


Myungsoo was standing on the edge of the rooftop of his apartment. In his hand, there was a violin, his favorite violin. He started playing a song using it. A heartbreaking tone heave softly from his playing. He kept playing that sad song until tears flowing down from his eyes. He stopped his playing and lowered the violin from his shoulder. His gaze turned to the scene in front of him, the views of Seoul city in the night. He could see the view clearly from his position. Then, a memory from two weeks ago started playing in his mind. The memory from that day, the day when he made a worst mistake in his life.






“Jiyeon ah, you wait here! I wanna get some food for us” commanded Myungsoo to his beloved girlfriend, Park Jiyeon.


They have been dated since they were in Junior high school and now, they are in 3rd grade of senior high. Their schoolmates called them as the most perfect couple ever, because they really fit each other. Jiyeon is a queenka in Kirin high school, and so does Myungsoo, he is a kingka from that school as well. They also in a list of ten the smartest students in Kirin. Many of their friend envy with their relationship. They never have a big fight before and their love to each other is so big.


“ne oppa, and don’t forget to buy me some ice cream okay!” said Jiyeon


“anything for you my princess” replied Myungsoo cheesy, but enough to make Jiyeon blushed. “kekeke you’re blushing yeonnie” teased Myungsoo while chuckling.


“Yah! Don’t tease me and palli get the food!” yelled Jiyeon, felt shy.


Then Myungsoo walked away from her, looking for some food in the food store near that place. After some minutes, he came back to the park where Jiyeon was waiting for him. Myungsoo walked happily while holding plastic bag that contain of foods and ice cream that Jiyeon ordered before. But suddenly, his steps stopped when he saw a horrible scene in front of him. His body was frozen and the plastic bag in his hold fell down to the ground. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The scene of Jiyeon who was kissing with a guy.


“oppa!” jiyeon looked very shock as she saw Myungsoo was standing behind them. The guy who just kissed her also looked at Myungsoo.


Myungsoo reminded silent and just staring to the two persons in front of him. He couldn’t believe that Jiyeon was cheating on him.


Jiyeon stared at him helplessly. Tears flowed from her beautiful eyes. “oppa” she just could call him.


“wae? Why did you do that to me?” asked Myungsoo still couldn’t believe the fact that Jiyeon has been cheating on him. Jiyeon didn’t say anything. He just stared at him and kept crying. “wae jiyeon? Why do you not trying to explain me what has happened with the two of you? why are you just silent?” he asked her coldly, but Jiyeon still remind silent. “YAH PARK JIYEON! TELL ME WHAT’S REALLY HAPPEN BETWEEN YOU AND THAT GUY?” shouted Myungsoo while pointing to the guy beside Jiyeon.


The guy just smirked. “are you stupid or something kim myungsoo? Didn’t our kiss has told you everything” he said, smirking. “if you still can’t understand the situation, let me explain to you. Jiyeon doesn’t love you anymore,  she has choosen me over you, and from now, Jiyeon and I are officially dating. It means that you are not her boyfriend any longer.” Said the guy, Lee joon, to myungsoo.


Myungsoo stared at him sharply and then his gaze turned to Jiyeon. “is it true jiyeon?” Myungsoo questioned her.


Jiyeon bowed her head, not wanting to look at myungsoo directly. “mianhae oppa”  that was she only could say to him.


Myungsoo looked at her angrily. “from now on, don’t you dare to call me oppa anymore. You! You are a ” said Myungsoo and walked away from that place. Jiyeon was silent and just crying, looking he’s gone.




“congratulation myungsoo shi, your proposal to Woolim university has been accepted. They just told me this morning.” Said miss Kahi, the art teacher of Kirin, to Myungsoo. “now, the last requirement that you have to do is, show your talent in front of them. If you do it well, I believe they will accept you and you will be a great violinist in the future” said miss Kahi excitedly.


Myungsoo just gave her a weak smile as the reapond.


Miss Kahi looked at him and confused with his reaction. “why? Are you not happy?” she asked.


