falls in love with another, one must carry the heavy burden of having done so.


I used to dream.


Well, everyone did-- lucid, vivid dreams. That's probably normal if you're a child.


But what about me? I'm already seventeen when these weird reveries started. 


Usually, I dreamt of people I didn't even know; a lady on a staircase, being together while reading a book with an unknown guy beside me, vampiric shadows, princes in the tower, words like "We don't have to move anymore. We can live... we can." Even though these were just dreams... I can feel that I have a certain connection to them.


I feel good. I felt at home with them. 

Emotions were passing through my mind. I always wonder what did all of these things were about. I started telling this to my relatives. They did listen to me but I doubt they even give a damn about it because... I'm an illegitimate child. You got the picture already? My father was long dead and my mom? I didn't even know where she was.


But what's weird is... when I tell other people about my dreams, they stop appearing. 
At some point of time, I want those visions to arise again.


I crave for them.

Soon, I just stopped talking to people.


To the point that I start to dislike them. 
Just for these realistic dreams to appear... 


I became anti-social.


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taeramisu #1
Chapter 26: Wow...this story is really beautiful. I finished this all in one day. It's about 1 AM and i have to wake up in a bit to go jogging. But i can miss a day can't i? LOL. Anyways, i really really have no regrets reading this. It's just so beautiful and,,ugh omg this is going on my fics to re-read list. THIS FIC IS PERFECT and it made me cry ;_;This has a really unique plot, and if this was made into an actual book, i'd buy it. Even if it was 100$.
luminous_secret #2
Chapter 26: This story was really beautiful...
it was quite a sad story though. You don't know how many times I wanted to yell at Key to tell Jonghyun the truth.
This. Was. Just. So. Dang. Creative.
I usually don't like stories that have this mysterious aura around them, but this was too good to not read..
It just had this addicting plot that was definitely different from anything else I ever read.
I wish though Key and Jonghyun would have a few more minutes to say their goodbye before Key died....depressing~
An art piece is what you created.
Thanks for writing such an awesome story!
Chapter 26: I can say that this story has somehow wrapped my mind. kekeke its really interesting, good written and somehow mysterious. but also dramatic and a bit tragic, though there kinda is a happy ending to this. I also really like the way you wrote this, though I didn`t read the summaries of the chapters.

oh, and I think I`ll add this to my jongkey rec list.^^
Chapter 26: I cried man I cried. Beautiful. This story was just beautiful! <3
KimKeyBummi #5
Chapter 26: Wow this is just..wow this is so creative and just omg i cant explain. Its so fuking sad but so beautiful! I wish that key didnt have to die tho :( im really sad its oer but man was i addicted to this story.. Its just amazing
Chapter 26: Wow...This story...It's so bizar and amazingly addictive to read!! Icried at the ending chapter and could't help but feel all fuzzy when I red the epilogue, which I totally love! I mean reading your own book and the last phrase took my breath away.
It's really a very special story that you don't find easily. Written amazingly and those emotions. I could imagine everything in my head and the feelings really stayed with me.
I can say: this is a masterpiece

*clapping non stop*
One of the ebst "books" I ever red.
And Yes I consider this even as a book and not just a fanfic, it's that good :)
YunJaeMinYooSu #7
Chapter 26: A really rare story for me..
I loved I hated then I loved it again but then I hated it but at the end I really loved..
It was a really good story that made me think of diferent kind of stuff
good job!! \O/
Ok...so... i begin to read this fiction since the beginning and i loved it istantly.. This story was so beautiful, and exciting and even sad too and full of emotion.... And you, write very very well. This is really great, a master piece like everyone says... really... CONGRATULATIONS!! YOU DID A GREAT JOB!! :D
Chapter 26: This is a masterpiece, dear author. I am sure going to read this all over again. It had became a routine, waiting for you to update, fangirling sometimes, crying, thinking because this fic gave me a lot of emotions that I couldnt feel when I am reading other fics out there... youre the best. <3
vinseopforever #10
Chapter 26: Okay I would like to say it has been a pleasure reading your story it was amazing and I mean amazing. It was a very well written piece that I will love forever and will probably read over again. The end of course made me sob. I started crying at the point of Gwiboon taking Jonghyun to where Jinki died and Jinki mouths "I'm okay." Then Minho's farewell speech holy sdkjfgsjfagsdfj FLIP ALL THE DAMN TABLES OKAY!? I COULD HARDLY READ MY DAMN COMPUTER SCREEN BECAUSE OF THE TEARS! Then when Key started to fade just ughhh.

Yeah.. so thank you very much!! Hope it has been a pleasure for you, writing this story as it has been for me, reading it.