
Somewhere Only We Know


"What are you doing here?"

I gasped slightly. I watched as the stiff silhouette got out of the car. His steps were wide and quick. In the blink of an eye, he was standing before me, casting a shadow on me with his broad shoulders and tall physique.

"It's past midnight, Rin. Are you crazy?!" he hissed.

"What are you doing here, Seunghyun?" I questioned, annoyed by his presence.

"What do you mean what am I doing here?! What are you doing here?! It's pitch dark, you don't know whats lurking behind the shadows at a time like this!"

He was standing so close, I could see so clearly how his jaws clenched. He probably wanted so badly to yell at me. But he knew he couldn't.

"I'm just taking a walk, Seunghyun! Will you just chill?!" I snarled, turning my back on him as I continued making my way down that alley.

"It's not there anymore, Rin!" he barked in frustration. I stopped in my tracks.

"They cleared that area. They built houses there. There's nothing left now."

I could clearly hear his disappointment. And along with the volume of his voice, my heart sank.

"Let's go home, ok?" he hoaxed, taking my wrist gently in his hand. He looked up at me in shock as soon his hand touched mine. I was ice cold from the chilly breeze. Quickly, he took off his jacket and wrapped it securely around me. He put his arm around my shoulder, as if trying to protect me from more than just the cold, but everything else that was hurting me. He sat me in the car, even putting on the seatbelt for me before getting on at his side.

"I don't wanna go home..." I muttered under my breath, leaning my head against the window. He looked over at me and let out a sigh.

"Where do you wanna go then? Hmmmm...are you hungry? How about we go catch a midnight movie? Or we could go to the beach."

"Forget it, let's just go home."

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see his reaction. And yet even with my eyes closed, I could picture how his shoulders slumped and the glow in his eyes dying out. I could hear his heavy breathing, and the light thump as his head leaned back against the head rest. We were both tired, but the exhaustion we felt were different. He was tired from his wedding preparations. He was tired, but he was happy. And he is going to be, for the rest of his life. I was tired from trying to be happy. And that will go on...for as long as he's near.

After five minutes of just sitting in the silence, he spoke.

"I'm hungry, Rin. Will you have supper with me?"

He knew I wouldn't reject. He knew how I never could resist that tone of his voice. He wasn't exactly acting cute, but he knew that pleading tone was the way to melt my heart in any situation. I groaned.


From the corner of my eye, I saw him smile to himself like a dork. And everything felt alright again in that instant.

He drove out of that alley and towards the main road. I reached for the radio, about to turn it on when Seunghyun stopped me.

"Don't." he calmly said. I raised a brow.

"It's awfully quiet." I whined.

"Then talk to me."

I huffed, turning to look out the window instead.

"How did you know I was there?" I finally asked. He hesitated before he answered.

"I saw that scrapbook. Under your bed...It was on the last page..."

I nodded, looking away. Then there was silence again. When we arrived, I got out of the car and handed Seunghyun his jacket.

"Keep it on. It's cold." he insisted.

I shoved the jacket into his chest, walking ahead. When I realized he wasn't following, I stopped and turned back, only to find him still standing there, looking down at his jacket with a pained expression.

"I thought you said you were hungry? Hurry!" I urged, snapping him out of his daze. My heart ached a little when he forcefully put up a smile for me as he caught up.

There were times when I felt like I was being played. By fate, by Seunghyun, and by my own childish wishes. Yet at times as such, when I was tired, when I was frustrated, when I let my temper rule over, this man stood beside me in the humblest of ways, watching over me and accepting anything I throw his way...even if it were words that would crush him again and again. While I played it cool to protect my own pride, he maintained that smile to protect my heart from further harm. It was one of his gentle ways of sheltering me. But in this painful cycle, we were both falling deeper and deeper in. And it scared me to think of what we're becoming.

As we settled ourselves at the table of a little eatery, the warmth comforted me in a way. Seunghyun ordered the food and while we waited, he just watched me with a soft smile. I couldn't bring myself to make it any harder for him. So I started a conversation.

"How was the gown fitting? Did it go well?"

Apparently, that wasn't a very wise choice of topic. Because Seunghyun's smile faded immediately upon hearing it.

"Why do you always bring it up, Rin? Can't we just keep the marriage out of our conversations?" he exclaimed with his brows knitted together in annoyance.

"I was just wondering." I muttered, letting my eyes fall to my hands. Seunghyun ruffled his hair. I knew he was blaming himself for raising his voice at me. He was always kind like that, feeling guilty after he gets upset at me, even if I was in the wrong.

"Rin..." he mumbled.

"One last question about this, Seunghyun. Just one more and I'll never bring it up again." I promised. Seunghyun nodded hesitantly.

"Do you love Hwayoung?"

The first time I asked this question, I left myself with no more courage to take an answer. But this time, I was ready. I was prepared, whatever the answer may be. And I was going to take it gracefully.

He looked up, taken aback by my question. His eyes wandered, not knowing how to answer. I was getting impatient.

"It's a simple question, Seunghyun. She's so easy to love, after all. So do you love her or not?"

His eyes were on mine. And as I searched his eyes for an answer, I noticed him tearing up.

"Yes, I do. I love her, Rin."

I smiled, contented with his answer. And exactly on time, our food arrived. I dug in gladly, ignoring Seunghyun's gaze on me.

We drove back in silence that night. I could tell how anxious Seunghyun was. He fidgeted constantly and stole glances at me every 5 seconds. It was a miracle that we arrived home safely. We both headed upstairs as soon as we got home.

"Top oppa..." I called out before I headed to my room. He stopped in his tracks, staring at me with eyes of astonishment.

"Goodnight." I whispered with a smile, closing the door behind me. And as soon as the door slammed shut, I knew that this was it. It was over.

"Rin..." he muttered in disbelief, his voice shaky, "Rin!"

He knocked on my door in panic.

"Rin, open up. Please!" he begged.

I held a hand over my mouth, muffling my cries as I slid to the ground with my back against the door.

It was over.


"Rin...What is love?" Seunghyun asked, looking up from his book.

"I don't know, Seunghyun. You read alot. You tell me."

Seunghyun pouted slightly at my lack of interest towards his question.

"When I figure it out, I'll tell you, Rin." he said proudly.


But he never gave me an answer...

And so I never knew.


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Chapter 28: You killled me author nim How can you? how ....*crying* TAT
joannieongg #2
Chapter 28: 5th time back here, still can't help flooding my room.
notmovingon #3
Chapter 28: I cried. :,(
Irisintheair #4
Chapter 28: This is so beautiful. Every time I come back to re read this story, it strucks me.
thank you for this story, well written and honestlt like otehrs say it needs a sequel.
alohomora #6
Chapter 28: Re-read this for the third time ^^ really hope there's a sequel!
Chapter 28: I re-read this story again... And I still cried. And I'm still hoping for a sequel, honestly.
Bartholomeow #8
Chapter 28: I always come back here. Hope that someday you'll make the sequel! ^^
SoongYeong-a #9
Chapter 28: I cried while reading this story hahaha.
Chapter 28: i always love your story! you're the goddess!