Getting Closer

A couple, just for seven days


“Sunggyu-ssi? Sunggyu-ssi?”
Sunggyu awoke at the unfamiliar voice calling his name. He awoke to find a perfectly sculptured face right in front of his own, and dangerously close.

“Wa..e?” Sunggyu got a shock and immediately pulled himself away from the pretty face.

“I just realized I didn’t know where you were stopping so…” Woohyun explained.

Sunggyu scanned the area and finally realized that he was in a train carriage. He must have fallen asleep during the ride.

“A tired day?” Woohyun asked, seeing that Sunggyu was yawning and his eye bags were really bad.

‘Whose fault do you think it is, Nam Woohyun’ Sunggyu thought inwardly, but he was too tired to even mouth that into words.

“We’ll be approaching Cheonho station soon,” The announcer announced.

“What? My stop passed already!” Sunggyu blurted.

“Oh is that so. I should have waked you up earlier. Sorry,” Woohyun apologized.

Sunggyu sighed. He couldn’t blame Woohyun for that. At least Woohyun didn’t leave him alone in the train and left him to sleep all the way till the last station.

“It’s fine.” Sunggyu just sat back on the seat.

“Then, aren’t you changing lines?” Woohyun questioned.

“It’s fine. You can go off without me. I’ll probably just go to Gyeongju to grab some dinner,” Sunggyu appeared indifferent.

“Then, I’ll go with you,” Woohyun decided, startling Sunggyu who sprung upright in his seat.
“I missed my stop too anyway,” Woohyun said, calmly.

However, Sunggyu knew that wasn’t true. He had checked the member registry before and knew that Woohyun hadn’t even reached his stop.

‘What’s wrong with this guy?’ Sunggyu thought to himself and looked at Woohyun weirdly.

When Woohyun turned to him this time, Sunggyu finally realized that he was staring too hard.

“Sunggyu-ssi…” Woohyun tried to break the silence but was cut off in the middle by Sunggyu.

“Sunggyu-ssi Sunggyu-ssi, aren’t you irritated by that? I’m not that much older you know,” Sunggyu pointed out. To be honest, it was starting to get on his nerves. How were they a couple if they were going to use honorifics to address one another? Not like Sunggyu wanted to be closer to Woohyun, but he just felt that it was weird, hearing honorifics from someone he punched.

“Ah. Okay, then, Sunggyu-hyung?” Woohyun tried.

“Yeah, that sounds so much better. So what did you wanted to say?” Sunggyu decided to listen to Woohyun.

“Oh I just wanted to ask you about some things that you enjoy doing,” Woohyun asked.

“Are you that desperate to start a conversation with me?” Sunggyu asked, frowning.

Woohyun laughed without humour.
“I was just trying to know you better since we’re like going to be a couple for 7 days,” Woohyun explained.

“You do that with all of your girlfriends?” Sunggyu questioned. “I heard Yoona mentioning that for the 7 days, you will become the perfect boyfriend and understand your girlfriends perfectly.”

“Won’t you get closer if you know each other’s likes and dislikes? Doesn’t making your loved one happy make you feel blissed as well?” Woohyun questioned Sunggyu, but the older one just had a blank look. He didn’t know what Woohyun meant by that. He was just sure the younger read too much fairy tales.
“Forget it. I’m trying to be serious here, but if you don’t like it, then let’s just stop,” Upon seeing Sunggyu’s puzzled look, Woohyun was sure he doesn’t understand a single word.

“No wait,” Sunggyu looked into Woohyun’s brown orbs. “It’s also partly my fault we’re in this situation now so I guess the least I could do was to cooperate huh?”

“The way you’re saying it doesn’t make me feel better. I bet that you just think of me as some naïve, innocent small kid,” Woohyun didn’t want to look at Sunggyu.

