Mall = Lost Warriors

My Alien Warriors
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“Eunjung, wake up.” Zelo shook you. “Mm.” you mumbled pushing Zelo away. “Come one, Eunjung.” Zelo pulled you up. “Ugh.” You frowned opening your eyes. “Zelo, why did you wake me up so early?” “It’s not early. It’s,” Zelo looked at your clock, “One zero one four.” You raised an eyebrow. “One zero one four?” you looked at your clock and snorted. “Zelo, its 10:14am, not one zero one four.” You said. Zelo shrugged. “I know. I was just testing you.” Zelo smiled. You rolled your eyes. “Right.” “I’m serious though.” Zelo pouted. “Okay, okay. I believe you. Now can you please leave? I need to change.” Zelo nodded and left.

You sighed and ran your hand through your hair. “Crazy alien warrior.” You said getting out of bed, grabbing your towel, and headed to the bathroom. Once you were done washing, you changed into shorts and a plain t-shirt. When you were done changing, you headed downstairs.

BAP were happily sitting down eating breakfast, while umma and Himchan were talking. You walked in and sat down next to Daehyun.

“Good morning Eunjung.” Himchan greeted. “Good morning.” You replied. “Morning umma.” You kissed umma’s cheek. “Good morning.” Umma smiled.

You felt stares at you so turned around to see BAP staring at you and umma with wide eyes. You raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong?” you asked. “Y-you k-kissed.” Zelo stuttered. You gave Zelo a weird look. “Yeah. I kissed my umma on the cheeks.” You empathize the work ‘cheeks’. “But why?” Youngjae asked. You shrugged. “Molla, I always do.” You replied bluntly. “Can I do that too?” Zelo asked innocently. “Do wh-” before you could ask, Zelo kissed your cheek.

Your eyes widen in shock. “Good morning Eunjung.” Zelo smiled. Youngjae smacked Zelo in the head. “Babo.” Youngjae frowned. “Youngjae Hyung.” Zelo pouted rubbing his head.

You were still in shock. Umma shook you lightly. “Sweetie?” umma said softly. “Huh?” you turned to umma. “Gwaenchana?” “Oh. Ah Neh. Don’t worry about me.” You assured with a bright smiled. Umma nodded. “Well, I have to run some errands today so I’ll be going now.” Umma stood up, kissed your forehead, waved to BAP, and left.

It was silent. You cleared your throat. “I’m hungry.” You stood up and walked over to the fridge. You took out some eggs and cooked them. Once you finished cooking, you sat back down and began to eat.

BAP watched you eat. You noticed them and looked up at them. “What are you guys looking at?” you frowned. BAP shook their heads. “Nothing.” They continued to eat, but there was still one person or alien staring at you. You turned to the alien. “Is staring at me that interesting?” you raised an eyebrow. He smiled and nodded. “Aigoo. Himchan, just continue to eat.” You said taking a bite of your eggs. A piece of rice stuck onto the corner of your lips. Before you could wipe it away, a hand brushed it away for you. Your eyes widen and looked up.

Himchan smiled. You blushed. Himchan chuckled. *She’s cute when she blushes.*

You wiped your mouth just to make sure nothing is there. *Aigoo. Eunjung, you babo eat cleaner.* you scold yourself.

Daehyun noticed that you were wiping your mouth. You glanced at you and saw that your cheeks were red. He raised an eyebrow. *Is she blushing? Why is sh-* hearing Himchan chuckle, Daehyun looked at him. Himchan was staring and smiling at you. Daehyun glanced over at you again. Your cheeks were still red.

He furrowed his eyebrows. *What happened between them?* he glanced one more time at you before getting up, putting his dish in the sink, and headed back to the room that he shared.

Soon you finished your breakfast. BAP had already finished their breakfast. Their dishes in the sink. You washed the dished.

Once you were done, you checked your watch. It read 11:45am. You smiled. *We still have plenty of time. These dumb warriors need clothes.* so, with that on your mind, you walked into the living room where Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae, Jongup, and Zelo were watching TV.

