After I met you

After I met you


Sungyeol loves his job very much. Sungyeol who loves coffee very much working as a barista at café that only located 10 minutes from his house. He knows how many footsteps there are between his house and café. He knows that he loves to serve many different types of people that come to the café and hear their stories. Children, teenager, adult and that he forgets to tell that the entire grandma in his neighbourhood adores him? He knows that he has a supportive family, a parents and one younger brother and of course the lover of his life, Woohyun who he loves dearly. A bright person, a choding, a mood-maker that what people always call him. However what Sungyeol doesn’t know that he will lose his job on that day and everything seems to break apart.


Myungsoo looks at his boyfriend and smile. His boyfriend, Sungjong looks so cute when concentrating doing his job. Oh, did he forget to tell that he is a successful businessman and his father owns a big company? Yes, he totally freaking lucky with rich parents, a job that he loves and also having his adorable boyfriend by his side as his assistant. He smiles wider when he sees a frown on his lover face while doing his job. He surely loves his life. A hardworking person, an enthusiastic, caring that what people always call him. However after an unexpected accident, Myungsoo doesn’t know that he will lose all of that on that day and everything seems to break apart.


Sungyeol sighed and remembered what just happened last evening. After finishing his shift, his manager told him that he should not come to the café tomorrow. At first ,he think that his manager has given he a day off, however his assumption has been shattered after he has been told that the café will close down because his manager want to move to other country. Sungyeol of course really shock after hearing the news because it‘s so sudden. He can’t believe that he lost his job after working his off for 4 years working at the café. The manager say that he is very sorry and all Sungyeol can do is smile and say “It’s okay”.


Myungsoo is driving a car with his lover beside him and his parents on the backseat of the car. They are going to eat outside at the fancy restaurant as it is a ritual thing that they do every week. All of them chatting happily and joking around. He stole glances at his lover and smile. He loves him very much. They have been in a relationship for four years now. He squeezes his lover hand and said “You look beautiful tonight”. Sungjong just smile and give him a flying kiss. Suddenly, there is a truck from the opposite direction and Myungsoo lost the balance of the car and before his mind goes black all he heard was his parents and lover calling his name.


After three month searching for a job, Sungyeol only can groan in frustration. He sips his favourite coffee and sighed. He attends all the interviews and usually he fail to get the job. His parents nagging nonstop to him and accuse him as choosy while searching for a job. He knows why his parents behave like that. He is a first child in his family and all his family depends on his salary other than his parent’s retiree money. Woohyun on the other side has been drifting apart from him and they spend their time less now. All he heard from him was “I’m busy, can’t talk right now”. Suddenly a pair of hand wrapping on his shoulder as he busy from his thought and he looks to see who the person was and a smile form on his lips. His friend Dongwoo sits in front of him and told him that he has got a job for him. Sungyeol can’t be happier to hear the news.


Myungsoo looks at the person in front of him and only in one glance; he knows that he will hate him for sure. Tall, chubby check and loud was his first impression of him. He ignored that person and goes straight to his room by using a wheelchair. He looks himself at the mirror and feels disgusted at himself. He now can’t walk after that accident occurs. All of them consider being lucky to stay alive after that accident. His parents and his lover or also now can be called his ex-lover only have a minor injured while he himself has been paralyzed his lower body. After that accident, his parents have been search “maid” to serve him and Myungsoo hates it very much. For god sake, he 24 years old and has been babysit all the time. He feels so embarrassed and feels like a wimp. All of his maid can’t stand his behaviour and many of them resign after has been tortured by him. He remembers his new maid and talk to himself, “I can’t wait to know how longer you can last on this Lee Sungyeol”.


