The meeting

Yah, I love you... NOT?


2 Days before school.

"Daddy? I just arrived at school." I pulled my luggage behind me as I took a few unsteady steps up the steep hill. 

"I thought I told you to call me as soon as you get off the plane."

"I had to take out the luggage and then try to catch the taxi. I forgot. I'm sorry, daddy." I whined a little, adding a cute little giggle to ease my dad's worries. One hand pulling with suit case and the other hold the phone, I made my way up to my new life in Korea. It was already pretty rough and difficult since the beginning. For a moment, I wondered how I will survive.

"Poor girl. I told you that I could go with you."

"Daddy. It's ok. I'm 16 now. I'm not a little girl anymore. I can take care of myself now." I tried to ensure my dad that I will be fine because the fact is, I will. No one can bring down this mighty Kristine.

"I get it. i get it. OK. You are not a little girl any more but you are still a little girl in my eyes." My dad makes these kissy sounds that are just simply unbearable.

"Ok dad. Well, this little girl has to get off the phone to go talk to the administrators of the school." I saw the gate! It's the gate that will lead my to my new happy, independent life in Korea.

"Ok. Take care. Call me as soon as possible, ok?"

"Ok daddy! Love you." I skipped toward the gate as I gave my daddy a kiss through the phone. I hung up the phone when...

I thought I hit a wall. But a wall in the middle of the road is just impossible. Plus, I believe that I have 20/20 vision, there would be no way that I could have missed that big wall in front of me. Anyways, I bounced off the "wall" and fell straight back on my . 

"At least look where you walk." A guy spoke. So I guessed it wasn't a wall after all. It was just some punks walking around, BLIND. 

"What did you say?" I said in English as I looked up at the figure that was covering the sun ahead of me.

"Wow. She speaks English." Another guy spoke, voice fill with awes. 

The guy in front shushed that guy and gestured as if he was going to hit the poor guy.

I stood up, flicked away the dust on my dress and looked at the guy.

"What do you want? Blind girl?" The rude guy last time said in English. I almost died from laughter because of his accent but I held it back. To be honest, he was kind of good. "What a shame. Such a pretty chick is blind and dumb." He then turned to his friends and said in Korean and laughed.


"Well, I'm sorry." I said in Korean and gave a quick bow. I didn't want to cause any trouble on the first day in Korea. I couldn't hide a smirk when I saw their faces, though.

"Well, you better be. And is that thing yours?" The rude guy cleared his throat and looked over my shoulders. What now?

I turned around and there went my suitcase, rolling down the hill. "NO! My suitcase!" I blurted out in English before taking off my heels and started running for it. WHY? WHY? WHY? WHAT IS WITH MY LIFE? I ran quickly down the hill when I saw that perfect guy, the love of my life.

He caught the suitcase, looking shock and then looked around to find the owner. "Excuse me. That's mine." I yelled out in English unconciously.

He looked up at my direction as I ran to him. "Yours?" He asked as he handed me the suitcase.

"Thank you." I smiled and took the suitcase. I bent down to put on my heels, "Well, this is my first time..." I looked up and greeted in Korean but he wasn't there. I looked around and found him walking toward the school. The group of rude people a while ago stopped and bowed to him, except for that super rude guy.

"A teacher?" I gasped, eyes widened and mouth opened. "HE'S CUTE~" I smiled. This would be when my Korean life gets happy.

I ran happily to the administration building. I had quiet a hard time finding it since the school structrure was still quiet unfimiliar for me even after asking the security guy for direction. But I found it anyways.

"Hello. How are you all doing?" I greeted the teachers  brightly in Korean as soon as I entered. My eyes quickly searched for the love of my life. Target was spotted next the the far left window. All the teacher turned to look at me, including him.

"You must be?" A teacher came to greet me.

"Oh. How do you do? My name is Krist- Park Mina, the new transfer student from America." I bowed politely and introduced myself.

"Oh, is that so? Come this way." The teacher led the way to the principal office.

"Hello Ms. Park Mina." The principal seemed rather hard to approach compare the principal I had before, Dr. Wiltz. "Please sit."

I sat down after giving another 90 degrees bow.

"Welcome. I'm your principal, Lee Man Juk." He said with his deep voice.

"How do you do?" I smiled and have him a neck bow. (that's what i call it :P)

"When would you like to start school, Ms. Park?" He laced his fingers together and placed them on the desk.

"I would like to start as soon as possible. Maybe the day after tomorrow?" I said, excited to meet "the love of my life."

"Your Korean is pretty good. Surprisingly good." He seemed surprised.

I gave him a humble chuckle, "Well, my mom taught me well." I smiled

He laughed and so did I. "OK, that's the spirit. Would you like to take a look around today?" He offered.

"Yes, please. If that's not troublesome." I said, tried to be as polite as possible.

"It's totally fine." He laughed. "Ms. Kim?" He called for someone outside. She came in and greeted him. "I would like you to give Ms. Park here a tour around the school." He said to the lady.

"Uhm... Excuse me." I spoke hesistatingly. 

"Yes, Ms. Park." He quickly turned to me.

"I would like a certain person to give me the tour. Is that fine?" I said cautiously.

