You've Made A Beautiful Choice

Beautiful Choice

-listen to this while reading, beautiful-

O1 – 23 – 2012

She must think I’m weird, considering I look and glance at her every time she walks down that hall. I can’t seem to help it. She’s too pretty, no not even pretty. She’s beautiful. Oh gosh, I’m making a complete fool out of myself.

Luhan sighed and crumbled the paper in his hand, shoving it deep inside his locker. Groaning, he placed his head in there and sighed. There was no way he was letting anyone know about his secret crush on the school’s queenka.

He frowned, taking his textbooks, and moving onto his next classes. Of course she wouldn’t like him; she’s out of his league. And Luhan knew it. Still, he couldn’t resist it. As he sat down on his chair, her laugh filled the classroom. His head moved on its own as he took in her features.

Her shiny hair, lively eyes, and bright smile, oh man she was perfect. Luhan was surprised that she wasn’t taken yet. As his eyes were fixed and concentrated on her, Sehun jumped up, nearly scaring him to death. “Dude!” he exclaimed. “If you’re trying to kill me, you’re doing an excellent job.”

Sehun laughed and looked at the direction in which Luhan was looking at. “What are you staring at? Checking her out?” Sehun wiggled his eyebrows and moved in closer to Luhan, teasing him as usual.

“Sehun, I swear,” Luhan mumbled, looking forward as the teacher came in and started barking at the students to get into their seats. “One of these days, I will wipe that smirk out of your face and kick your out into space.”


I just embarrassed myself. No, literally. Today was…not like any other day. Today, Jade actually talked to me! Well, we were partnered up for a project, but whatever! I still got to talk to her!

If you could hear her voice, you’d know why I fell for her. While talking to her, I realized that I fell for her even more. Her bright smile matches her bright personality along with her sense of humor. She glows with kindness that she shows and displays. I’ve never met or even seen a person like her.

And then comes the embarrassment...

Luhan nearly jumped of joy out of his seat when his teacher announced the partners working together. Thank goodness it was two per two. Luhan could hear from the back, some boys groaning and complaining on why they didn’t get partnered up with the queenkas.

He smiled softly to himself as each partner went up to each other. Sehun smirked and put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, look into her eyes then go slowly—“He didn’t even get to finish his sentence when Luhan hit him in the face with his textbook.

“Get out,” he said as he went up to meet with Jade. His heart went faster than ever and each step he took, he got more nervous. He finally reached her as she smiled up to him, tapping a seat next to her, motioning him to sit next to her.

“Hi!” She said cheerfully. “I’m Jade! Who are you?” She smiled at Luhan as he slowly thought his heart was going to melt.

“A-ah, e-er, you know…” Luhan stuttered. Upon hearing the words he was saying, all he wanted to do was slap himself in the face and then hit himself repeatedly.

I’m embarrassing myself!

Jade tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. In a few seconds, she bursted into giggles. Luhan blushed deep red, putting his head down. “I like you already,” she said in between giggling. “You’re funny. I’m just kidding. I know who you are, Luhan. Haha, you’re too cute.”

Hearing those words, Luhan thought he would faint. Faint and then die happily.


Today is the day that Jade is coming over to my house to work on that project. Oh yeah, I didn’t tell you what it’s for, huh? It’s about the Civil War. Apparently, our teacher wants us to get to know more about America and their wars. We don’t know why.

Anyways, what am I supposed to do?! This is the first time a girl is coming over to visit! I hope I don’t embarrass myself in front of her again. No, wait. I hope my family doesn’t embarrass me before I do. Oh gosh, this is going to be a long day.

Luhan scratched his head and then looked up. Was this a good idea? Maybe it would have been better if he went to her house. Maybe that way his parents wouldn’t be embarrassing him. The door bell rang as Luhan’s heart leaped. He raced down the stairs but his mother had already beaten him to the door.

“Oh!” She smiled and pulled Jade in by her wrist. “Come, come. My, my. You are beautiful!” She exclaimed and clasped her hands together. “Would you like anything?”

Jade smiled politely and bowed. “Hehe, thank you. I could say the same thing to you, Auntie,” she replied and shook her head, taking off her shoes. “No, I’m good. Thank you.” Facing Luhan, she waved and grinned. “Hello, Luhan.”

