Under the Table (COMPLETED)
Jhenie sighed heavily. Her veil blurred her vision yet her senses haven’t been this sharp before. It was as if she could feel every single footsteps, every single breathing and actions.
She was nervous. She didn’t know if she was already ready to go into the life of having her own family. She was just 20 years old for pete’s sake.
Jhenie put her hand in her belly and then contentment flowed in her system. She might not be ready yet but she had never been any happier before.
“Nee-chan, are you ready?” Kyoumi asked.
She nodded.
Her sister was very beautiful in her pink off-shoulder dress which flows to her knees. Her sister smiled lovingly at her.
She saw streaks of tears in Kyoumi’s eyes.
“I couldn’t believe this, you will really getting married today.” Kyoumi said.
“Me either.” Jhenie answered.
Kyoumi hugged her really tight. “Nee-chan, I’m so happy for you.”
Yamada Houtarou and Ryomina walked in. They smiled at her. She smiled back. Her parents did all the preparations right after they learned about her pregnancy. They were very supportive.
“Ready?” asked Houtarou.
Jhenie nodded.
Kyoumi stood up. “I’ll be going then.” She said and gave her a peck on the cheek.
Houtarou took one of her hand while Ryomina handed her the bouquet.

Jhenie’s hand was in her father’s arm while her mother was beside her. They walked slowly on the isle. Jhenie didn’t look anywhere except on the red carpet.
Ikemen Koie’s melodious voice was heard inside the church. They sang as she walked. They stopped infront of the altar. Her father put her hand on Daiki’s. She looked at him. Tears misted her eyes. He was just so handsome in his white suit.
Beside him stood Ryosuke in a dark suit and light pink long sleeved polo. Her brother smiled lovingly at her. She smiled slyly.
Daiki squeezed her hand. She smiled at him. She decided. Now, she was ready to live with him for as long as He allow them to.
The ceremony started.

The reception was crowded. Jhenie had put away her veil. She and Daiki were seated in the presidential table.
Both their families were seated next them. Even Arioka-san was allowed to attend their wedding though police officers were there to check on him.
“So for the greetings, let’s start with Chinen Yuri, the bride and groom’s friend.” Kyoumi, who acted as the master of ceremony announced.
“Arigatou. To the bride and groom, omedetou! You’re the first to get married and we are all happy for you. We wish you the best and more babies to come.” Yuri said.
“By the way, he is mine only, ok.” Kyoumi announced.
The greetings went on.
“Now, let us go to the tossing of the bouquet and the garter.” Kyoumi announced. “Nee-chan, turn to your back.” Kyoumi commanded. “Ladies, those who are single only, like me, please move to the center of the area.”
The girls find the spot Kyoumi was saying.
“Nee-chan, ready?”
Jhenie gave her a thumbs up and turned around.
“San…Ni…Ichi… go.”
Jhenie tossed the bouquet. It passed the ladies who were in the center of the venue. It landed on the table, infront of Yuki.
Kyoumi moved from the crowd and to their table. “Ahhh! Oyaoya!” Kyoumi exclaimed. “This is destiny. Earlier, we had the toss of the garter and it was caught by my nii-chan, Ryosuke and now the bouquet went to my sister-in-law, Yuki.” Kyoumi announced.
Yuki stared at Kyoumi. Her eyes moved towards Ryosuke who was also staring at her.
Kyoumi was jumping up-and-down in happiness. “We are inviting Ryosuke and Yuki in front for the ceremonial putting of the garter to the next bride. How lucky!”
The crowd clapped at them.
Yuki looked at Kento who was beside her. His expression was passive. He wasn’t even looking at her.
Kyoumi grabbed Yuki’s hand and dragged her in the center of the reception. She seated Yuki in a chair.
Daiki on the other hand dragged Ryosuke on the middle. Their friends were already standing up.
Yuki took off her shoes.
Ryosuke sighed heavily and started to put on the garter to Yuki’s legs.
“Up… up… up…” The crowd cheered.
Yuki felt a tingling sensation whenever Ryosuke’s hands touched her skin.
Ryosuke stopped pulling it up when it landed on her thighs. He stood up and was about to go back to his seat when Daiki stopped him.
“Kiss… kiss… kiss…” the crowd shouted.
“Kiss… kiss…” chanted Kyoumi. “Nii-chan, kiss.”
Ryosuke stooped down and kissed Yuki on the cheek.
“Ah, what kind of kiss is that?” asked Kyoumi.
“Lips… on the lips…” their friends mocked.
Yuki glared at them.
“Aoi, where?” Kyoumi asked.
“Lips!” answered Aoi.
Ryosuke sighed heavily. He pulled Yuki up and cupped her face. He looked at her eyes which were full of shock. Ryosuke moved his face towards hers until their lips touched. He deepened the kiss.
Yuki stood rooted on the spot not knowing what to do but her heart was beating hard in her chest. Emotions flooded her. Memories came rushing in. Those were the memories of her and Ryosuke. His kiss brought back the feelings in her heart.
Ryosuke let go of her and went back to his seat.
The crowd cheered and clapped.
“Otoosan, okaasan, when will be the next wedding?” Kyoumi asked their parents.

