Today's the Day

Expect It To Go Wrong

 So today's the day. Today's the day where I get eaten alive by unattractive and overly attractive boys.

I just let out a sigh as I stare at myself in the mirror. I didn't even look like myself anymore. I had recently gotten a hair cut like a boy's. I had hair that was to the middle of my neck with bangs swept to the side. If my appa saw this he would say it looked like I put a bowl on my head and turned it. I also dyed my hair from red to a dark caramel brown. My family would kill me since I am the only one with red hair. I'm also wearing boy clothes, and I usually dress in peppy outfits with bright neon colors, but I was just wearing a boy's uniform for a private school.

 I go into the kitchen and shove toast into the toaster as I receive a text from Taeyeon. 

 "Annyeong!! You excited for your first day of school?"

 "Totally. Can't wait to break guys hearts and make them think they're turning gay." I texted back nervously. They'd probably be the ones breaking my hearts, but I won't let Taeyeon know that. I hear my toaster ding and I go to reach for a plate. Maybe I'll be lucky. Maybe I won't find any of the guys attractive and maybe I won't like any of their personalities. I'm sure there has to be at least one place like that. I'm not good with luck though, sadly. 

 I plop my toast down onto my plate and grab a glass of milk. "When does school start? And what's your name that you enrolled with? You never told me when you enrolled." Taeyeon texted as I sat down at my table. My name was a loserish one. I honestly could never think of good boy names. I've always been good with girl names.

 "Don't laugh." I warned her. "I picked a Korean name."

 "What? Why Korean? You're American. Remember?" Taeyeon texted and I could tell she was laughing at me and my decision. 

 "Because we're in South Korea and I don't want to be the only "boy" in school with an American name. They might tease it. And I think it's a cute name..." I texted embarrassed.

 "Arrasso, arrasso. Just tell me the name, Taellaa." I sigh embarrassed as I texted her my name. 

 "Young Jae.

 "I like that. Besides the fact that that is my ex boyfriend's name. :) Don't know why you were so embarrassed about it."

 "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, school starts in 30 minutes so I have to go and get ready.

 "Arrasso!! Annyonghigeseyo! Good luck, Young Jae. ;)" I close my flip phone and ate my toast quickly before drinking my milk in one gulp, then going to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I don't want to go to school with bad breath. That might worsen the situation. 

 I look at my new alarm clock and grab my manly book bag as I run out the front door. I make my way to the stop sign at the end of my street and wait impatiently. 

 It should be here soon. I'm pretty sure I didn't miss it. I came five minutes early...

 My thoughts were interrupted as someone soon joins me by the stop sign. I look over at the young boy and automatically notice the dark bags under his eyes. 

 Poor boy...I wonder if he gets any sleep at home... I thought while looking straight ahead and trying not to make eye contact with him. I honestly didn't know there were other teens in my neighborhood. Is he going to the same school as me? If he lives here does that mean he's seen me before? This boy, who's name I don't even know, could ruin everything. Actually, I wouldn't mind that. I would like it if he noticed my feminine face and asked if he's seen me before. Maybe he can flat out know me and yell at me and call me a freak and stuff as I room home relieved and upset. I really don't think I'd mind that. Now thinking about it, I'd have to look at him for him to notice my feminie face, which means eye contact. I can't make eye contact with boys...that's just too much. I just let out a heavy sigh. I think I'll just have to it up and go.

  "Are you from around here?" The boy asked as my thoughts were interrupted.

 "What? Me?" I squeaked while staring at a certain spot on the street and refusing to move my eyes from the spot. I already felt myself turning red.

 "Ne, you. Are you new to the neighborhood?" He chuckled as he put his book bag on the ground.

 "Oh, um, ne. I live in that house there." I said embarrassed and pointed at my house. I honestly hope he hasn't seen my house before. Okay, he probably has since he lives here. Let me rephrase this, I hope he hasn't seen me go in that house before. 

 "That house? Oh, I've seen people go in and out of there sometimes. You have a very quiet family." He said then started eyeing me carefully. I feel my face heat up and more and beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

 "I never learned your name." I blurted out, interrupting his thoughts. "I'm Young Jae."

 "Oh, sorry. How rude of me. I'm Lee Seunghyun. You can call me Seungri though, Young Jae." He smiled widely. "Are you going to Byeoung-Keun's Private School For Boys too?" I sighed still not looking at him.

 "Ne." I mumbled and he smiles some.

 "Well, don't worry. I won't let anyone get to you or bring you down. That's what friends are for right? I'll show you around." He smiled cheekily.

 Friends? Did he just call me his friend? He must not have many friends if he's considering me a friend when we are nearly strangers...

 He picks up his book bag as the school bus pulls up. "I usually sit with some friends, but since it's your first day I'll let you sit with me." He said as we got onto the bus. 

 "You should have a good first day." 


Yay!! I finished reading my school assignment and my friend is going to show me some drivers ed website when she comes over Monday. I should have plenty of time to write until then. :) 

Also, I was comforting my German Shepherd since it was storming and thunder upsets him XD I was like, "It's okay! Thunder likes you, Hershey." 

He didn't listen though :P

If you like it comment and subscribe! 

Also, thank you to my patient subscribers that wait forever for me to update. :)

I'll will try to be a better uploader haha.

Saranghae! ~


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I think I'm going to wait awhile before updating my Expect It To Go Wrong fic. Just until I find out if I'm getting a poster for it. ^^


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ParanoidTranquility #2
Chapter 20: Can't wait to read the next chapter :)
No GD you can't do this!! Plz update as soon as you can I can't bare to see everyone so hurt!! And good luck at school!!
MelodyJT #4
It's okay,you're not a bad author :D ,and good luck on your school year!!hwaiting!!! x3
Its okay! :D authornim, fighting! ^_^
TOPismyoppa #6
Shermclaine #7
Love the update and have a great school year. :)
Wa! Me like. :]
Hope you update soon really looking foreword to what happens next in the story \(^ ^)/
Shermclaine #10
OMG! I hope Taella gets better. Please update soon, the story is so good I want to know where it leads now.