“ani.. I’m happy. I just.. I just can’t believe it” answered Myungso, lied. Actually he was happy because his proposal to woolin has accepted. But deep in his heart, he still broken heart because the incident from yesterday. He still thinking about Jiyeon that cheating on him.


“okay then, I hope you can prepare yourself well and you can pass the last test. So that, you will be accepted as student in woolim university.” Said Miss Kahi gave him her support.


Myungsoo smiled at her. “ne, thank you ssaem.” He said “I’m sorry ssaem, can I go now?” Myungsoo asked her permission. Miss Kahi just nodded as her agreement.


Myungsoo walked to his class and he saw Jiyeon was talking with Lee Joon, as soon as he reached his class. Joon seemed talking non stop but Jiyeon just looked at him blankly. Myungsoo sighed heavily looking that scene, then he walked toward his chair. The thing that he didn’t know, when he sat on his chair, Jiyeon was looking at her and kept watching at him until the school time was over.


The school time was over. Myungsoo walked alone in the school corridor. He wanted to go home quickly and practice for his performance in front of many professor in Woolim university, next week. He really wants to be accepted to Woolim since it is the best art university in Korea, especially in music majoring. Myungsoo has high expectation that he will be accepted to woolim. If it really happened, then he could improve his skill in playing violin, and he could become a great violinist like what he dreamt all these times. He can bet everything in his life in order to reach his dream become the best violinist.




Myungsoo’s steps was stopped by the voice that called him. He turned his head and saw Jiyeon was running toward him.


“oppa wait!” said Jiyeon as she was in front of Myungsoo.


Myungsoo stared at her coldy. “what do you want?” he asked her with a cold voice.


Jiyeon looked at him with a sad look. It was the first time Myungsoo acted so cold to her. “oppa, I heard your proposal has been accepted by woolim. I..”


“did I have told to you to not call me oppa?” Myungsoo cut her words.


Jiyeon looked startled. “mi..mianhae, m..myungsoo.. shi” she said weakly while bowing her head. “I just wanna coungratulate you for being accepted to woolim. I know that is your biggest dream and I’m happy for you.” Said Jiyeon, kept bowing her head.


“do you have anything else that you want to talk to me? If is not, then I’ll go now” responded Myungsoo rudely.


Jiyeon shook her head. “a-ani. It’s that all” she replied. Her voice sounded tremble since she held up her tears to not falling.


Myungsoo didn’t care about it and just walked away from her. Jiyeon lift her head and saw Myungsoo has walked away. The tears started rolling on her cheeks. She felt like there was million knives that stabbing her chest when Myungsoo acted so cold to her. “mianhae oppa, jeongmal mianhae” she said while crying helplessly




Jiyeon was in the music room of Kirin. She was playing a sad song using a piano in that place. The song sounded so heartbreaking. She played the song while tears falling dwon from her eyes, over and over. Suddenly, she heard a footsteps came closer to her place. She stopped her playing and wiped the tears on her cheeks. Then, she saw Myungsoo was walking into that place while holding a violin.


“op.. oh, myungsoo shi” she greeted him and gave him her smile.


Myungsoo ignored it and just looked at her coldly. “I just wanna give it back to you.” He said and giving jiyeon the violin. “I think I don’t need it anymore.” He continued.


Jiyeon was silent and took the violin from him. She stared to the violin that had been in her hand, the violin that she ever gave to Myungsoo three years ago, as her preasent for him. “do you really hate me that much myungsoo shi?” finally she spoke, her eyes kept staring to the violin.


Myungsoo was silent for a moment, then he talked “I love you more than anything in this world. I love you more than I love my dream as the best violinist, but you betrayed me. you cheated with that lee joon guy. Then, what do you expect me to do? You want me to forgive you and forget everything? You really expect me to do that? I’m not that kind Jiyeon” he told her with a firm and cold voice. “you! You told me that you never leave me and will always love me forever, but you broke your promise. Then, I can’t hate you for that? of course I hate you for that. i hate you more than anything in this world park jiyeon” he continued his world and stared at Jiyeon angrily.


Jiyeon’s tears had rolled out of control as she heard what Myungsoo just told to her. “mianhae, because I hurt you that much” she said bitterly.