Miharu put her chin in her hand and pouted.
Aoi looked at her. “Daijobou?” she asked.
Miharu pointed at Keito who was seated on the table opposite theirs.
Girls were all around him. He smiled at talked to them. He seemed to be enjoying the attention he was getting.
“So?” Aoi asked.
Miharu looked at her. “He is flirting with them.”
“You already broke up with him so he can do whatever he wants to do now.” Aoi answered.
“He doesn’t usually entertain girls like that.” Miharu commented.
Aoi shrugged. “I know. I was one of those girls, remember? But then, people change. So I guess he changed.”
Miharu frowned.
“Stop being sullen. You are the one who broke up so you should be the one who is acting tough besides you already have Fuma.”
Miharu looked at Fuma who was talking to his friend on another table. She sighed and put her chin in her hand.
Kota came to their table. “Have you already heard about Naru?” he asked.
Aoi and Miharu shook their head.
Kota sighed. “She was already four hours late.” he commented. “She even called me that she was already on her way before the wedding started.”
“What happened to her?” Miharu asked.
“Have you already heard from Naru?” Ryutaro asked coming to their table.
Kota shook his head. He seemed to be nervous already.
“Sachiko was with her. What do you think happened?” Ryutaro asked.
The girls looked at the boys and shook their head.
Yuki flipped her phone and dialed Naru’s number. “It was off.” She stated after a while.
Kota’s phone rang. He looked at it. It was not in his phonebook.
“Moshi moshi.” He answered.
The people at the table looked at him. His expression changed from shock to fear. He looked at them after the call was cut. “They got Naru and Sachiko.” He announced.
“Who?” the girls asked.
“A gang?”
Yuki stood up. “Homouya?!”
“Nande?” Ryutaro asked.”
“They are held hostage.”
Yuri also stood up. He dialed his brother’s number.
“What is happening?” asked Kyoumi.
“Houmouya got Naru and Sachiko.” Yuki announced.
Daiki, Jhenie and Eunice also came towards their table.
“I cannot get to nii-chan,” Yuri announced.
“Where are they?” Ryutaro asked Kota.
Kota told them the exact location.
“We have to go there.” Yuri told her twin.
“We’re coming with you.” Aoi announced.
“Iie. You stay here.” Yuki commanded.
“Naru and Sachiko are also our friend.”Miharu said in determination.
The others agreed.
Yuki looked at her brother. He nodded.
“Ahh!!” Jhenie shouted.
They stared at her. She had her arms in her belly.
“Jhenie, what’s happening?”
The rest came to her head.
“My stomach hurts.” Jhenie told me. Her face was full of pain.
“I’ll take care of her. You go.” Daiki said coming to her aid. Mr. and Mrs. Yamada also came.
“Go. Go. Go.” Daiki commanded when nobody dared to go.

