Chapter 10

In the Arms of an Angel

On the day of their anniversary, Jinri woke up to a cold and empty bed. Frowning, she turned to her side to check what time it was on the digital alarm clock. 9:30 am it said in bright green lights. Groaning she buried her face in the pillow. “Kris?” she half-screamed, since her voice was muffled by the white fluffy pillow.
When she didn’t get an answer, Jinri propped herself up on her elbows, her front still facing the bed. “Kris?” she said louder this time. The emptiness of the apartment greeted her back. She might as well be talking to air. “Hey, where are you?! Kris!” she turned around irritated and sat up. An audible gasp escaped her lips.
On the dresser, colourful post-its with little smiley faces on them were pasted on the mirror. Then a black arrow on a blue post-it had an arrow that pointed downwards. There was a pink letter with a little heart sticker on it, sitting on the table part of the dresser with rose petals prettily spread around it. It was then she noticed the heaps of rose petals on the comforter of their bed. ‘A bed of roses… how sweet Kris…’ she smiled to herself, then pouted ‘Why didn’t I notice it first?’ Jinri got up out of the bed, then her eyes widened yet again. The pearly white floors were decorated with a path of red rose petals with the occasional pink petals. A dreamy smile highlighted her beautiful face.
She walked up to the dresser and unfolded the mysterious piece of paper.

Good morning beautiful~ Happy anniversary Jinri!
How was your sleep? Did you dream of me? Just kidding  Do you see those roses?
Follow them. They will lead you to me. I have something special for you.
Come and find me ok, love? I love you <3
PS. Pick up the flowers for me?

Jinri’s heart swooned and fluttered. Running to the closet, suddenly feeling so awake and fresh, ‘He is so sweet.’ She thought. ‘But what flowers is he talking about?’ Putting on a beige polka dotted skirt and a peachy blouse, she walked up to the start of the roses and there was an Acacia. The flower was like a white dandelion, except it was yellow and was slightly bigger.
She picked it up and smelt the fragrance of the tropical-like flower. There was a small note on the ground next to where the flower was lying and Jinri picked it up slowly.
Acacia’s symbolize ‘Secret Love’. I have loved you for a long time Jinri. Even before you met me I watched over you since you were a little girl and gradually I fell in love…

After reading the note, Jinri followed ‘rose petal road’. It lead to the kitchen and ended in front of the house phone. Jinri looked confusedly at it then strutted towards it. As she came closer to the phone, she noticed it read ‘One Unread Message’. She unfolded the third note today and read it.
You are more dazzling than any other angel I have seen.
Listen to the message of the phone.
Then go the place where we first met.

Jinri picked up the flower; it was the Hawaiian peach-pink Hibiscus. The petals were very large and the entire flower was about the size of Jinri’s palm. She put the flower in the same hand as the Acacia, then pressed the phone to her ear. She pressed play and was greeted with Kris’ soothing voice, greeting her. Then he started singing. Jinri gasped and covered with the hand that held the flowers.
Kris was singing ‘Into Your World’ and it sounded perfect and very captivating. Really the voice of an angel. She silently sang along with Kris’ voice, listening intently to the peaceful music. Her eyes closed in bliss and a smile on her lips. All too soon the song ended and Kris ended a call with a sweet ‘I love you.’
Even when the song was over, it kept on replaying in her head. Kris’ calming voice was just too much to take in at the moment for Jinri. She had never, never heard him sing. Now that she has, it’s absolutely glorious. Then following where Kris said for her to go, she headed out the door and towards the park across the street.
Jinri sneakily looked from side to side. Looking for what? She did not know. She crept into the sand and looked around the area for anything Kris might have left for her.
Then a bright pink flower was caught in her line of sight. Turning around, there indeed was a pink flower with a note tied on the step and more rose petals around it on the one of the swings. It was on the swing that Kris was sitting on during that faithful night.
Walking up to it Jinri picked up the flower up. It was a Plumeria and was mainly pink in colour. It was pink on the outer edges of each petal then faded into white in the middle. In the center of the flower, it was coloured a bright shade of yellow. Jinri quickly untied the note and opened it, holding now three flowers in one hand.
Plumeria’s mean ‘New Beginnings’. Meeting you was the best thing
that ever happened to me in my entire life. You are God’s precious
gift to me. I promise to treasure you forever…
PS. There is a car around the corner. My friend will drive you to where you need to be next.

