Flashback to yesterday

Fantasy of a Real life





The boy curled himself against the roots of the tree when another gust of wind passed through him



“Why does mother want to get rid of me?” asked the boy, but then a little ball of light came into his sight



“Young master! I finally found you” the little fairy landed on her master’s knee



“Why did mother do that to me, Cloud?” the little fairy looked into his master’s eyes



“She was a witch. She always wanted to be the most beautiful but she couldn’t achieve it since you are beautiful inside and out. She couldn’t take the rivalry so she planned to kill you” Cloud (the little fairy) made fire to make his young master warm



“I am not that beautiful, I was never the beautiful one, my mother was, from what you told me, she was like a goddess of love and beauty. No one, even after death, could replace her” Cloud smile



“Look! young master is even humble. The witch is selfish and boastful” Cloud rubbed her hand and a blanket was seen on her master’s fragile body



“Thank you Cloud” the boy muttered



“Your father is still in the war. He still doesn’t know about this” the boy’s eyes was full of concern



“Don’t worry young master. I know he’s always thinking about you” Cloud snuggled herself into the boy’s shoulder



In the latter’s dream, event that seemed too familiar was shown.



He was just playing, playing with a ball with his mother, his true mother, when the ball suddenly rolled towards the woods, far from his home. When he caught the ball, he forgot where he went to and where to go so he ran, he ran as fast as he could, trying to find his beloved mother waiting in their porch with a warm smile but he saw nothing like his home nor his mother. He ran, thinking if he go faster, he would find his mother fast but all that happened is he just tripped, he tripped and a cut was created in his knee. He saw blood! Blood that tasted copper, blood that looked like his lips. He was never frightened or hurt but he felt the pain but he couldn’t care less about the situation, all he cared about at the mean time is to find his mother. Even with a cut, it never stopped him on trying so he walked, flinching for every step he made. When he was tired, he decided to take a rest, so, he leaned against the roots of a tree. He looked around and he saw a wall, a tall brick wall. Curiosity got over him and went near the wall.



“What is this wall doing in the middle of the woods?” he asked himself



He stared at it, and then the words of his wise father came into his mind



“Sing this melody and even the tallest wall will go in half and let you go through” he remembered the tune for the lines and he sang it



The wall suddenly went in half. The world beyond the wall was just the same as his but he saw a boy, a boy older than him. He was so handsome that the latter ran out of words to say.



The boy felt that as if someone was staring at him, so he looked to the right and saw the most beautiful creature that he saw, more beautiful than his mother. The creature has skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as the night



“Who are you? Why are you here?” asked the boy



“I am not from your world human” the boy looked so scared and tried to look strong



“I am so sorry if I frightened you. I am Kim Myungsoo, that’s what my mom always call me” the boy introduced himself



“Sorry for my rudeness. As I said, I am not from your world. I am Sungjong, the prince royal of the north” Myungsoo looked mesmerized



“Why are you here?” Myungsoo asked



“I got lost and ended up on the great wall. I am not supposed to be here. I must go and find my way home” Sungjong turned his back but he was suddenly engulfed into a hug



“Please stay for a while” Myungsoo begged as he inhaled Sungjong’s scent



“I am not sure if I should stay longer than necessary in your world Myungsoo, but I think I can for a little while” Myungsoo was so delighted that he jumped making them both stumble backward



“I am so sorry! Did I hurt you somewhere?” Myungsoo checked every part of his new friend’s body



“No harm was done” Sungjong giggled



“You know, you’re cute” Sungjong blushed and Myungsoo grinned



They played; they played all day until the sun has set.



They were lying in the grass, breathing lightly, feeling the soft wind passes the both of them



“It’s already sunset Sungjong” Myungsoo sat down, facing the setting sun



“It is…..I need to go home now…….” There was silence. They both knew they grew fond with each other even with the slightest time they had. They only had a day, a day to remember throughout their lives and carry the meaningful event until grow old



“Are we going to meet someday?” Myungsoo looked wary, he doesn’t want his new found friend and maybe crush to go and leave him for good. He wanted to meet him again in the near future



“I don’t know Myungsoo” Sungjong looked like he was about to burst into tears



“We shall meet again Sungjong, I promise you that and by the time I do, I’ll make you mine and we will get married” He smiled brightly, disappointment evident in his voice but he determination was shown in his smile



“I will wait for you Myungsoo” Sungjong left, he left Myungsoo and he doesn’t even know when will they meet again, but he was determined and strong. He believed that they will meet again and they’ll get married just like he said.



He came home after that and smiled, he smiled like he never had smiled before. He was happy that he met such beautiful man and happy that a man like that would be waiting for him.



“Myungsoo! What took you so long?” his worried grandmother asked the smiling like an idiot of a grandson



“I met the man that I would like to live forever, eternity, infinity!” Myngsoo twirled around and giggled. It was not like him to be like this happy; it was a first to see him so happy without his grandmother knowing or is the reason



“You did? What is he like? Is he beautiful?” Myungsoo smiled brightly



“His skin as white as snow, lips red as blood and hair as black as the night. He was perfect and he is not only beautiful only outside but also inside” His grandmother saw how Myungsoo’s eyes sparkled like stars in the night and smile as bright as the sun; the same face he saw 40 years ago, when her son, Myungsoo’s father found the one he loved truly.



~End of Flashback~

Sorry for the long wait~ many things happened lately and I'm tired

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sorry for not updating sooner~


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rei_zha #1
Chapter 8: Update please, i really like this story
SeStian #2
Chapter 8: Update maybe? P-P
Chapter 8: please update! it's been almost an year since you putted up a new chapter for this fic
woosoogyu #4
Chapter 7: Education shall remain as top priority which I understand... ^_^
Thanks for this beautiful & fantasy myungjong story... :)
And I'm glad that myungjong met & remember each other... Please update when you find the time... ^_~
Chapter 7: oh god, wicked step mother >"<
at least now jong's safe in myung's embrace :')

and wow, you're really amazing. 12, eh? Now i feel so old u.u

anyway fighting for your school and please update as soon as you could :3
i wanna give u a hug
Chapter 7: You're 12? D: and I thought I was too young lol I wanna know more about SungJong *-* it's so interesting! ohhh~ and you're not a bad author -3-
Omo~ /hugs you so tiGhtly. This story here is so beautiful. Aish~ i want mOre~ /puppy eyes.
L4ever #9
PLEASE uppdateee sooooon!!!!<3
why do you have so little subbies and comments?
shame on you nov~