Police officers were already in front of the building when the group arrived.
“You are not allowed here.” Some of the police officers told the curious audience. They barricaded the place.
When Yuki and Yuri tried to step on the line, a police officer stopped them. “Civillians are not allowed to cross the line.”
“Our friend is there!” Yuki exclaimed.
“No matter,” a police officer said.
“I need to see Naru!” Kota who was already beside Yuki exclaimed.
Yuri took his wallet from his pants and showed it to the police.
The officer stared at him.
“Believe it or not.” Yuri told him. The officer gave him way.
Ryutaro and Hikaru also did the same.
“How about me?” Yuki asked.
Yuri looked at his sister.
“I guess I left my badge.” She informed him.
“Yuki, this is not the time to become stupid.” Yuri scolded his sister angrily.
Yuki helplessly looked at his brother.
“If you cannot present your detective badge to us, you will not be allowed to cross the line,” the officer declared.
“I have your badge.” It was Kento. He was already beside Yuki. He held her pouch in front of her.
Yuki tried to take it from Kento but he moved it away from her and shook his head.
Yuki glared at him angrily and snatched the pouch from him. She rummaged inside. When she saw her wallet, she took it and let the white pouch drop. She opened it and showed the badge to the officer who gave way.
Yuki was about the step when hands d her arms. She looked on her right, Ryosuke was holding her arm and Kento was grasping the other.
Yuki looked at the two in confusion but the two guys were already staring at each other in revulsion.
“Nani?” Yuki asked.
Ryosuke looked down at her. “You will not go there.” He commanded.
Miharu, Aoi, Oburi, Eunice and Kyoumi were already beside her. Fear was also visible in their faces.
“I’m just going to cross the line.” Yuki declared and tried to escape from the two guy’s hands.
“You are going in.” Ryosuke concluded.
“You are reckless.” Kento said.
Yuki looked at Kento. “I thought we are on the same league?” she asked.
Kento shook her head. “Do you think I will allow you to get to trouble, again?” he asked staring intently in her eyes.
Yuki pulled all the energy that she has and shook away from their grasp. She then crossed the line.
“Yuki!” Ryosuke and Kento called but she had enough. She joined her brother and the others.
Another car pulled into a stop near the police cars.
Yuya and Yamapi stepped out. They showed the police their badges. More detective cars came. Other police agencies under Yuya came.
Yuya joined them.
“They got Sachiko!” Ryutaro announced.
“And Naru.” Hikaru told the new comers.
“What is the situation?” Yamapi asked the chief of the police.
“There are almost 20 gunned men inside and 5 hostages.” The officer told them.
“One of my detectives is inside.” Yuya informed the chief.
The officer looked at them. “Do you really hire these kids?”
Yuri glared at the man.
“Don’t underestimate them, they can take you on.” Yamapi smiled at the officer.
The man smirked at him.
“The group inside is a marked syndicate. They are trying to evade arrest by taking in hostages.” Yuya told the man.
“All the members of Houmoya are there?” Yuri asked.
“Hai.” Yuya answered. “The members heard that we are already aiming for their international godfather so they plan to escape. When we learned about this, we had a hold-departure order against them. They would probably be using the hostages as an escape goat.”
“Is that why you are not on Daiki’s wedding?” Hikaru asked.
Yuya smiled at him.
A stone fell from inside the building.
Ryutaro picked it up. A piece of paper was tied into it. Ryutaro read it. “They wanted to talk to Yabu-kun, and Yuya-nii chan.” Ryutaro showed it to them.
Yuya took it and smirked. “They want to negotiate.”
“What are we going to do?” Yuri asked.
Yamapi handed him, Ryutaro and Hikaru some pistols. “Don’t hesitate to shoot.” He commanded them.
“We’re going in?” Yuki asked.
“They are going in.” Yuya corrected.
“How about me?” she asked.
“You stay here.” Her older brother commanded.
“No way.” Yuki complained.
“That’s an order!”
Kota joined them. The rest of their friends were already beside them. The police tried to pry them away but they just shoved them.
“Let us help.” Yuto suggested.
“Cover us.” Yamapi commanded one of his officers. “The police should stay here and be diligent. Move the people away.” He commanded the chief of police who saluted.
The police started to clear the site.
Yuya took them to a clearing. “The gang inside must be looking at our actions. Stay in the group.” He commanded. “Kota and I will be negotiating with the gunmen while Yamapi and the others sneak inside.”
“The rest of you stay here and pretend to watch the action. The gang inside would not suspect that some of you had been gone inside.”
“Can I ask a question?” Shintaro asked.
Yuya looked at him.
“Can I come with them?” he asked.
Yuya looked at him in inquiry.
“I can also hold a gun.” Shintaro said.
Yuya stared at the young man and shook his head. “I won’t allow you to do that. One Morimoto is enough.” He said.
Shintaro and Ryutaro looked at each other.
“My heart is inside so I have a better motivation.” Ryutaro announced.
“We would also like to help.” Yuma announced.
Yuya stared at the group. “You are all hard-headed. I already gave my command and yet you still wanted to go on your way. By the way, where is Yuki?” he asked not able to see his younger sister.
They looked at each other.
“Yuki!” Yuya exclaimed. “That brat.” He spat.
“We are going in.” Yuri announced.
“Yuri…” Kyoumi held his arm.
Yuri stooped at her level and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “I love you.” He told her.
Oburi hugged Hikaru tight. She didn’t want to let him go. She had been afraid of this. Aoi dragged her away.
Ryosuke and Kento, grabbed a gun each from the police officers on standby and ran after Yuri and the others.
Yuya spat. “Kids.”
Yamapi patted him on the shoulder and nodded towards the front of the building signaling him to start the negotiations.
Yuma took the crying Kyoumi in his arms while the others tried to calm her down.
Oburi tucked herself in the group while weeping her tears out. Aoi patted her on the back.
Kei, Yuto, Keito and the others waited. They couldn’t do anything but to wait.

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Chapter 14: This is such a good story!!!!!!!

it was easy to understand and i loved how every person has one person that they are meant for in this tale :)