Myungsoo didn’t say anything and just walked away, leaving Jiyeon who was cying alone.




A week had passed from the day when Myungsoo talked to Jiyeon in the music room. After that day both of them never talked each other. Myungsoo kept ignoring Jiyeon and kept acting cold to her.  And Jiyeon, she kept hanging out with Joon, but she looked unhappy with him. She also changed. She was more silent and always looks dreamy


The day for the test finally came. Myungsoo was heading to Woolim university. He felt very nervous because tonight is the time which will determine his life. Whether he can be a great violinist or not.


He reached Woolim building and wanted to walked into it. But, he saw a familiar figure was standing in front of Woolim’s entrance door.


“what are you doing here?” asked Myungsoo coldly to Jiyeon.


“oh, you has came. I.. I just want to give you my support. I know you hate me, and you don’t want to see me, but just like you, I’ve been waiting this time for along time. I’ve been waiting for the time when you will reach your dream. And I, I have promised you that.. that I.. I will be there for you when you’re accepted in this university.” She explained with a sincere smile


“but it was the past. For me, it’s not important anymore whether you are here for me or not.” replied Myungsoo harshly.


Jiyeon felt like heart heart was stabbed as she heard his words. “ne.. I understand.” She said, hepless. “but.. did not you ever ask me why I did not explain to you why I'm having an affair? If I explain you now, will you forgive me?” he asked him while looking into his eyes.


Myungsoo little bit startled, but then he answered “it doesn’t matter anymore. I don’t want to hear anything from you anymore. From now on, just don’t meet me again and pretend that we don’t know each other everytime we meet in the futrure. I.. I don’t want to see your face again.” He said.


Jiyeon’s heart broke into million pieces. Myungsoo’s words really hurted her so much. She knew he hate her, but she never knew he hate her that much. In the broken heart she nodde her head. “arraso. From now on I’ll never see you again and I will never appear in front of you anymore. But, I want you to know something, that I ... I never broke my promise to you that I, I will always love you, from the day I met you until now, and until the end of my life. Because I love you so much and it’s always you.” Said Jiyeon sincerely.


Myungsoo smirked. “do you think I trust it?” he replied rudely.


Jiyeon tried to smile and ignored the pain in her heart. “you don’t need to trust me” she said, trying to hold up her tears. “since it will be the last time I can see you, I want to say sorry for hurting you. Mianhae ... oppa” she said, painfully


Myungsoo didn’t give any respond and turned his gaze from her. He really didn’t care about her feeling anymore.  Jiyeon sighed and smiled bitterly. “I’ll go now. I hope you you will do your best. Fighting!” then she walked away from him. The tears that she kept since last finally spilled over on her cheeks.


Myungsoo didn’t care about her and walked into Woolim building.




Jiyeon was driving alone to her home. She kept remembering myungsoo’s words some minutes ago, in front of Woolim building. The tears rolled again and again from her eyes. She never felt this kind of pain in her life, the pain that made her felt like dying. Jiyeon kept cyring and didn’t watch the road in front of her. She didn’t notice that there was a truck that was speeding toward her. The truck’s speed was so high. The truck was getting closer and closer toward her car and ...




 A loud sound of car crash was heard all over the street.


Jiyeon’s was above the wheel. Blood had flowed from her head and covered her face. She could hear many voice of people who shouted calling her, from the window of her car. Her vision was blur and getting blur and finally she was unconscious.


Meanwhile in the Woolim unoversity building, Myungsoo was sitting on a bench and waiting his turned to perform in front of some professor of Woolim. His hand was sweating badly because he was really nervous.


“are you kim myungsoo?” asked a voice to him.


Myungsoo lift his head and he saw a tall guy was standing in front of him.


“are you kim myungsoo?” asked the tall guy again.


Myungsoo nodded his head. “ne, I’m kim Myungsoo. Can I help you?” asked Myungsoo friendly


The tall guy smiled and shook his head. “ani, I just want to give it to you.” He said while giving a violin to Myungsoo. Myungsoo looked at the violin and sighed. “there was a girl that ask me to give it this violin to you, her name is... park.. park Ji...”