Sunggyu gulped. He did think a little like that but more than that was something else.
“I’m just… envious…” His words earned Woohyun’s attention as Woohyun slightly titled so he could watch Sunggyu from the corner of his eye.
“Your beliefs and how you can keep thinking about the one you love is amazing. I just don’t understand how you can love someone that much…”

Woohyun smirked, “You really never loved someone before right?”

“Shut up!” Sunggyu whacked the guy on the shoulder.

“Gyeonju station,” The announcer declared brightly.

“Let’s go!’ Sunggyu grabbed Woohyun’s hand and led him out of the station and into the streets of Gyenoju.

“You asked me what I liked to do right?” Sunggyu confirmed, his grip on Woohyun’s hand not loosening. Woohyun could only nod.

“Just telling you is too boring. Let’s go!” Sunggyu led Woohyun on into the lively and bustling night life of Gyeonju.


Before he knew it, Woohyun was dragged into a warm, small restaurant. He was greeted with the aroma of sumptuous dishes that were delivered out of the kitchen.

“Their kimchi-jjigae here is superb! Well, not as good as my umma’s but…” While explaining about the food, Sunggyu seemed so excited and bubbly and that brought a smile to Woohyun’s face.

Realized that Woohyun was giggling, Sunggyu stopped and stared at the younger man.

“Sorry, please continue. It’s just that I never expected Sunggyu hyung to have such a cute side to him,” Woohyun smiled at Sunggyu.

That was totally unexpected. ‘cute?’ Sunggyu didn’t know why but he felt blood rushing up to cheeks and dying it a peached pink. Sunggyu averted his eyes from Woohyun’s wide smile.

“Anyways, let’s just eat!” Sunggyu quickly changed the subject, hoping that that sudden blush was just from the excitement of food.


“Ahhhh… I’m so full...” Sunggyu yawned.

Then, he realized from the corner of his eyes that Woohyun was paying for the meal.

“You don’t have to do it. We can share, you know,” Sunggyu protested. He wasn’t a girl and that wasn’t a date so he really didn’t want Woohyun to pay for all his expenses.

“It’s fine. It’s thanks for bringing me to such a nice place with such great food!” Woohyun was totally not taking Sunggyu’s protests into consideration.

“So where are we going next, Sunggyu hyung?” Woohyun questioned.

“It’s just a stone throw from here,” Sunggyu continued walking, with Woohyun following behind obediently.

They then arrived at a shop.

“hey boss!” Sunggyu greeted the shop owner excitedly and the owner just acknowledged him.

‘He must come here often, huh..’ Woohyun thought.
He scanned the shop thoroughly. The shop was filled with archery gear, equipment, bow and arrows all neatly arranged.
‘Wow,’ Woohyun never imagined that such shops existed.

“Your friend looks lost!” The boss shouted to an overly-engrossed Sunggyu who was busy playing with the bows.

Sunggyu spun around and almost laughed when he saw a really lost Woohyun. The expression on his face was one of confusion. He must have felt out of place.

“Boss, this guy’s our new ace! He shoots really prettily,” Sunggyu told the boss who looked shocked.

“You never came to places like this before?” Sunggyu asked.

Woohyun immediately shook his head.
“I just had lessons when I was young. I never bought my own bow or equipment.”

“Since you treated me for the meal, I’ll buy you a new bow. You’ll need it for the upcoming tournament anyway,” Sunggyu quickly brought Woohyun to a shelf full of bows, all of different thickness and weight.

“Hyung, I never said I was joining the tournament…” Woohyun tried to get through to Sunggyu but Sunggyu was just trapped in his own world.

“here, try this. I think it’ll suit you quite well,” Sunggyu pushed a bow to Woohyun, purposely ignoring his protests.

‘I’m a couple with you because of the tournament. You think I’m going to take no for an answer?’ Sunggyu thought silently.

Watching Sunggyu examining bows after bows with much fervor, Woohyun stopped his protests and observed Sunggyu. Watching Sunggyu doing something he loves was really amazing. It made Woohyun think, ‘wow, he’s really beautiful.’
His changing expressions of excitement and curiosity just seemed to amuse Woohyun and entertain him. ‘Why didn’t he notice this side of Sunggyu before?’ Woohyun thought to himself.

