
I cry another tears.. I am tired shedding tears.. why the world against me.. why no one care bout me? 

daehyun inhaling another puff from that cancer stick. The bitter taste of that stick make him feel better. The bitter life he had, make him ease in every puff. The world start to dance and playing good music for him. He wonder if there is drug inside the cigarette but he care less bout it. As long as it makes him better why should he cares. As far as he knows all the cigarette from Youngjae never free from the illegal drugs whether it is morphin or heroin both are good. 

" you steal mine again." Youngjae growl and snatch that cigarette away from Daehyun. but he is way faster than Youngjae. He smirk in victory this cause Youngjae more pissed off.

"This is the 4th stick and they are all I have. You should get it yourself not taking mine. Jung Daehyun! spill the beans. What happen?" being Daehyun bestfriend he knows everything about  him. 

"Another sad story. very long to tell and painful to say. Youngjae-ah, I am worthless so don't be a concern buddy to try healing my pain, I am just a piece of stink rubbish, I am the WORTHLESS Jung Daehyun. Just let me have some peace tonight with your cigarette. By the way, the money I already put on your desk. Let me stay another month with you." Youngjae sigh. Daehyun had stayed with him for 3 years already. He paid the rent, and it benefits Youngjae in a way that he can have his pocket money for other things including the things that been by Daehyun. 

"I won't ask you, but please at least be considerate. Leave me have a stick at least." Youngjae walk from the scene. He can hear a faint sobs from Daehyun and muffle mumble. 

"why life treat me this cruel" Youngjae sigh deeply. It must be another bad day for Daehyun. He know Daehyun in and out. He had seen nth time how breakdown Daehyun had faced, but he can't offer any help to him. This is his life and any interruption will cause more damage. The littlest help Youngjae can offer is supplying him endless sticks of cigarettes. 

Daehyun is an abundant child. His parents leave him in an empty house when he was 7, because for them Daehyun is such a burden. He barely remember his parents face. The only thing he knows, his parents leave him a bank card with endless supply of money. He make living with that tiny piece of card since then. When he was 13, he is clever enough to pay investigator to find his both parents. From the search he made, his parents are already divorced and remarried. 

His father marry to another women and have a child named Junhong while his mother remarried and also have a son named Jongup. Once he got the news, he spy on both families. They live near to each other but a bit far from his house, so Daehyun choose to live with Youngjae who live nearer to the two. He looks so bad day by day. He watch them from far. He saw how happy they are with their family. He feels his heart shattered to pieces whenever his mom patting Jongup's head and smile at him or whenever his father laugh gingerly when Junhong making a weird dance moves. Why they can have those affection but him? the son of those two never receive the same treatment. Daehyun can't even remember if his mom had ever hug him and sing a lullaby to sleep or did his father ever kiss him in morning and piggyback him to wash his face at toilet. 

Everytime he feel jealous and abundant he will keep remind himself that at least his mom and dad still give him money to survive the living. At least he can live without any difficulities. He will keep saying and believing that his life is not so bad. At least he has money to live, to eat, to buy all the expensive items and to pay Youngjae's rent. However, how hard he try to coax himself to believe these he will cry and feel hurt. Why must me? Why they choose to throw me? Why me? Why my life is like this? and each time also he will end up by curling up like a ball or lean against Youngjae's shoulder and let all his feeling out. but he stop to lean on Youngjae's after few months. He will act cool and cold to not worrying Youngjae. Little did he know, Youngjae can always know if he is okay or pretend to be okay. 

"Yoo Youngjae........." Daehyun call for his friend with a cake in his little hand. Youngjae stand up and walk to him. He know that his friend is not alright. He take the cake and placed it on the table. He hug him because he knows that Daehyun will fall if he is not doing so. Silently Daehyun cry and sobs. Youngjae look up and see the calendar that hung up on the wall. He sigh. He almost forgot about this date. June,28 ..

".. t-today.. my birthday..... the day they left me.... the day I found them back... the day I first saw their lucky sons..... the day I first cry because of jealousy.... the day I first took that cancer stick... the day that I feel like dying ... the day.... ." Youngjae shook his head and hug him tighter. Suddenly he could feel Daehyun breath got heavier. He pushed Daehyun to get a clearer view on that boy. He is too shock to see that Daehyun had cut his brachial artery. Daehyun fall to the ground and continue to mumble something. 

"t-today.. the day of the pain cessation.. "He shut his eyes and lying motionless on the floor. Youngjae scream in agony. He is not ready to see him going. Not at least he can tell him the word that Daehyun longing in his whole life. 

"You are worthy and you are my everything~" Youngjae can see a curve of smile form from that lifeless body.

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A sequel pls :)