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Opposites Collide...

Eunhyuk's P.O.V

I saw Hyoyeon at her locker, reading a book called "Matched". I saw her expression, she seems interested in that book, but I would snooze myself right away. I walked up to Hyoyeon, she seems not to notice me. Suddenly, I'm starting to feel like she is hard to get.

End P.O.V

"Hello, Hyoyeon" I said

"Huh, what??" Hyoyeon said with confusion

"I was talking to you" I said

"Oh, I wasn't listening to you at all. Everytime I hear you talk, it would be Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah" She said.

"Whatever" I said annoyingly.

"Okay, Good- bye if you have nothing to say." she said kindly with a hint of evil

"Wait, I was wondering if we can go out sometime." I said sweetly

I was expecting a yes because who can say no to me, I'm hot.

"No thanks" she said without hesitation.

"W-Why not????" I said so confused.

"Because.. I don't like you and I don't even know you at all." Hyoyeon said making a point.

I walked off, so furious. How can she say no to me??? Hmmm... I've got to have her. But... how??

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hannahbananas #1
So cute update soon!
Guys I will write more tomarrow Okay? Give me some ideas. It will help alot. Thank you