Jinri whipped her head around, looking for the car. Indeed, there was a black car parked at the corner of the street and Jinri began walking towards it.
“Hello to you too Jinri. Glad to see you today…” Kai responded with sarcasm, rolling his eyes.
“So, where are we going?” Jinri asked cutely, turning her body side to side, looking at Kai with big eyes.
“You’ll see.” Kai smirked and opened the door for her. Jinri’s bottom lip jutted out in disappointment.
“Can you at least tell me where Kris is?”
“Nope. Now get in.”
Jinri was dropped off at the front of her old school confusedly with directions to go to her classroom from Kai.
Upon entering the school, there was an eerie feel because it was completely empty. Then all of a sudden a song started paying on the intercom. It was peaceful and sounded full of love. Jinri silently paced to her classroom during her last year of high school. The song continued playing on the loud speakers. It had a very calming effect and Jinri soon found herself humming along to the tune of the song.
The class room was empty, save for the desks and chairs. But there was one particular desk in the far corner of the room. It had a flower on it again, another white one with a note and even more roses surrounding it. Jinri moved herself to the desk that was once hers.
Laughing lightly, she smiled and traced over the word that were scratched onto the desk. ‘Kris loves Jinri’ then a little heart sign after that. “He is so weird…” Jinri picked up the flower and got a whiff of the aroma of the beautiful flower. A white periwinkle was cradled elegantly in her fingers as she read the new letter.
White Periwinkles represents ‘Pleasures of Memory’. I had a wonderful time being able
to learn in the same classroom as you. The memories that we have shared
and will share, will forever be embedded my heart and mind.
PS. Where was our first dance again?

Jinri walked out of the classroom and headed to the Gymnasium. The piano still playing on the speakers.
The gym was empty as expected, it was a Saturday. Jinri just hoped that she would have been able to see Kris here already but to her disappointment, there was only another flower, rose petals and a note lying in the middle of the massive room. However, she wasn’t complaining. No not at all.
Walking up to the flower on the ground, she picked the purple flower up and read again, yet another note.
The flower this time is a Viscaria. It asks ‘Will you dance with me?’
Our first dance was in this room. It wasn’t that much, but it was very
memorable to me. Remember, no one will make me smile more than you do Jinri. 
‘Soul meets soul on a lover’s lips.’ – Percy Shelly

“Soul meets soul on a lover’s lips… What does that mean?” Jinri thought out loud. “Kris what are you…soul meets soul…lips…” she touched her lips gently. “That means a kiss right? Kiss… Kiss… Oh! Well I’m stupid.” Shaking her head, she smiled and walked out of the school.
The school garden was decorated beautifully with newly planted flowers and trees. Plants that Jinri had never seen before. She walked beside al the benches and stopped at the most unforgettable one. Yes, it was just pieces of wood and metal, nailed and glued together expertly, but to Jinri this was one of the most beautiful places in the world.
On the bench rose petals were scattered all over, it w hard for Jinri to get to the bench without stepping on one. Reaching skilfully for the note and the flowers. “Two?” Jinri tilted her head in confusion at the new set of flowers in her hand.
When I saw you sitting here on this bench that night, I thought you looked like an angel. My angel, so beautiful and captivating.
That is what the Cherry Blossom stands for, feminine beauty. The yellow lily means ‘It’s heavenly to be with you’. It truly is. I was in heaven when I kissed you that night. I love you.
The piano plays the love song of my heart.