“Jerk”. That was Sungyeol first impression for his master. Yep, he now works as a maid to Kim Myungsoo, the son of the successful businessman in Korea. At first he feels sorry toward him after seeing his condition. However, after his rude behaviour toward him, all his sympathy has been gone and he knows that working as a maid of Kim Myungsoo will fells like living in a hell. Sungyeol tried to remove the negative thought toward his master because he needs this job and this job pays is good. “Relax Sungyeol; just try to endure it for the sake of your family”. He forces his smiled and brings a food of tray and walking towards his master room. A loud sound has been heard inside of Myungsoo room. Sungyeol faster his pace toward Myungsoo room and found him has been fall from the wheelchair. He set the tray on the floor and rushes toward Myungsoo to help him only to be receiving a slap from Myungsoo.


“Go away from me, I don’t need your help to get up.” Myungsoo stubbornly forces himself to stand up which is useless as he can’t use his legs. Sungyeol rolled his eyes and only chuckles, “You are so damn stubborn”.Sungyeol said to his master and spontaneous carried Myungsoo bride style toward his bed and ignore the struggle from the latter. He maybe looks skinny and lanky but he’s also strong. Myungsoo feels shocked when he saw his maid has been carried him and tried his best to get away from him only to find that maid strongly tighten his grip on his body. Sungyeol laid Myungsoo on his bed and set up the breakfast that he has been prepared for him. He maybe not an excellent cooks like a chef but he sure he can make a decent food and hopes that Myungsoo will likes the foods that he has been prepared.


Sungyeol can feel his anger has been boiled after Myungsoo throw the food that he has been prepared for him on the floor. He feels like to throws a punch to the handsome face of his master and beat a out of him. He tries to calm himself and ask Myungsoo why he throws the food only to be replied by Myungsoo “I don’t like the food that your make .It looks like a ”. After hearing what Myungsoo has said, Sungyeol can’t keep calm and bark to his master in one breath. ”You are so rude to people and arrogant, don’t you know that ? I can understand if you don’t like the food that I have been prepared for you, but you at least can tell me that you hate the food and there is no purpose to throw it on the floor”. Myungsoo feels so stunned after has been shouted by Sungyeol. This is his first time has been shouted by a maid and this irritates him more. He tries to gain his composure and said “Whatever. Get out from my room, your presence makes me dizzy and seeing you ugly face irritates me more. Clean this before you get out”.


It has been two month now Sungyeol works as a maid to Myungsoo. Although Myungsoo constantly irritates and driving him insanely mad, he try to cope with it for the sake of his family. He surprises himself as he actually can tolerate Myungsoo behaviour for this past two month. He read a novel while sipping on his coffee and suddenly remembers his boyfriend whom he has not being seeing for past three weeks. He dialled Woohyun number and waiting for him to pick up his phone and only to be disappointed as Woohyun doesn’t pick up his phone. “Maybe I should surprise him at his house tonight” Sungyeol smiled, he miss Woohyun so much. “Do you come here to work or treating this house as yours, maid?”Myungsoo voice snapped Sungyeol from his thought. He rolled his eyes toward his master and said “I already clean the house, so can’t I take a break for a moment?” “You now dare to answer back Lee Sungyeol”.Myungsoo said with a serious tone.  Sungyeol only smile smugly and answer back “Doesn’t you who teach me all of that?”


Myungsoo stares at the card in front of him. He re-read the card for a 4th time and make sure he reads a right word .He then called Sungyeol to read it for him and after Sungyeol read it for the 3rd time, he suddenly burst into tears and crying hard. It was from Sunjong and the card is a wedding invitation for his wedding. Myungsoo cannot believe that Sungjong completely move on from him and now prepare to get married. Doesn’t he love him anymore? Doesn’t their 4th year relationship mean anything to him? Sungyeol Myungsoo back while he still sobbing and crying with calling a name that Sungyeol never heard before. “Who is this Sungjong guy? Maybe his ex-lover. “Sungyeol makes his own assumption. This is the first time Sungyeol seeing Myungsoo crying. He looks so fragile and vulnerable. Sungyeol doesn’t know what has been come to him as he slowly pulls Myungsoo into a hug. What surprised him more that Myungsoo tighten their hug and Sungyeol shirt has been wet from the latter tears.