“Mother!” Luhan interrupted. “Why don’t you go back to what you were doing?”

“Well, I was actually making dinner for two. You know, you and J—“she started when Luhan pushed her out of the living room.

“I love you too!” He covered up and closed the door, facing Jade with a nervous smile. “Er, you’ve met my mother. I think she likes you.”

Jade smiled and nodded, following Luhan into the couches and setting down the poster and markers. “I brought the materials for the poster,” she said, pointing to each of the material. “then if we finish this early, we can start on the oral report. He said two and a half pages, right?”

Luhan nodded in agreement, “Yeah. Two and a half, along with pictures to represent each event that happened during the war.”

Jade smiled and looked at him. “Right. I forgot about that. Thank goodness you took notes,” she laughed a bit and opened one of the markers. “Check it out! Scented markers always smell good,” she said, closing her eyes and taking in the scent.

“You think he’ll give us some extra credit for good-scented markers?” She joked. Luhan laughed and ruffled her hair.

“He might,” he said. “if they’re to his likings. And he won’t bite of the poster in order to try and taste it.”

Jade laughed more this time, hitting him lightly on his chest. “Alright, come on,” she said and made a little fighting sign. “Let’s get started, shall we?”


She’s been visiting my home for quite a while now, and I enjoy her company so much. She’s so warm. And my parents embarrass me all they can. All she does is smile and laugh, my mother likes her already. I’m glad for that.

I noticed something though; she has never talked about her family. She’s never invited me into her home either. I wonder why that is but I’m too scared to ask. It’s as if I’m invading her privacy and I don’t want that. Still, I’m very curious.

“And this is what happened during the war. I guess that he didn’t want to betray his hometown and that is why he joined the army…” Jade was summarizing in which she remembers from reading. “Luhan?”

Luhan was deep in thought; he wasn’t paying attention in his surroundings. More likely, he was wondering what goes on in Jade’s home.

“Luhan?” Jade asked again, as she poked his side. That shot him up and looking at her. “What’s up, dummy? You were spacing out.” She chuckled and went onto reading, but soon looked up at him again. “Hey, are you okay? Is something wrong?”

“Jade,” Luhan said, looking at her. “What’s your family like?”

“My family?” Everything got a bit quiet for a few minutes; they could both hear the clock ticking. Then Jade let out a small laugh. “I think I should go, I’m late for something.”

It happened too quickly. Jade left in a hurry as Luhan regretted on what he had asked.


I knew I should not have done that. It was a disaster, and Jade won’t even look at me. Not even talk to me, and the project is due on the 14th of March, though I could care less about it. I worry about Jade, I wish she could talk to me.

I hope I can make things right, though.

As she was walking through the hallway, she laughed along with her friends like any normal day. Luhan covered his face in his locker as one of the kingkas moved over to him.

“Watch this,” he whispered to a girl. His girlfriend, probably. Luhan couldn’t hear what he had said, but it made the girl giggle as the boy made his way to Luhan. He put a hand on the top of his locker, looking at him.

“Is there a problem?” Luhan asked, shoving books into his book bag. “Who are you?”

“Wow! I’m surprised you don’t know me,” the kingka laughed loudly and slammed the locked shut, making Luhan flinch. “It doesn’t matter though.”

Luhan glared at him slightly and went past him as the other kids in the hall stared at the two. “Where do you think you’re going?” The kingka yelled out loudly. “Are you chicken?” That made Luhan stop in his tracks.

Where the hell is Sehun when you need him?

He looked back at the guy. The guy was full of muscle and he did seem like one of those popular people. “Who said I was?” he replied back to him, clutching into the strap of his book bag.

“Your actions seem like it,” the guy replied back, making baby sounds and noises. That made the kids in the hallway laugh in pleasure.

“You say about me? I’ll say about you. Fine, your actions make you look like a complete idiot, not to mention you seem like a jerk. Your use of vocabulary is short and your brain is the brain of a kindergartener. Not to mention your attitude and personality. You’re not full. You’re worth half a person,” he responded, not flinching.

The guy looked pissed and walked up to him. “Take that back.”

“Or what?” That resulted in a punch on the face. Luckily for Luhan, his reflexes were fast and he dodged the blow easily.