“What?” Sunggyu turned, finally realizing that Woohyun was staring at him with a grin on his face.

“Nothing. Kim Sunggyu, you’re really a strange creature,” Woohyun started, not meaning his comment to be an insult, but a compliment.

Obviously, Sunggyu thought that it was an insult so he just frowned and went forward to pay for his and Woohyun’s new bows.

Outside the shop, he handed Woohyun his bow.

“Remember to come for practice tomorrow,” Sunggyu warned.

“Of course,” Woohyun smiled delightfully. If Sunggyu loved archery so much, Woohyun would want to observe all of Sunggyu’s actions in archery club.

“Sunggyu-hyung. Can I ask something?” Woohyun politely asked for permission which made Sunggyu felt a little weird, but he nodded anyways.

“Why do you love archery so much?” Woohyun questioned.

Sunggyu paused for a while before finally opening his mouth, “it’s the first time I’m telling anybody but it’s actually quite embarrassing.”

That piped up Woohyun’s interest even more as he looked more intently at Sunggyu, prompting him to speak.

Finally, Sunggyu relented, “When I was young, my body was very weak. I couldn’t take sports and couldn’t run around like the other kids.”

Sunggyu waited for Woohyun’s reaction to change, but it never did. Woohyun was just listening attentively to whatever he said, not judging or giving opinions, just listening.

“The kids were laughing at him, calling me weak. So I picked up archery, the only sport I could do. My body soon became stronger and people stopped calling me names. Some of the kids even asked me to teach them archery. It made me feel accepted,” Sunggyu continued.

Then, Sunggyu felt a warm hand touch his. He looked up to meet Woohyun’s eyes that were smiling at him.

“I really like the Sunggyu hyung who does archery. You look absolutely stunning when you pull your bow and concentrate,” Woohyun expressed his heartfelt thoughts. Though Sunggyu wasn’t the best archer out there, but there was something about his stance and his aura whenever he pulled the bow. It was so amazing and attracted Woohyun so much that he couldn’t help but stare every time he sees Sunggyu at the club.

Sunggyu felt electricity shot up through the hand that Woohyun touched. He turned a slight pink, which wasn’t noticed by Woohyun because of the darkness. He didn’t know that Woohyun could say such nice and sweet words.

‘Was this also how he treated other girls and won their hearts?’ Sunggyu couldn’t help but ask in his head and feel something tugging on his heart.

“It’s late. Let’s go!” Unable to stand their close contact, Sunggyu brushed off Woohyun’s hand and walked in the direction of the station.

Woohyun, alarmed at Sunggyu’s sudden motion, fell back a little before picking himself up hurriedly and following Sunggyu.


Once again, the couple was in the train, but this time, the atmosphere was different.

The two didn’t stopped talking throughout the whole train ride. They talked about their hobbies, their families, food they love, awkward situations and the list goes on.

Then, suddenly, Woohyun’s phone rang. He took it out from his pocket and his expression suddenly turned strange from looking at the screen.

“What’s wrong?” Sunggyu asked, concerned.

“Well, hyung. Actually there’s this person that has been prank calling me,” Woohyun’s face turned dark serious.

Sunggyu stared at Woohyun, alarmed and shocked.

“After I answer the call, the person will just stay silent on the other end.”

This time Sunggyu face turned solemn. Of course somebody like Woohyun would receive prank calls. Does he think that he’ll be fine after having so many girlfriends?

“How about I lend you my phone so that you can find out who that person is?” Sunggyu attempted to help to solve the problem.

“You don’t mind?” Woohyun asked.

Sunggyu immediately smiled and passed Woohyun’s his phone. Sunggyu watched as Woohyun copied the number appearing on the screen to Sunggyu’s phone. After typing, Woohyun passed the phone to Sunggyu.