“park jiyeon” Myungsoo cut him.


“oh ne, park jiyeon.” Said the guy. “she also asked me to give this to you.” He continued while giving a letter to Myungsoo.


Myungsoo took the violin and the letter fron that guy. “gomawo” Myungso thanked him.


“you’re welcome” replied the tall guy and he left Myungsoo.


Myungsoo looked at the violin and put it bedside him, then he started reading the letter from Jiyeon.



Dear Myungsoo oppa,


I know that you hate me so much, and I know that is all my false. I just wanna give the violin to you. I can’t keep it with me because it’s belong to you. Since I gave it to you, the violin has became yours. I hope you can keep the violin for me, and I hopethe violin can help you pass the test tonight.





Myungsoo sighed after he read the letter from Jiyeon. He stared blankly the violin beside him.


“kim myungsoo” then a guy from the test room called him.


Myungsoo stood up and took the violin, then he walked into the test room. When he was in, he saw some people was sitting in front of him. They looked very dignified and charismatic.


“are you ready?” asked one woman who was in between the seats of the professors who will assess his ability.


Myungsoo nodded. “ne” he replied. Then he started playing his violin. He played very well. The professors who were watching he played the violin seemed very impressed by his playing. A few minutes later he finished his playing and the professors gave him big applause


“okay kim myungsoo, you has great skill in playing violin.” Praised one of the professors “I think you worth to be student in Woolim university.” He continued.


Myungsoo startled hearing his word. “does it mean that I...”


The professor smiled. “yes, welcome to woolim university” he said, made Myungsoo more startled yet happy.


“thank you, thank you so much” he said the professor happily while bowing his body. The professor just smiled and allowed him to came out from that room. Myungsoo left the room, feeling very happy.


He quickly took his phone to tell his parents about the good news, but suddenly his phone rang.


“IU?” he mumbled as she saw name that appaered on his phone’s monitor. He picked up the phone “yeoboseyo” he greeted IU


“yeoboseyo myung.. myungsoo shi..” said IU with a tremble voice. It sounded that she was crying.


“what’s wrong IU sshi, why are you crying?” asked Myungsoo, worried.


“myungsoo.. jiyeon... she, she got accident” said IU. “now.. she.. she was struggle in emergency room” she continued and still crying.


Myungsoo shocked hearing what IU just said. Without thinking too long he quickly ran from that place and went to the hospital where Jiyeon was.


15 minutes later he arrived to the hospital and immadiately ran to the emergency room. When he got there he saw IU was standing while crying badly. He also saw Jiyeon’s parents there. Jiyeon’s mother was crying in her husband’s hug. Myungsoo’s haert skipped a beat looking that scene, he knew something wrong happed to Jiyeon.


“Myungsoo shi!” called IU as she saw Myungsoo was standing near them.


“what happened with Jiyeon? How is her condition right now?” asked Myungsoo, felt very afraid of what will happen to Jiyeon.


IU just looked at him with a sad looked. “myungsoo shi, jiyeon got accident on the way home and doctors.. they can save.. save her.” Said IU and her cries became worse.


Myungsoo was frozen in his position, his tears had flowing from his eyes. He couldn’t belive what IU just said to him. “it’s impossible! Jiyeon isn’t dead. I just met her this night.” Said Myungsoo tried to escape from the fact that Jiyeon has died.


IU looked at him painfully. She knew how much he love Jiyeon. She also knew how regret he was because Jiyeon left him when they’re still in fight. Suddenly Joon came to that place. He also looked very sad, IU had told him that Jiyeon died.


“Myungsoo.. I.. I have to tell you something, about me and jiyeon.” Said Joon while looking at Myungsoo.


Myungsoo tuned his gaze to him. He was still very angry with joon but he’s too sad to have a fight with him.


“myungsoo.. jiyeon. She never betrayed you. She never chaeted with me. I.. I the one that forced her to do that kiss. I..”


Myungsoo looked shock. “what are you talking about” he said and grabbed Joon’s collar.


Joon didn’t do anything, he just looked at Myungsoo with regret. Joon bowed his head and started telling him about what really happened between him and Jiyeon in the park, at that time.




