
━m o m e n t u m [apply]


Click. Clack. Click. Clack. Black stilettos hit the white polished floors that could only belong to Lialka Entertainment as a woman clad in a black business suit walked through the halls, greeted by the usually ‘good morning’s as she passed by other employees. Stopping in front of one of the many doors in the hallway, she tapped her knuckle twice before opening the door.

You know he’s so beautiful. Maybe you will never know. Nae pume sumgyeodugo naman bollae

“Chance-ssi, sorry to disturb your practice but sajjangnim requires your presence in her office right away.” Chance let out a groan and put down her mic as she walked over to the sofa near the door.

“I can honestly say that I did nothing wrong these past few days.” The woman in the business suit rolled her eyes as she smacked the back of Chance’s head.

“It’s not a lecture. It’s about the new group. Now, stop slacking off and don’t you dare not show up.” Slam! And, the woman was gone. Chance slumped in her seat, drinking from her water bottle and standing up a few minutes later. Might as well get this over with.

After traveling through the rather large building and stopping by the company café for a snack, Chance had finally entered the 6th floor where their president’s office was located. As she entered the room and flopped down on the sofa the president had there, Lialka Entertainment’s lovely president, Byeong HwaSoo, shifted her attention to one of her best artists.

“You called my dear sajjangnim?” Chance flashed a bright smile at HwaSoo to which she simply mentally sighed at. This girl is too happy-go-lucky for her own good, she thought.

“I want you to help these girls with reaching success. Share some tricks, supervise them and the like. I want you to treat them like your protégé. You can tag along Athena or Joo if you want.” HwaSoo calmly stated as she arranged the various papers on her desk.

“Wait; am I being replaced or something?”

“No, Chance. You’re just going to be a good sunbae and help the girls.”

“Oh… I’m fine with that. Is that all? I have a radio show in half an hour.” Chance said as she stated heading for the elevator.

“Yes, have fun at the show. Try not to cause too much trouble.”


“Oh and Chance?”


“You’re gonna be on We Got Married.”

“Wait! What?!” And the elevator doors finally closed.

Damn that woman.


dancing in the rain;
yush! finally a little teaser!
kinda small if you ask me tho
well, as you can see, Chance is going
to be helping you guys out!
yay! lol and you've met the president!
she's kinda evil hashjgfbjk
hope ya'll like it~


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[ticktock] applicants, check the update to make sure you're there!


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the plot is just fine. there's nothing bad about it. i like it. lots of us do. c:
I just want to tell you again if I have applied.
This is my link (again) cause I didn't see my name in the applicant list
Waiting patiently :)
;u; oh~ a girl ceo. o u o
and loool, the elevator closed. = u =
lol, poor chance xD
the sajangnim - me gusta. she reminds me of papa YG <3~
Here's my application author-nim!


;uuuuu; <3
the lead vocalist's voice is like bom's. ouo
i know, it's not really bom in the story but still.
kdsfkehehhe, bom's voice is gorgeous though. <3
but wooopwoop, we get to hear her voice! c':