“hyung, can you help me pick it up? I’m a little afraid,” Woohyun’s eyes were filled with uncertainty.

Bravely, Sunggyu took the phone from Woohyun.

In a click the person answered the call.

“Stop bothering Woohyun,” Sunggyu said it out, straight-forwardly.

Then, Woohyun’s sudden laughter shocked Sunggyu.

A puzzled expression fixed itself on Sunggyu’s tired face.

“I’m not interested in Nam Woohyun. I’m interested in you, Kim Sunggyu,” Sunggyu suddenly heard the voice in the phone said. Then, he realized that Woohyun was saying the exact same thing, into the phone that he held now against his ear.

It didn’t took long for Sunggyu to realize that he was tricked.

“What the hell are you doing Nam Woohyun?” Sunggyu shouted to the phone.

“Sunggyu-hyung. Today, I was really happy. Even though we didn’t get off to a good start, but I’m glad that we ended today well. At first, I thought that you were a jerk and a super strong pucher, but now I know that you’re actually really really kind. For the next 7 days, I hope to be able to be a good boyfriend to you. So, let me introduce myself again. I am Nam Woo Hyun. Nice to meet you,” Woohyun reached out his hand to Sunggyu, who suddenly started smiling.

Honestly, who else could think of such a cheesy introduction?

“I’m Kim Sunggyu. Today, I also had great fun. At first, I thought you were just some narcissist, but now, I’ve come to realize that you’re an idiot and a cheesy one at that. Do you do this all the time?” Sunggyu reluctantly played along and reached out his hand, but soon came to enjoy it.

Their conversations brought confusion to many as nobody knew what the hell was the two guys doing, talking on the phone but looking at each other, as if they were talking to one another.

“Nope. It’s the first time. I’m surprised it worked!” Woohyun continued. “This method is really useful. I killed two birds in one stone.”

At Sunggyu’s question mark, Woohyun revealed, “I got your phone number.”

“Now, we’re really a couple huh?” Sunggyu finally sighed.

“I’ll call you. You won’t mind right?” Woohyun asked.

“Try it,” Sunggyu challenged with a wide grin.

With that, they parted ways, both looking forward to what tomorrow will bring. 

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697 streak #1
re-reading this again 🥰
I just found this story after so many years, for the first time!!!! I watched the movie and it was amazing~~ And now I'm really excited to read it in Woogyu version!!!!><
Chapter 9: Do your best Gyu ♡
Chapter 11: I teared at the epilogue, this story was beautifully written! Thank you so much for writing this woogyu story, I really love it <3
kimgyugyu #5
Chapter 11: This is so cute :--( ❤❤
Chapter 11: I love how you make this story slightly different from the original one. It reminds me of the seven days movie version. Hahahaha i kept imagining both actors ;;
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaaa i am squealing so hard noowww.. Ahahaha

And i bit my hand bcoz all of this fluffyness and cheesiness ahaaha

It was the best author-niimmmm.. Ten tumb isnt enough...
Thank you so mucchh /deep bow/
Chapter 10: I was read it. From the day 1 till day 7. Oh sorry, you are read mangas too. I saw you wrote it down in your foreword..

Here all of the scene before, archery club, the cheering from fangirl for gyu and hyun. Their exchange phone number. When they are stood in the peron, the train. All of this remembering me to the manga.. Thank you so much, author-nim. Thank you..

Your cheesy script too. It was nice, so nice..

And in this chapter. I can feel it.. Yes i can..
Im touched :')
Your naration too.. Thank you ^^
Chapter 3: /squealing so hard/

Did you read mangas ?
Oooh gyu oppa in archery club o>,<o
Wooww its so manga-iisshh.. And myungsoo so talkactive hereee kkkk

Really, i felt that i read a mangaa.. Huwaah hopely i wont lost this feeling in the next chapter..

Hello, i am new reader hereee /salute