“Piano…What are you talking about Kris?” Jinri turned around and started walking up to the school, holding the seven flowers in both hands.
Kris stood in the middle of the music room. Occasionally looking at the black and silver watch on his wrist. Sitting down on the sleek black piano stool, he waited patiently. A grand piano was put on the center stage with a spotlight shining down on it. The glossy and lustrous finish of the piano shone in the bright light.
He was dressed in a light or sky blue dress shirt, with beige buttons and a touch of navy blue on some parts of the shirt. His pants were black and slightly baggy. A very casual but ‘slightly formal’ outfit.
Kris ran his long fingers across the piano keys. Sighing he pressed a random note. C. The single sound rang throughout the auditorium, the note echoing off of the walls. Kris looked down at the piano with a straight face, but random questions and sentences were all jumbled up in his head.
Pursing his lips together and pouting a bit, he face the seats in the auditorium Also facing the big red, ‘fabricated’ door at the top of the stairs. He his lips nervously and folded his hands together. Then a loud reverberation of a creak was heard all over the auditorium and Kris looked up.
Jinri was standing there, the flowers in her hand. An excited smile dancing on her lips. The light from the outside shone into the big room and illuminated Kris’ face. Kris stood up, welcoming Jinri to come down to him.
“You found me…” Kris said smiling affectionately down at her, once she was wrapped in his arms standing on the stage.
“Yes, I did.” Jinri smiled back, placing her hands on his shoulders, the flowers still held in one hand.
“You look beautiful.” Kris said shyly. It wasn’t that noticeable, but Jinri was able to make out the timidness in his voice.
“Thank you.” Jinri looked at the ground her face flushed, biting her bottom lip. The smile on Kris’ face never left as he curled a clump of hair behind her ear and tilted her head up. The kiss they shared was light and sweet. Just a simple touch of lips.
When they parted Jinri pressed her forehead against his. Their breath mingled as they looked each other deeply in the eyes. Kris blindly tried to put his hand on Jinri’s cheek. When he did, the touch was so delicate and dainty it sent shivers down Jinri’s spine.
“Oh! I have something for you.” Kris abruptly pulled away. “Wait here…” he walked up the piano and reached behind the lyre. Jinri bent her body to the side from her hips in confusion. But she was still anticipating what will happen next.
Kris walked up to her with a hand behind his back. A sheepish smile on his face and his eyes curved upwards slightly.
“What are you hiding over there?”Jinri asked him.
“Nothing…” Kris came right up to her, there was no space between them. Jinri shot him a look. Kris pulled away from her and brought his hand out.
A red rose was enclosed in his palm and fingers. No rose petals around it this time. Kris smiled at her with slightly wider and cute eyes than she has ever seen. “Happy Anniversary.” Jinri smiled at him and took the rose from his hand, their fingers brushing against each others in the exchange.
“Happy Anniversary.” Jinri stood on her toes (cuz Kris is a giant), leaned in and kissed Kris’ cheek, lightly.
“You know roses means ‘I Love You.’ I really do, Jinri.” Kris clasped their hands together. “That’s why I left rose petals with the rest of the flowers. I wanted to say ‘I love you’ every time.”
“Oh…so that’s what it meant… You know Kris, any girl would be lucky to have you as theirs. You treat me so well, like a princess. I’m kind of getting worried that I am not giving enough back to you. I mean my present is a little bit small.”Jinri said embarrassed and ashamed of herself.
“Jinri… You loving me is more than enough a gift. Remember what I said?” he tucked a flower behind her ear. “You are the most precious thing to me.” Kris held her in his arms for what seemed like eternity, but it only really lasted for a few minutes.
“Yes I remember. Thank you… Um…By the way… Just wondering, what’s the piano for?” she suddenly asked confused.
“I wanted to play for you…” Kris rubbed a hand at the back of his neck and looked up at Jinri with an expectant face.
“Why are you acting so shy today?” Jinri went up to him and slapped his arm playfully. “Just because it’s our anniversary doesn’t mean you can go all cute and shy on me. But I don’t mind it sometimes…. Just act like your normal self. Where did the flirtatious Kris go?” Jinri sauntered to the piano and sat down. Kris immediately following her.
“So you want me to act arrogant, sarcastic and distant?” Kris sat beside her.
“No… Just be yourself. You’re arrogant and sarcastic and distant when we are with other people, but we’re alone now. So…just be your ‘Kris’ self.” Jinri beamed at him.