“I would recommend you to not do that,” he said calmly. “Just walk away and pretended this never happen and I’ll let you go.”

Now this resulted with another punch. “Fight! Fight! Fight!” He could hear the students chanting. You’re kidding right?

Apparently the guy took it as a cheer and tried punching Luhan in which he dodged and punched him in the arm. As a former martial arts student, Luhan kicked him in the leg, resulting the guy on the floor. “I’m sorry,” he muttered, only for him to hear.

He walked out, only to see Jade at the end on the hallway, walking out of the hallway as if she was never there.


That wasn’t the right way to get her attention. I should not have done that. Ugh, I’m such an idiot. She’ll most likely never talk to me again. I’ll just avoid her then. I think that’s best. Oh, but wait. I can’t.

That project. Wonderful.

That day was like any other day again. Jade came into his house with a weak smile and supplies ready to go.

“Hi,” she greeted.

“Hello,” Luhan said back.

The next thirty minutes went by with silence and no one talked until one hour had passed. Luhan had felt extremely awkward by the last encounter he had seen her. There was nothing in his head to break the silence.

It was Jade who spoke first. She looked at him and put her hand on his.

“Luhan,” she said. “I’m sorry about last time. And I’m sorry about what happened with you and Yohyun. He’s just trying to look cool. He’s like that.”

Yohyun? Oh, yeah. One of the popular jock guys at school. Wonderful.

“Anyways, don’t let him get to you,” she continued and put her hand back. “I don’t know his problem but I’ll tell him to stop. He’s a good friend of mine since elementary school. Don’t tell him this but,” she leaned closer to Luhan and actually cracked a small smile. “I think he’s jealous.”

Luhan looked at her. “Seriously?”

Jade giggled and nodded. “Yeah. He’s like that.”

Luhan smiled and looked down. “Er, I’m sorry too,” he said. “About last time. That I asked you.”

“No,” Jade sighed. “I should tell you. See, my dad is in the hospital at the moment. It’s heart-breaking, really and I don’t know what to do. My mother, in the other hand, spends all her time in that hospital. Long enough to not take notice of my brother so it’s me who’s taking care of him. He’s three this year, so it’s kind of a hassle for him to take care of him and go to you.”

“Wait, who’s taking care of him right now?” Luhan asked.

Jade replied, “My friend. She’s taking care of him.”

So, that’s why.


We finished in time, thank goodness. Everything looked good, and it was all well. The day was also well, but Jade wasn’t in today. I found out that it was her father. And he wanted to see her. I hope it isn’t bad news.

I can’t bear to see her hurt again. I don’t want to.

“Everyone, I thank you for those wonder presentations,” Mr. Jung announced with a smile on his face. “I was so happy. I’d like for you to know something though.”

“What?” Sehun asked for the class.

“The reason I had put the date up today. And the reason for why I partnered you up with your partners,” Mr. Jung smiled and went up. “Happy White Day, everyone.”

I found out later that Mr. Jung had partnered us up to one male and female who never had contact with each other. It seemed to work…really well. All the guys went ahead and presented their female partners gifts.

I had mine all ready in my heads. Jade wasn’t here.

Mr. Jung winked at me and went up to me, “Go to her, son. And run.”

Luhan ran as directed, running as fast as he could to the hospital.

Please be alright…please.

Luhan found her crying outside the bench outside the hospital. He approached her but she saw him. Running up to him, she put her arms around him and sobbed. “Jade…” he said softly.

“He’s fine! My dad is going to be fine! It’s a miracle!” She cried happily and continued to cry. Luhan smiled and pulled her in to a hug.

With one hand, carefully took out a small white box with a ribbon on top of it. He held it up to her and gave a small smile, putting in on the middle of her palm. Then, without saying anything, kissed her on the cheek.

Putting his one finger on his lips, he went to her ear and whispered.

“Happy White Day."

She smiled back and kissed his cheek.

"You've made a beautiful choice."

Word Count : 2,543

Completed : June 6, 2012


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The ending made me feel all giddy inside.
So cute! So cute! :3
The layout is so pretty and well-organized.
I need to read this ASAP. :D
I have a feeling it's gonna be good. <3
JaHan. I like it. ^^