Athena shows off Momentum's Lead Vocals

━m o m e n t u m [apply]


Athena shows off Momentum's Lead Vocals
by loveissobad - 7 hours ago
After Chance revealed Lialka Entertainment's trainees' dancing powers, Athena followed up with another video of Momentum's Lead vocalist with the message "Aish, main vocalist-ssi ran off again. Oh well, at least we get to see Momentum's Lead Vocalist~ Everyone, please welcome her! (^~^)"
Well, it surely seems that Momentum's Main Vocalist won be revealing herself anytime soon. For the mean time, here's Momentum's Lead Vocalist!
Check out the video:

beautiful target;
yay~ we finally revealed the powers of our lead vocalist!
main vocalist-ssi is hiding from the camera XD
say hi to Athena ^^
anyways, keep the applications coming.
I might extend the deadline since no one's erally submitting their apps
except for an awesome few
so yeah, fighting!



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[ticktock] applicants, check the update to make sure you're there!


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the plot is just fine. there's nothing bad about it. i like it. lots of us do. c:
I just want to tell you again if I have applied.
This is my link (again) cause I didn't see my name in the applicant list
Waiting patiently :)
;u; oh~ a girl ceo. o u o
and loool, the elevator closed. = u =
lol, poor chance xD
the sajangnim - me gusta. she reminds me of papa YG <3~
Here's my application author-nim!

;uuuuu; <3
the lead vocalist's voice is like bom's. ouo
i know, it's not really bom in the story but still.
kdsfkehehhe, bom's voice is gorgeous though. <3
but wooopwoop, we get to hear her voice! c':