Crying Matters


     When the day came that Jonghyun and Key were chose to be the adoptive parents of a new born, they felt that nothing could get better. But, in such situations, a tear must always slip.


     "What did we do?" Jonghyun breathed. Key froze and his heart contracted. The only time he had ever seen Jonghyun cry was when his father died. To see him cry was like seeing a rainstorm in the dessert.

     "Jonghyun," Key whispered softly. "Please don't cry."

     "Does God hate us? Is that why we can never be happy?"


     "I'm just so sick of this!" he screamed kicking at the ground. Key put his hand up to his mouth, his tears crying from his pain.

     "Jonghyun, it's all right-"

     "No! All I want was for you to smile like you did with that bay. I only want you to smile, Kibum. But there's always something holding us back from that."


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This is beautiful. Simple, and beautiful. <3
Aw, bittersweet but beautifully written ;)
That was so lovely, :')
The foreword... it's alread breaking my heart. I really want to see what happens!
taemspenus #5
That was amazing! ;~;
taemspenus #6
This looks good, update soon!:D