

"Jiyong, come sit on my lap." I said, patting my lap with an expectant smile. Jiyong turned, his lip-splitting grin as always on his face. He sauntered over to me and placed himself gently onto my thighs, draping his arms over my neck.

I smiled and placed a hand on Ji's waist, pulling him close and breathing in his essence. Jiyong always smells nice, it must be his shampoo, or maybe it's just him. I can see clouds looming on the backdrop.

"Is it going to rain, hyun-ah?" 

I reassuringly smile at him and brush a few rogue strands of hair across his face.

"Not on you."

He smiled and kissed my forehead before finding shelter in the crook of my neck. My hand went up to grab his, but I stopped it midway. I looked at it closely, why was it shaking so much?

The soft tremble rose in violence, my fingers were shaking, my hands were shaking, my wrists..

"Seunghyun, come inside, you have to take our medication."
"No....I....I have to be stay with Jiyong."
"Mr. Choi, please, it's going to rain, please come inside and take your medication, it will stop the shaking."
"NO! I have to keep him from the rain!"

I tightened my grip on Jiyong, who was still smiling into my shoulder.

"I love you hyung."
"I love you t-"

Someone grabbed my arms, pulled me off my chair, sending Jiyong to the ground.

I kicked.

I screamed.

I tasted dirt.

Someone is pushing my face into the ground.

"Please relax Mr. Choi. You are only making this harder on yourself."

There was a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I saw Ji, my poor Jiyong, lying on the ground outside, twisted and broken. He reached an arm in my direction, but I was being pulled away.

Through the glass doors.

My vision started coming in flashes, slowly darkening from the outside in.

"I have to get Jiyong, he doesn't like the rain."

The words cut through my throat, and they sounded stuffy.

"Sir, you can't get him."

The clouds were right above him now. My senses were numbing over. I choked out the last words, they spilled off my tongue in dry sobs.

"I promised him I'd protect him. Why can't I get him?"

The rain fell onto the body, onto the pavement, and splashed agaisnt my feet as a heavy tear made its way down the curve of my cheekbones.

"He's dead Mr. Choi. And has been for years."

They placed me in front of the television set and put in a tape. It clicked and ran, flashing pictures in my eyes and refreshing my memory with the things that didn't make sense.

"Kwon Jiyong found dead by the infamous assasin, Bi Rain."

My head fell back onto the chair, the drugs finally taking my conciousness from its rightful place.

"Everday nurse, I don't think he'll ever get better."

I woke up in the padded cell, and smiled.

"Come sit next to me Jiyong."

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Danees #1
Chapter 1: Oh no! This is sad T.T
That's why he doesn't like rain. Cause rain killed him o_O
whhhhy. ugh. pain. T^T
why... why are all your stories so painful?? why can't i stop myself from reading??
You really try to kill my heart.....that's so sad!!! But I loved it!!!
omg T____________T THIS IS SO SAD :(
aihuni #7
*0* That was completely twisted and tragic. I loved it.