"Sure, sure. It seems like you already made some friends. And who would that be?" He sounded surprisingly excited.

"I don't know his name, but it's the tall, young, handsome teacher that is really a navy blue jacket today." I tried to describe him as correctly as possible.

"Mr. Lee?" 

"I guess so."

"I see." He smiled. "Call Mr. Lee in." He ordered the lady.

"You wanted to see me, Principal." That teacher's voice is so soft and gentle.

"Ms. Park here would like to have you to give her a tour around the school."

I turned around, put up my brightest smile. "Hello, teacher." I bowed.


I followed him out the classrooms area. I couldn't stop staring at him. He is so cool! I just stared at him from behind throughout the whole tour. I would nod and say "yes" once in while so I won't seem so obvious. 

"This is the canteen." ,"This is the art building." ,"This is the nurse office."

The tour ended and the amount of information I had received about the school remained 0. The words he said earlier went in one ear and immidiately went out the other. But there was one thing I learned though, that is I have a really cute teacher in the school. Totally excited.


"Yes? Do you need anything?" He turned around and asked.

"You're so cool. DAEBAK!" I said cutely with my thumbs up.

He looked at me, cleared his throat and walked away.

"Teacher! Mr. Lee!" I yelled after him. Did I go out to strong?



After leaving school, disappointed, I went to find my auntie's house. One taxi drive was enough, the driver took me straight to auntie's dront gate. Together with auntie, we went to my house. Daddy bought a small house for me awhile ago somewhere in Seoul. He knew that mom had been wanting to send me to Korea so he bought one when the prize was pretty decent. That's my daddy, successful a businessman. It was not that difficult to find my aunt's house. I just gave the taxi driver the address and he took me straight to auntie's front gate.

Auntie was so happy to see me. We went inside her house for some snack and she offered to take me to my house. It was a ten minutes drive. So I saw that daddy bought that house on purpose. He wanted for me and auntie to be near each other. My house was a decent house, small but cozy. The interior is really modern with a hint of cuteness. Totally my style. 

"Do you like your house?" Auntie asked me as we walked hand in hand to explore the house. Yes we are pretty close. She went to visit me several time when I was in the U.S.

"Wow! It's DAEBAK!" I gave her my ultimate cheeky smile. She laughed. She said she loves my smile.

"I chose the furniture and wallpaper for you. I guessed you might like these kind of styles."

"WOW! Auntie! You're the best!" I gave her a big hug. To be honest, sometimes I even doubted whether I'm my mom's child or auntie's child since we have so much in common. Mommy, I'm sorry...

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Chapter 3: update soon!!
Chapter 3: It's good that Mina is able to make at least one friend on her first day of school. The boy spells trouble wherever he goes that it's best to not hang around him. To approach her like that, it sounds like he may be even a little interested in Mina. Since she's never heard of him before, it's not likely that she knows him like he expects. Mina is really new to the school and doesn't know anything going on at school. On the day when she arrived at the school to get her enrollment stuff straightened out, she did manage to take him by surprise for responding to him in English and Korean. That must be the first time that he's experienced getting boldly confronted by a girl. He seems to be aware of Mina's infatuation towards Jangwoo. There's something about him that seems to give Mina the shivers--like something about him is not quite right. It is sickening to see those impure girls practically throwing themselves at the guys in desperation.
Chapter 2: It is hard to adjust to a different time zone when one is so used to the one back in his/her home country. Lucky for Mina, her aunt came prepared. Things seen in dramas can be different from reality since what's presented on screen tend to be stereotypical. He must be amused at seeing her warmly greet the teachers that he couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle. Jangwoo is tough on students about proper behavior. Because of his coldness, he's the type that one wouldn't want to mess around with. It's going to be hard for her since the "rude guy" isn't making things easy for her.
Chapter 1: The one whom Kristine dubbed "rude boy" is either just plain disrespectful or has something against the teacher to not bow his respect. It looks like she'd fit in just fine because of her fluency in Korean. While he was giving her a tour of the school, she was too distracted with gushing over him to listen to a word he's saying. It's like he was in a hurry to get it over and done with because he didn't slow down to explain some things to help her get familiar with the school. She obviously seems to be into him. However, he doesn't seem interested. The way that he responded to her outburst could be him showing that he's weirded out by her. Maybe it's just that her aunt has such good taste, being the more hip and modern-styled one, to be able to pick out something that fitting of her niece's style.

One word that you have misspelled is "unfamiliar," which you spelled as "unfimiliar." There's also the improper usage of the word "quiet" whre "quite" is meant to be used.
This is definitely one of those not-so-typical romance stories. It's good to see something that's not cliche. It'll be interesting to see how all the characters play into it.

He is a concerned father to be checking up on his daughter to see whether she arrived there all right.It's not that she isn't careful. The guys seemed to be the ones who weren't watching where they're going.
Just thought I'd drop by and ask if you were going to continue this story. I'm actually a fan of Lee Jang Woo so finding a story with him on AFF was really refreshing ^_^ Of course I like L too ;)
Yerlie1001 #7
Let the games begin for this skool yr...^^
You've got me interested so far! Can't wait till next update :)