You went and stood in front of the TV. “Eunjung, you’re blocking the TV.” Jongup whined. “Move.” Yongguk frowned. You winced a little still not used to his deep voice yet. “Yah.” Himchan elbowed Yongguk. “Ow.” Yongguk winced. Himchan glared at Yongguk, who rolled his eyes.

You cleared your throat. Their attention went back to you. “Is there something that you need?” Yongguk asked. You nodded and smiled. “And what’s that?” Himchan asked. “We’re all going out so go get ready.” You smiled. “Going where?” Jongup asked. You shrugged. “Somewhere.” Jongup nodded. “Okay enough talking. Go get ready.” You shooed BAP (excluding Daehyun) away.

They got up and headed to their room. You headed up to your own room, grabbed your phone and purse, and then headed back down to wait for BAP. 5 minutes later, BAP came down. You turned towards them. “Ready?” they nodded. You walked to the door, put on your sandals, and opened the door. You were about to walk out but noticed that BAP didn’t move an inch. You turned back to them.

“Why aren’t you guys coming?” you asked. BAP looked at each other and head out of the house. You connected your eyebrows confused. “Weird aliens.” You shook your head and locked the door. “Are you guys ready to go?” you asked walking up to BAP. “Where are we going?” Jongup asked. “To the mall.” You replied walking towards the bus stop. “Mall? What’s that?” Zelo asked running up to you. You smiled. “You’ll see when you get there.”

~Half an hour later~

“Whoa.” “Wow.” “This is huge.” You giggled at BAP’s reaction. “Come on. Let’s go look for a store.” You said walking away. “Eunjung.” Zelo ran up to you with Jongup following behind. “So, this is a mall?” Jongup asked looking around. You nodded. “Yup. This is a mall.” You smiled. “What do we do here?” Zelo asked. “You shop for things you need.” You explained. “Why are we here then? We don’t need anything.” “Yes you guys do. You guys just can’t go around looking like a gang with those baggy clothes. People might think you guys are dangerous.” Zelo and Jongup nodded in understanding, a little bit.

You spotted a decent looking store so, you walked towards it. BAP followed you, with Zelo and Jongup beside you. You went to the men section and stopped. BAP stopped and stared at you.

“Eunjung is there something wrong?” Himchan asked. You shook your head. “Go pick some clothes.” You motioned towards the clothes behind you. “On our own?” Zelo asked. You nodded. “Once you guys finish then come find me.” You pointed to the women section. “I’ll be over there. So when you’re done, come and find me, Arasso?” BAP nodded. “Good, now go.” you walked towards the women section, while BAP stood there watching you.

Once you disappeared, BAP looked

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Chapter 53: i hope you can make part 2 of this story just like an adventure time
Chapter 53: i hope you can make part 2 of this...
SofeaShazrina #3
Chapter 8: I want your story.I love gangsters!
MinhosLover #4
Chapter 8: Nah, you should do a love story between zelo and the reader. And you should have the members be vampires.( I love vampires)
Fragezeichen #5
Chapter 53: Awww... I really love your Story :) it was REALLY sweet. For me, it is the perfect ending.....but I wouldn't say no to a sequel ;D
Greetings from Germany :)
Chapter 53: MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASES!!!^.^
Chapter 53: Pls make a sequel
Chapter 53: I didn't keep myself updated with the story updates and didnt see this but came over it again today and I read a few chapters straight and I'm so sad. I finished your story. It's like one of the best story I've read so far from AFF and everything is perfect. The plot, characters ;) (ILHOON AND DAEHYUN), grammar and everything.

Chap50 was so cute when they got together and and and
I cried so much for chap 51, 52 and 53~ I cried sooooo much~~

I LOVE YOU~ please make a sequel of this? orrrrr~ make more sweeet stories :DDDD
Chapter 53: please make (my alien warriors - part 2)~~~ pleasseeee ~~~~
Chapter 38: uwaaa! poor ilhoon TT;TT
ohmyyshemayy jongup! XDD always saying things that are already known =___= XDD