School starts.

Yah, I love you... NOT?


First day of school.

I woke up at 5 because I was too anxious to sleep any longer. I am always like that, always having trouble sleeping the night before an important event. I was so tired. My auntie and I spent the whole day yesterday going shopping for food, uniforms and school supplies. Now that I think of it, I think I should have lengthen the time period to 3 or 4 days until I got to school since I still couldn’t get used to the time zone in Korea. I had to sleep when I was supposed to be awake. Well, too bad so sad.

I made breakfast, just a simple dish of pancake and bacon and a cup of milk. Auntie bought me enough food for a month. She offered to take me to school, too.

I dressed up properly in school uniform. A button up shirt, a light knitted white sweater, a navy blue tux-like jacket and a navy blue short skirt. Since it was almost winter and it was turning cold, they also sold these huge jackets for extra warmth. I packed my brand new backpack with school supplies that we bought yesterday. I always go to school prepared. Hehe.

6:30 A.M

"Mina-ah" Oh no, auntie is here. I panicked. I quickly grabbed my huge jacket and ran outside. It's not good to let anyone wait for you.

"Good morning, auntie. How are you?" I smiled as soon as I saw her at the gate. She smiled and took my backpack so I could put my jacket on. It was a bit cold since it was a chilly fall morning. Suddenly a gust of wind brushed by, I shivered. I thought I almost lost my soul right there. I quickly rushed to the car and hopped in. Even though I lived in Seattle, I still have to admit that I'm not much of a cold person. I love warm weather.

"Cold right?" Auntie reached to turn the heater a bit more. "How did you sleep?" She asked as she started the car.

I shook my head, "I think I'm turning into an owl. Eyes wide opened last night." I exaggerated it a bit but no harm was done. I really couldn't sleep last night or the nights before. Still had to get use to the time zone.

"Time zone." Auntie took the words right out of my mouth. "You will get use to it eventually."

I looked out the window and watched us passing trees and large buildings and small buildings. I started to get sleepy.

"Oh." Auntie gasped and turned around to get something from the back seats. "Here's you lunch. Your mom told me to make a lunch box for you. She said that you might not know that students in Korea bring their own lunch." She handed me a plastic lunch box with a cute pink bow on top.

"Thanks, auntie." I exclaimed. I really did not know that we were supposed to pack our own lunch. I usually just eat the lunch from the cafeteria. But in some Korean dramas I watched, some of them have really luxurious cafeteria food. Well, I guess it's only for super rich school kids... >.<

"Here we are." Auntie hit the brake. We stopped right in front of the hill leading to the school.

"Thank, auntie." I grabbed the lunch box and my backpack and hopped out of the car.

"I will pick you up so wait for me here after school. OK?" She called out as I skipped away.

"Ok!" I said cheerfully as I skipped my way to the gate.


And there was where I see perfection, Lee Jang Woo, the love of my life, was walking toward the gate as well.

I ran quickly to my love and put up a smile, "Good morning, Lee teacher." I said brightly.

He turned and looked at me. "Good morning, Park Mina."  I got super excited that he was remembered my name that I follow him through the gate.

"Good morning, teachers." I bowed and greeted the teachers at the gate cheerfully. After all, it was my first day; and it's good to make a good impression. They greeted back. They are all nice people! Or at least I thought so at the time.

My love chuckled. I thought it was cute how he chuckled. Maybe he thought I was cute. I know, I was such a dreamer.

"Teacher. Can you take me to get my schedule?" I asked him as we entered the teacher building.

"Sure." He said without looking back. He tone was rather cold.

He took me into the principal office.

“How are you Ms. Park? Ready for school?” The principal smiled graciously at me as soon as he saw me.

“I’m good. How about you? And you bet I am.” I said with my super hyper, excited voice.

He smiled, “Well then, welcome to Kangin High. You are now officially one of our students.” He announced proudly.

“Thank you.” I said.

“I see that you already got the uniform. Great. Now I suppose you should go to class. You will receive for books in class.” He said to me as he led me out of his office. “Mr. Lee will tell you which homeroom teacher you have.”

Jang Woo (my love) led me over to the old lady sitting at the very end of the room.

“What’s your name, honey?” The old nice lady asked me with her trembling voice.

“Park. Mi. Na.” I said as clearly as I could. I had a feeling that she had problem hearing.

“Ms. Park. Your homeroom teacher is Lee. Jang. Woo.” The old lady sounded the name out after a few minutes of searching on the computer. It was a pretty old fashion computer with big curve screen.

I gasped and turned to Jang Woo. I really couldn’t believe my luck.

“So you’re one of my students?” He asked without even smiling.

