A Bucket Of Lists



Lee Sungyeol and Kim Myungsoo have been a friend from they are four years old. Although both know that their love each other, they seems afraid to confess as it would bring damage to their friendship. However, when they are in College, Myungsoo finally confessed to Sungyeol and then they‘re officially dating.


Fate seems not on their side as after they have been dating for a month, Myungsoo has been diagnosed brain cancer. Myungsoo is so sad because there are many things that he wants to do with Sungyeol as a couple. So, starting on that day he has made lists of what he wants to do with his lover before he died.


Hello everyone...

I can't believe myself that I actually am writing a chaptered stories about my fave OTP...

I appreciated it so much if you can commented on my fic 

Sorry if this story , I'm writing in English.

Love you and enjoy~ <3


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Hehe! I love this story!! It's incredibly sweet but quite sad as well.
Update soon okay?!!
ChunJoeLover #2
I laughed so hard about the cake xD
Omo, please, updaaaaaaaate *-*
I'm dying to see the full list !

Please Myungsoo, DON'T DIE ><
@ChunJoeLover : This is for you,=)
ChunJoeLover #4
Give me an U
Give me a P
Give me a D
Give me an A
Give me a T
Give me an E



Please Myungsoo, DON'T DIE T-T
@menikkey : haha....keep reading if you wanted to know, :
menikkey #6
Is it angst story??? ;(
andwee. I can't read myungyeol sad story....... T_T