Jiyeon was waiting Myungsoo alone. She was thinking about their realationship and how happy she is because she has Myungsoo as her boyfriend. Suddenly she heard someone called her.


“jiyeon ah” called the familiar voice.


Jiywon looked at the person that has the voice, it was Joon. He was standing beside her.


“oh joon oppa, what are you doing here?” asked Jiyeon friendly and smlied to him.


“I.. I’m looking for you.” Said Jiin while looking into Jiyeon face.


Jiyeon little bit surprised. “looking for me?” she asked him.


Joon nodded. “ne.” He replied. “jiyeon ah.. honestly, I.. I love you. I love you since the first day I met you. I know you have a boyfriend already, but I don’ about that. Jiyeon ah, would you be my girlfriend?” Joon confessed her


Jiyeon shocked hearing his confeesion. “oppa, are you joking with me. I..”


“no jiyeon, I’m not joking. I’m serious.” Joon cut her.


Jiyeon opened in disbelif. “but oppa, I.. it’s impossible for me become your girlfriend because I have myungsoo oppa and I love him so much.” Jiyeon tried to reject his feeling in a good way.


But Joon’s face changed into anger. “I sadi you I didn’t care whether you has a boyfriend or not. You have to be my girlfirend no matter whaht.” Said Joonwith a horrible stare.


Jiyeon felt scare with joon’s sudden action. “no oppa, you can’t force me. I can’t be your girlfriend, never.” Said Jiyeon firmly.


Then Joon smirked at her. “who said you can’t be my girl?” he smiled terrible. Jiyeon felt more scared seeing his smile. “I bet you know that Myungsoo sent proposal to woolim univerity. And I bet you also know that Myungsoo eager to be student in Woolim in order to get his dream become a great violinist. But how if he lost it, if he lost his oppurtunity to get in Woolim” said Joon while smiling.


Jiyeon’e eyes widen “what do you mean oppa?” she asked him, afraid.


Joon gave her another terrible smile. “you know jiyeon, I’m the son of the biggest financial contributor for Woolim university. And it’s very easy for me to ask my dad to reject Myungsoo’s proposal, and I can do that everytime I want” he explained her.


Jiyeon shook her head. “no oppa, don’t do it. Please don’t break his dream! I beg you” begged Jiyeon, started crying.


Joon smirked. “I won’t do that but with one condition, you have to be my girlfriend” said Joon, full of victory.


Jiyeon turned her gaze from Joon bowed her head. The tears rolling more and more on her cheeks. She knew she didn’t have choice. She didn’t want Myungsoo lost his oppurtunity to get in Woolim university, because to be accepted in Woolim is one of the way he can reach his dream to be violinist. Jiyeon doesn’t want looked joon broke his dream, she have to save his dream. Finally Jiyeon nodded. “I will be your girlfriend, but if I do it you have to stay away from Myungsoo oppa and don’t ever try to break his dream.” Said Jiyeon helplessly.


Joon smiled happily, Finally he did it. He made Jiyeon become his grilfriend. Joon walked closer to her and lift her face. Then he kissed her, on her lip. Jiyeon didn’t try to fight back and let Joon kissed her lips. Tears kept rolling on her cheeks as Joon kissed her roughly. She knew she will lose Myungsoo because of her decision, but she didn’t mind it. As long as Myungsoo can reach his dream it’s more than enough for her.


Joon took off his kiss from Jiyeon. Then Jiyeon looked Myungsoo was standing behind them.


“oppa” she called him helplessly.




“she did it because she wanna save your dream. And it’s all because of me, I shouldn’t force her to be my girlfirend. I.. I’m sorry myungsoo” Said Joon, regreted what he have done to Jiyeon


Myungsoo stared at him angrily then he punched his face very hard, made Joon fell down o the floor.


“so it was you, the one who made me fight with her and made me became a worst guy in thsi world, that was you BASTARD!” yelled Myungsoo kept punching Joon’s face.