“I guess I am.” I smiled widely, not abled to hide how much I loved it.

“Follow me then. Time’s for class.” He said and led the way.

I followed him to a second year building. Kids were still running around everywhere. And then the bell rang, everyone ran straight back to class and it suddenly got creepily quiet in the hallway.

We stopped in front of classroom “10B”. Without saying a word, Jang Woo opened the door and entered. I had no choice but to follow him in.

The kids straighten their seat as soon as they saw Jang Woo’s entrance. A student sitting in front stood and called for everyone to rise and they greeted the teacher. Now that was familiar, I saw it many times in Korean dramas that my mom watches. They quickly sat down and I immediately spotted a group of guys that didn’t stand or greet the teacher. They sat all the way in the back. And there sat the enemy of my life. I got a shiver as he looked up at my direction and smiled a little.

“We have a new student. She moved from the U.S not too long ago so be nice to her.” Jang Woo announced to the class and turned to me, gestured for me to introduce myself.

I stood in front. I had practiced for this. I took the chalk and turned to the board to write my name. Park. Mi. Na. I wrote it clearly.

“Hello everyone. My name is Park Mina as you can see. Nice to meet you all. Please take care of me from now.” I bowed and said cheerfully.

“Take care of yourself.” Some guy shouted from the back and everyone started laughing.

WHAT? TAKE CARE OF MYSELF? WATCH AND I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR FILTHY MOUHT FOR YOU! I wanted to shout that out but Jang Woo stepped in.

“I guess you should take care of yourself with 20 laps around the field at lunch then.” Jang Woo pointed at the guy sitting at the every corner of the classroom. He was with the rude guy, the enemy of my life.

The classroom settled down after Jang Woo oppa’s comment. He turned to me and signaled for me to go find my seat. I looked around and there was only one seat left. The one right in front of the enemy. I took my seat bitterly.

“Hey blind girl. What coincidence, right?” The enemy reached up and whispered.

I somewhat had a feeling that this school year would not be an easy one for me.


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Chapter 3: update soon!!
Chapter 3: It's good that Mina is able to make at least one friend on her first day of school. The boy spells trouble wherever he goes that it's best to not hang around him. To approach her like that, it sounds like he may be even a little interested in Mina. Since she's never heard of him before, it's not likely that she knows him like he expects. Mina is really new to the school and doesn't know anything going on at school. On the day when she arrived at the school to get her enrollment stuff straightened out, she did manage to take him by surprise for responding to him in English and Korean. That must be the first time that he's experienced getting boldly confronted by a girl. He seems to be aware of Mina's infatuation towards Jangwoo. There's something about him that seems to give Mina the shivers--like something about him is not quite right. It is sickening to see those impure girls practically throwing themselves at the guys in desperation.
Chapter 2: It is hard to adjust to a different time zone when one is so used to the one back in his/her home country. Lucky for Mina, her aunt came prepared. Things seen in dramas can be different from reality since what's presented on screen tend to be stereotypical. He must be amused at seeing her warmly greet the teachers that he couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle. Jangwoo is tough on students about proper behavior. Because of his coldness, he's the type that one wouldn't want to mess around with. It's going to be hard for her since the "rude guy" isn't making things easy for her.
Chapter 1: The one whom Kristine dubbed "rude boy" is either just plain disrespectful or has something against the teacher to not bow his respect. It looks like she'd fit in just fine because of her fluency in Korean. While he was giving her a tour of the school, she was too distracted with gushing over him to listen to a word he's saying. It's like he was in a hurry to get it over and done with because he didn't slow down to explain some things to help her get familiar with the school. She obviously seems to be into him. However, he doesn't seem interested. The way that he responded to her outburst could be him showing that he's weirded out by her. Maybe it's just that her aunt has such good taste, being the more hip and modern-styled one, to be able to pick out something that fitting of her niece's style.

One word that you have misspelled is "unfamiliar," which you spelled as "unfimiliar." There's also the improper usage of the word "quiet" whre "quite" is meant to be used.
This is definitely one of those not-so-typical romance stories. It's good to see something that's not cliche. It'll be interesting to see how all the characters play into it.

He is a concerned father to be checking up on his daughter to see whether she arrived there all right.It's not that she isn't careful. The guys seemed to be the ones who weren't watching where they're going.
Just thought I'd drop by and ask if you were going to continue this story. I'm actually a fan of Lee Jang Woo so finding a story with him on AFF was really refreshing ^_^ Of course I like L too ;)
Yerlie1001 #7
Let the games begin for this skool yr...^^
You've got me interested so far! Can't wait till next update :)