Can't you see, I'm still loving you~

Take Care Of My Girlfriend (Please Say No)

The next day.

Another shooting day for BEAST.

This time, Alex came with them.

As Yo Seob sang the chorus, he kept on looking at Alex.

Oh can't you see, I'm still loving you~

Alex looked away. *I still love you too.. But you're too late now.*

Then Gi Kwang finished his shots.

He sat down beside Alex and put his arm around her.

Yo Seob's blood was boiling with jealousy.


I admit. This chap .

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B2stjokerxxx #1
Chapter 12: is there like another story which finishies of this story ending
hrtbrkgrl #2
wow!!! cute cute story<br />
waaaaah i love this waiting 4 the sequel<br />
omg i love this !!! wheres the sequel :D gogog ~~ <3 can't wait!!
@EiiJae, Thanks for reading! ^^
i really love the story and i love how gi kwang sacrifice for yeo seob. More power! hwaiting~
WAHH! SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!<33333333
Forever_SS501 #9
OMG Epic!!! ^.^<br />
Update sequel soon....
Happy early B-Day! ^^<br />
Cant wait for the sequel!~ kekeke