“Okay… I will.” Kris placed his hands on the keyboard but not really playing just yet.
“What are you going to play?”
“You’ll see.” Kris pressed the first few keys and Jinri instantly recognized the song.
His glided across the keyboard, the serene sound bounding against the sound proof walls. The way he played it was so full of emotion, Jinri was almost, almost brought to tears. She could really feel the love in the song and the way Kris was playing it. She felt the way that ‘person’ needed the affection and compassion of another. How much that ‘person’ loved’ the other. Jinri thought it was a beautiful song that set the mood perfectly.
She rested her head gently on Kris shoulder, careful to not disturb him. She then closed her eyes and listened to the melodious sound. The high notes reached her ears and rung continuously in her mind. The song was imprinted into her brain. She would never forget this one.
It all ended too soon. Kris took his hands off of the keyboard and Jinri lifted her head off of his shoulder and clapped her hands elegantly, but cheerfully at the same time. A wide smile showing on her face.
“What do you think?”
“It’s beautiful! I love it so much! When did you learn the song? And what’s the title?” Jinri threw the questions at Kris and he could only chuckle at her cute dorkiness.
“Thanks, I’m glad you like it.” He smiled at her. “I learnt it when I visited my friend’s house, since he had a piano. And the title is ‘Love Me’ by Yiruma. I was absolutely captivated by the tune so I decided to play it here for you…”
“Thank you so much Kris. This is one of the best days of my life.” She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a bone crushing hug. “I love you.”
“I love you too Jinri.” He kissed the top of her head.
The darkness of the night blanketed the two lying in bed, cuddling closely together. Jinri was carefully and comfortably surrounded by Kris protective arms around her. Kris pushed away hair that fell on her face and kissed her forehead lovingly. Then cradled her closer to him and put his chin on top of her head. He stoked her back and smiled. For once everything felt perfect.
Jinri held onto Kris, her arms wrapped around him. She put her head against his chest and listened carefully to his heartbeat, knowing that it was beating for her. Badump. Badump. Badump. Her heart was also beating just like that. Full of loving and devotion. Their hearts were beating at the same pace, going in the same direction and beating for only one reason. Love.
“Did you have fun?” Kris asked, breaking comfortable silence.
“Yea, I did.” Jinri buried her face deeper in Kris shirt. “This might be kind of weird, but you smell good. Not that I’m sniffing you or anything…” Jinri murmured.
“Thanks.” Jinri couldn’t see it but she knew Kris was smiling.
“Remember that one day when you asked me if I liked someone, then I said I did.”
“Then you explained who it was to me. Yes.” She finished for him. Kris nodded.
“I was talking about you.” Kris laced their fingers together.
“Really?” Kris nodded again. Jinri looked down trying to remember their conversation.
“Wait, I’m cute and….whiny?”
“Yes, yes you are.” Kris smirked at her.”
“But why whiny?!” Jinri jutted her bottom lip out.
“Just cuz you are, love.” Jinri furrowed her eye brows in frustration. Kris could only chuckle and smile at her. “Come here.” Kris slightly pulled away from her hold and pushed her chin up with his forefinger. Jinri instinctively fluttered her eyes close. Then he leaned down. Their lips met in a sweet and innocent kiss.
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” Kris smoothed Jinri’s hair down with his hand.
“Me too.” Jinri breathed out.


SO there you go 3 chapters in a day :) 

Again sorry for not updating in a while and staying with me. I LOVE all my precious subscribers, readers and commenters.

Until next time~

PS. Sorry guys but the next chapter might be the last one...dont hate me

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Chapter 11: Yep. Definitely needed tissues xD such a good story! I loved it :)
so rare to see a "kind" Kris in some of these fanfics ^~^
thanks for the awesome story~~!
Chapter 11: ...this fanfic really showed a different kris... sooo perfect. I love the ending...
Chapter 11: Omg! This fanfic is perfect. . . orz
Wow, this fanfic is one of those fluffy stories yet its story digs really deep in my heart. There is reality of love in here. I couldnt control a tear from escaping not because they both died but on how genuinely they show what true love is.
exo-snsd #5
Chapter 11: such a great story keep
it up
Chapter 11: Someone changed my autocorrect to french... Lol I meant "I cried a bucket"
Chapter 11: I criée a bu let :'(
Chapter 11: This story is amazing! Why did they both die though!? That bit was soo sad... How could you do that! T_T