Hot Chocolate and Winter

It Isn't a Dream, Right?

Tiffany POV

“Let’s go inside Fany.” I heard Changmin oppa’s voice. “Yes oppa, I’ll just wait for her 5 more minutes.” Changmin oppa sighed. “Okay then, let me sit beside you.” I asnwer, “If you want.” Its so awkward and cold night. I sat alone in the balcony of my house to wait Yuri, my best friend. She said she wanted to sleep in my house, but its 11pm already and I haven’t seen her. “Fany, will Yuri come? If not, lets sleep now. You know, its winter and you may get cold if you still wait here.” I shook my head. “No oppa, Yuri has promised me. I must wait for her. What if she comes and nobody wait for her? She’ll definitely sad. I won’t let my Yuri sad cause of me. I must wait her.”


Oppa carees my hair. “You know Fany, she won’t come. See the clock. Its 11pm already. You better sleep now. Yuri must be in her bedroom and trying to sleep. So go inside. And beside, mom will blame if she knows I let you sat outside in this winter. New York’s weather is really cold.” I sighed after listened to Changmin oppa. I know he might be right... but Yuri is my best friend. I must to wait her, right? “If you want to sleep, you go first. I’ll wait her. If she still doesn’t come in 12pm, I will sleep. I promise. Go you, sleep well. Good night oppa.”


Changmin POV

I just sighed. Why does she become so stubborn like this. Fany, you might get fever! I must call Yuri. She has to know if Fany waits her like crazy in this cold winter. And I will kill her if she just says she forgot to call Fany. I wonder what’s Yuri kindness, that make Fany become like ‘excited’. I go inside and take my mobile.


Yuri POV

*ring ring* Changmin oppa calls me. What happened? Is there anything wrong with Fany?

Yuri                          : “Hello oppa?”

Changmin                : “Where are you now?”

*tut tut tut* oh damn it. My battery drained. Changmin oppa will be so angry to me. Uh this stupid traffic jam. Is Fany still waiting for me? She will gets cold!


Changmin POV

Is she crazy? Why she stop my phone? I must talk to Fany. She will gets cold. “Fany! Listen to me. Yuri isn’t coming. So sleep now.” I push her to the door. “Yah oppa! You don’t know anything! Yuri is coming to me! She has promised!” I sighed. “Oh yeah? If she comes, why is she so late?” sorry Fany I’m so harsh to you. “Maybe traffic jam...” I shook my head. She’s so stubborn. “If like that, why she doesn’t call you? Just to say sorry cause of her lateness? I beg Yuri won’t fulfil her promise to you. You’re wasting your sleep time.”


Tiffany POV

How dare is him to say about Yuri like that. I know Yuri. Yuri is the best from all the best friend in the world. “No! If you want to sleep, go first! I told you! And don’t dare to say about Yuri like that or I will-“ my words are interupted by someone shouted “FANY!!!!!!!!!!” I turned my head and see Yuri’s taking her luggage, and run and hug me. “Sorry Fany, I’m so late! My mobile is out of battery! When Changmin oppa called me, my battery just out. Sorry Fany, I’m so sorry! You don’t sleep? Why?” I’m so happy Yuri’s finally come. “Cause I know you’ll come. So now, let’s go to my room!”  I hug her and go to my room.


Changmin POV

Yuri, this is the last time you make my Fany waiting like this. If you did it again, I’m pretty sure to make Fany away from you.




In the bed room..


Yuri POV

She’s so kind. She even waited for me. Fany, you’re my trully best friend. Nobody will wait for their best friend is this kind of weather outside and like this time. It’s 11pm, cold, snowy and yeah everybody might get cold. I’m so thankful to God cause He gave you beside me.


Tiffany POV

“Yeah Yuri, you want me to make you a cup of hot chocolate? You must be really tired after this long way in this winter. Weather isn’t kind to us hahaha.” I said. “No, Fany. Stay here. I should be the one to make you a cup of chocolate or coffee. You seem so tired of waiting me.” Yuri, I’m not even that tired! “Okay seems like we both need a cup of hot chocolate, let’s make it together. You make the chocolate, and I will make some bread or something else.” Yuri grabbed my hand. “Lets go! I always love the time when I can be together with you!” Yuri’s so sweet. “We’re always together forever.” Yuri hugged me. “Yeah. We’re meant each other. Just like a hot chocolate and winter. That’s me and you.”

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