School reunion

Found you


Electric (Electric Shock) E-E-E-Electric E-E-E-Electric Shock

“Whats up? Its Krystal’s speaking.” I said on the phone as I answered the call from someone.

“Oh, hey Krys. Its Victoria, we just made a junior high reunion for our generation. So far, there are 49 people will attend. Wanna join?” She said across the phone.

“Of course I will join and attend. When?.... Okay… Okay, I’ll ask Amber, Sulli, and Luna to attend… Okay… Okay… See you next week… Bye.”

As soon as possible I took a piece of paper and started to write a letter to Sulli.


Dear Sulli,

How are you, Ssul? I hope you’re fine. Its been so looooong after our last met at the farewell party. I miss you like so much, gurl! I miss cuddle with you, joke & fool around with you, and I miss those great time that we spent together.

Anyway, Victoria just made junior high reunion for our generation. That reunion will be held next week, on Sunday.

Ssul, do you still remember Amber? The girl that I love when we were in the first year of Junior high? She texted me yesterday, I’m so happy, Ssul.

I really want to share all my stories with you, like we used to.

*PS: I hope you will attend the reunion.

Looking forward to your reply soon.


Krystal Jung.



I went to Amber’s house today. But luckily we met at the park by coincidence.

“Amber!” I shouted at her.

“Luna! Whatcha doing here?”

“I went to your house. What about you?”

“Just look around.” She smiled.

“Ah, by the way! Krystal asked me to attend junior high reunion for our generation. Wanna join? She asked Sulli to come too!” I said excitedly.

Suddenly, there was some sparkles in her eyes and she gave me her biggest smile. “Of course, I will attend!!! When?” She asked me excitedly.

“Next week. On Sunday.” I said.

“YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” She said and started her freaky dance.

“Stop it, Llama! Don’t show your freaky dance in public.” I said and she just gave me her dorky smile.



YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. I will meet Sulli next week, I will thank her to find my ring. And, I will say “Sulli, you know you have those beautiful eyes in your eyes” to her.

I just cant wait until Sunday. I’m so excited.

Krystal! Is Sulli will attend the junior high reunion?, I sent my text to Krystal.

5 seconds later…

Phone vibrated

1 new message

Whoaaa! Krystal replied my text so fast.

From: Krystal

Yeah, I just sent my letter to her. Just wait until she get the letter and reply.


Okay, tell me if you get her letter! I replied.



Amber looks so excited when she texted me. Look like she can’t wait to hear Sulli’s letter & answer. Will Sulli come and have fun with us? Or, she will not come to the junior high reunion?

I hope she will attend, cause if she attend, she will meet Amber, and Amber will be happy. If Amber happy, I’m happy. Even though my bestfriend will dating with my first love, and I will hurt. But, that’s okay. 

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Chapter 2: Krystal loves loves Amber, but Amber Sulli
Chapter 1: I think Amber is confused, the girl who returned the ring is Krystal
Chapter 9: lmao at @ iya_007's comment xD!
lol Krys.. a boy w/o ? jajaja....
Ahh i want KryBerLi to meet already :3!
Chapter 9: This update is as short as Krys hot pants,i can't wait for Amber to see Sulli :))
TOPRen #5
Chapter 9: OMO! Such a good story and I love it very much! Please uptade soon :)
Chapter 8: I bet Krystal saw Amber xD!!
glad to know u r updating again ^^!
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update,but why its so short T_T
Chapter 7: Oooohhhh its getting HOT......come on and give us some update.....i just can't wait any longer to find out :p
lilkjungie #9
aish amber just told to krystal what happen and then krystal will say : it's me amber not sulli xD