After makes sure that Myungsoo has been fallen asleep, Sungyeol packed his stuff and drive toward Woohyun house. He glances at his watch and wonder if Woohun already asleep. He slowly turn the knob of the door and happy that it was not locked. He walk to Woohyun room and suddenly stopped in front of Woohyun room. Sungyeol almost drops his key as a woman voice can be heard from his lover room. and screaming his names. He runs as fast as he could while tears forming in his eyes. He doesn’t expect Woohyun to cheat on him. He typed a message to Woohyun and sends it and throws his phone. Goodbye Nam Woohyun.


Myungsoo opens his eyes slowly and found a food beside his bed. He suddenly remembers yesterday incident and a blush crept on his face. He actually can’t believe himself that he actually crying in front of Sungyeol. He actually feels safe when the latter his back and hug him. Maybe he miss the touch and the warm feeling from a lover and Sungyeol gives him a feeling of safe and being protected. “Good morning, master. Do you have a nice sleep?” Sungyeol said in a cheerful tone and a big smile on his face. Myungsoo wonder why he never realised before that Sungyeol is so damn handsome and cute. Myungsoo just nod and smile to him. Sungyeol is so shocked, that poker face owned by his master just smile to him.


Myungsoo and Sungyeol relationship has been good after that. They now having a picnic after Sungyeol constantly persuade Myungsoo to agree to his idea and enjoyed each other presence. Myungsoo suddenly told his story about Sungjong and Sungyeol told his story about him and Woohyun. Both of them smiled to each other and fixed their gazed to the sea. Sungyeol suddenly screamed “Nam Woohyun, I Hate You!!!!” and after that laugh really hard. He then set his gaze to Myungsoo and told him to do the same. Myungsoo look at him and shakes his head. “It’s embarrassing” Sungyeol forced him by doing an aegyo and Myungsoo surely can’t say “NO” He then screamed, “Lee Sungjong, I Hate You!” Both of them laughed and for Myungsoo surprised, he actually feels much better.


Sungyeol dressed himself a pair of white suit. He looked at the mirror and feels so awkward. This is the first time he wears a suit. Myungsoo come behind him and compliment his new look. Myungsoo ask Sungyeol to accompany him to go to Sungjong wedding and Sungyeol just agree. At Sungjong wedding, Myungsoo shake Sungjong hand and congratulate him. Sungjong fixed his gaze on him and said sorry. Myungsoo just nodded and at that time Sungyeol squeezes his hand. He looks up at Sungyeol and he just gives him his infamous smile and Myungsoo feels so relieved to have Sungyeol beside him.


After the wedding event, Myungsoo and Sungyeol strolled at the park near Myungsoo house. They just keep silent until Myungsoo suddenly touch Sungyeol hand and told the latter that he has something to confess. Sungyeol just nodded and waiting for Myungsoo to speak. “Actually, it’s really weird for me saying this because I’m actually not good in words. However, I hope you will hear me carefully because I only can say this once. Erm, Lee Sungyeol...will you become my boyfriend?” Sungyeol just smiled and grinned “I thought I have been tired of waiting to hear that from your mouth Myungsoo”. Sungyeol grabbed Myungsoo face and kiss him softly. Myungsoo is so shocked however responded to the kiss. He so lucky to has Sungyeol beside him because after he has met him, everything has been so perfect again.


After I met you, I feel really happy again.

After I met you, I start to smile again.

After I met you, I start to laugh again.

After I met you, I started to trust someone again.


After I met you Lee Sungyeol, I as Kim Myungsoo has been started to continue to believe in love again….

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menikkey #1
So myungsoo is still in wheelchair till the end? :o
this is cute, heart-warming and great eventhough it is a clique one but never mind. it sitll be my favorite <3
well, if you don't mind please make a sequel of it. :) and i'll wait for the next great ff after this especially myungyeol lol
it common for the plot but then i keep aww-ing bcoz its myungyeol! hihi
A really cute and awesome storyyy !!! :D
Make more myungyeol in duh future !!! :DDDD
serendipitous #5
love this story