Joon didn’t fight im back. He let Myungsoo punched him and shed all his anger. He knew he reserved it. After he finished punched him, Myungsoo sat on the floor and leaned his body against the wall. He cried so bad and hitting his fist against the floor. “I’m very stupid! It is my false, I told her that I don’t want to see her again. and now, she’s gone. She left me, and I can’t see her forever. It was my false.” He said while crying badly. “Jiyeon ah, please forgive me.” said Myungsoo, blaming himself.




“I told you that I love you, I love you more than anything in this world. I love you more than my dream as a violinist. But why you did that? why you wanted to save my dream? You should let that bastard lee joon breaking my dream. it will be better than you tried to save my dream jiyeon ah, you’re such a pabo” said Myungsoo, still standing on the edge of the rooftop in his apartment while kept holding his violin.


“that night, I shouldn’t tell you to not meet me again, I shouldn’t tell you that I don’t want to see your face again. If I didn’t say that, you’d still be here, in this world.” He said and crying again. “that night, you wanted to explain me about everything between you and joon, but I didn’t give you  a chance and I said something that made you hurt. I said you that you broke your promise that you will love me forever, but in the fact, I was the one who broke my promise. I didn’t trust you and I hurted you so much. Mianhae Jiyeon ah, mianhae...”


Myungsoo wiped his tears and stared to the sky. “you know how much I miss you now? I miss you until I feel like dying.” He said. Then a smile curved on his face. “Jiyeon ah, I have promised you that we will always together no matter what happens. And now, I’ll keep my promise to you. We will always be together jiyeon.” Said Myungsoo and then he jumped down from the rooftop of his apartment.


His body fell onto the ground, and so much blood flowed from his head and he died while holding his violin, his favorite violin, the violin that Jiyeon gave to him.




3 years ago...


“oppa, I have a present for you” said Jiyeon happily to her boyfriend, Myungsoo.


“what is that?” asked Myungsoo excitedly.


“jajannnnnnn!” said Jiyeon while showing him a violin.


Myungsoo opened his mouth and then smiled brightly. “jiyeon ah, this is for me?” he asked her in disbelief.


Jiyeon smiled and shook her head. “ne! I know you like playing violin and you want to be a great violin. So I give this to you” explained Jiyeon while handing Myungsoo the violin.


Myungsoo looked at the violin and felt amazed. “gomawo jiyeon ah” he thanked her, happy.


“oppa.. I love you. I love you so much and I will always love you until I die” said Jiyeon while looking into Myungsoo’s eyes.


Myungsoo rubbed her hair. “I love you too jiyeon ah” he said, smiling. “ehm.. you have given me a present but I haven’t give you anything. So what do you want from me?” asked Myungsoo, looking at Jiyeon


Jiyeon tried to think of something that she wants from him. “hmm.. you don’t need to give me anything oppa. I just want you to promise me something.” She answered and looked into Myungsoo’e eyes.


“what is that?” asked Myungsoo curiously.


“promise me that you will always love me and we will always be together, no matter what will happen to us. We will always together, forever.” Said Jiyeon, smiled. Myungsoo chucked hearing her request. “yah oppa! I’m serious” Jiyeon pouted.


He stopped his chuckle. “ne mianhae. Well I promise you park jiyeon. I will always love you and we will always be together no matter what will happen, and we will always together forever.” Said Myungsoo to her.


“promise?” Jiyeon gave her her pinkie finger.


“promise” said Myungsoo, and they did their pinky promise






I'm sorry I made it to be a sad story and if the story is bad

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@all thanks for your comments. @purplecouple kekeke I just realized it. Thanks for correcting my english. @cherryeoppo I'm still writing a new story, but it will be twoshot maybe
YippieM #2
You made me cry~
This story is daebak~~~
Hope you will make more story~
Coffee_Bunny #3
TT^TT so sad!!!!! -wipe my tear- OTL~
Sad ending >[]<
So sad! It made me all teary
purplecouple #5
such a sad story....tears has wet my eyes.. thanks for the story.
and sorry to say that you have type wrongly..It's "fault" not "false". sorry i may sound rude, hope you don't mind.
so jiyeon is dead?
whoaa this is so sad :(
but, nice story chingu!
i'm waiting for your next myungyeon oneshot :)