
Take Care Of My Girlfriend (Please Say No)

3 months later.

Alex and Yo Seob were walking through a park with no one around.

Min Su was at his grandma’s.


The two were lying down under a tree.

“I love you. Saranghae. Wo ai ni. Je t’aime. Aieru. Te amo. I will love you forever, Alex Yang. No matter what comes between us.” Yo Seob said cutely.

“I love you too. Forever and always.” Alex said.


It was beginning to get dark.

Just as they were about to leave, 3 men with black masks knocked them out and took Alex with them.

*Alex… No…* that was the last thought on Yo Seob’s mind before he out.


Cliffie~~~ You guys must be sad right?

Don't worry, there'll be a sequel.

I promise.

My birthday is coming up...

I might be able to update if I'm not busy.

Thanks for the love and support guys!

Love you all!! ^^


Yo Seob: Just want to say, PEACE! :D

Awwww!!!! My kitten looks so cute~! ^^

He's sad he couldn't save Alex... :(((

OMG. The kitten has abs?!!!!

Beautiful ones too! O.O

My two most beloved Korean guys. :D

Hmmm... Sounds familiar. :D You'll hear/see it later on in the story. :D

Once again. thank you all for supporting. :D

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B2stjokerxxx #1
Chapter 12: is there like another story which finishies of this story ending
hrtbrkgrl #2
wow!!! cute cute story<br />
waaaaah i love this waiting 4 the sequel<br />
omg i love this !!! wheres the sequel :D gogog ~~ <3 can't wait!!
@EiiJae, Thanks for reading! ^^
i really love the story and i love how gi kwang sacrifice for yeo seob. More power! hwaiting~
WAHH! SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!<33333333
Forever_SS501 #9
OMG Epic!!! ^.^<br />
Update sequel soon....
Happy early B-Day! ^^<br />
Cant wait for the sequel!~ kekeke