The anticipated ending.

I'll tell you.

Back to Key’s POV

“Hey you Dino-face… Had a nice nap?”


“Obviously. Oh no, you can’t recognize me anymore?” my hand reached up to my face. Had I really changed that much??

He suddenly took my face kissed my lips softly at first then with more passion and love. My eyes widened as my body froze… W-What?! I was so confused and disorientated. I must be dreaming, no? His lips were a mix of vanilla and cola, a taste like strawberries and cream, a taste very unique, his lips were soft as silk and fit mine perfectly, it’s like our lips were made to be like this. I quickly decided to capture the moment to relax into the kiss and kiss him back.

After awhile, when we were both out of breath, he pulled away and opened his mouth to speak.

“Key… I… I… You…” he clearly didn’t plan this out. “Key, I love you. I’m sorry I didn’t realize it earlier but when you left it was like a hole in my heart and I couldn’t…” I silenced his lips with another sweet kiss. And hid my blushing face in the crook of his neck.

“I love you too…”

He took me by the shoulders and looked at me straight in the eye “But what I don’t understand is… Isn’t it Monday today? I thought you’d be…”

“Yeah I thought so too but I guess the doctor’s prediction was a tad off.” I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was only by a of luck I survived, and that this would really be my last day because my whole body was failing me quicker than ever and I couldn’t do anything about it. We were all just hoping for a miracle to happen. Maybe a one in a million. But who needed to know?

He reached for my hand and held it tightly. Got me off the bed and led me to the hospital garden where we lay down on the grass, my head on his chest where I could feel his beating heart, one hand intertwined with his and the other hand holding on to the hem of his shirt, never wanting to let go while he soothed my hair gently not saying a word but resting in a comfortable silence.



“Could you take me to the beach? You know the one only the 5 of us know?”

“Um, I guess…”


We sat on the secluded beach with arms wrapped around each other; I just couldn’t resist resting my head on his shoulders. Looking outwards, towards the vast sea and upwards to the sky. The cool breeze sent shivers down my spine but Jonghyun’s body kept me warm. I would miss this feeling of his arms around me, that was definite. Then I saw a drop if water that landed on my jeans, I looked up at the sky, it certainly wasn’t rain, I looked at Jonghyun’s face with confused eyes and realized he was silently crying this whole time. I brushed away his tears with my thumbs and closed the space between us but before I could feel his lips on mine, it suddenly started to rain heavily leaving both of us soaked in a matter of seconds as we ran to find shelter. When we did, it was just a small temporary holding place, and I was shivering in the cold when Jonghyun took of his jacket and wrapped it around my small frame, pulling me into a warm hug. I looked up at him and this time, closed the space between us that I hated so much. When I pulled away, I found my voice and opened my mouth to tell him that today, he already fulfilled three of my wishes. He asked which ones, well… One was obviously to be able to fall in love with each other without any qualms. Second was to be at the beach with him, to enjoy just being there. Third would be to be kissed in the rain which we just fulfilled, I blushed at admitting all this. He asked what I would like to do next, I didn’t really know because those were the top three and nothing else mattered so I just told him I wanted to go shopping like normal couples do. We hailed a cab and went to the nearest shopping mall we knew. Window shopping was what we were doing! We played dress up like little kids and laughed about just anything and everything.

I was admiring the perfect ring from a window, the top was paved with three small diamonds, it was gold but lined with silver and I was cooing over it, looking as excited as a child with candy but we were running out of time and the ring was put back on the shelf and forgotten. We got back to the hospital around early evening. Even though we didn’t say anything, we both knew what was coming. We savored the last few moments of our time together not wanting it to end. Jonghyun sits on the bedside, holds his hand too tight, they talk about the good life they’re going to have, the house on the hillside where they would stay there forever, and grow old together. Then he gets an idea, and calls in the nurse and tells her to bring up the Chaplain and he says a couple verses, he takes out the rings that Key was looking at earlier, everybody’s tears fall on the floor, Jonghyun looks into Key’s eyes and he says “I want you forever, forever and always, through the good and the bad and the ugly, we’ll grow old together and always remember whether happy or sad or whatever, we’ll still love each other, forever and always.” He finishes the vows but the beeps are getting too slow, his voice is almost too low, as Key says, “I will love you forever, forever and always, please just remember even if I’m not there, I’ll always love you forever and always.”


When Key was buried, the ring from his finger was mysteriously missing.


It is noon and an old man eases onto an armchair. It is only noon but he already feels tired. The others were out and would be back later, after all this time, they were still together, just like they had always wanted. He opens the album sitting on his lap, coughing as he does so for the album has not been opened for years. The dust on it testifies to that. The old man looks down at the photos. A young man together with him in the younger days are laughing up at him. A sad smile slowly forms on his face as he looks at the young man fondly. A tear rolls down his cheek and he brushes it away, almost surprised at his reaction. He flips the pages. The same two people are in every picture, sometimes with friends, other times not.

Before long, his gaze is no longer focused on the album in front of him but rather, his eyes looking back into memory, his eyelids droop and he shifts in his chair, slouching a little. Kaleidoscopes of memories hover before his eyelids.

a/n: I hope you all by now realize this old man is Jonghyun in the future xD


It was a day of spring cleaning, Key and Jonghyun were busy cleaning up the dorms, messy was the only word to describe the dorm. Jonghyun laughs fondly at Key’s frenzy as he helps. “Key, I don’t think they would notice if there’s dust under the carpet!”

“I want everything to be perfect! We only do this once every year! Hand me the soap please.”

Finally, they finish cleaning and they rest on the couch, Key’s hand resting on Jonghyun’s arm watching the sun set slowly. He sighs in content and says “Jonghyun?”


“Why do you love me as a brother?”

Jonghyun makes a face at him. “How do you know I do?”

Key smacks him playfully. He laughs and he cuddles closer. “Well?”

“Well what?”

Key shoots him a look and he laughs again. “Alright, why do you think I love you?”

“Oh that easy, because I’m charming, breath-taking, warm-hearted, generous, loving…” He steals a look at him out of the corner of his eye in the middle of his recital. Jong had one eyebrow raised and they both burst into laughter.


It is the afternoon and an old man sits in his armchair, his eyes closed. The kaleidoscope has ended and he is dreaming. In his dream, he is in a place that glows gently with a light that seems to be coming from nowhere. He sees a man with light blond hair (SHERLOCCCKKK!!) and light brown eyes walking towards him, a smile on his face. He looks at him unable to move. “Key? Key, is that you?”

He laughs at him. “Of course it’s me. Can’t you recognize me anymore?”

He suddenly finds that he can move after all and he runs toward the love of his life and swings him off his feet, holding her tightly as though he will never let go. In the back of his mind, he is vaguely surprised to discover that he is no longer an old man but all he can think about is the person in his arms. “Key… oh, Key…”

“It’s alright Jjong, we’re together again.”

Happy tears sparkle in his big brown eyes. He catches his hand and pulls him toward a light shining behind her that is brighter than the rest. “Let’s go home Jong.”

He walks together with her, hand in hand, his heart growing lighter with every step he takes.


It’s late in the afternoon and all the members have arrived back at the dorm (yes, they kept the same place) together. They find him in the armchair, amn album they haven’t seen for a long time on his lap, his hand loosely clasped with a peaceful smile on his face. Wordlessly, they stand and look at him, all knowing what has happened. Slowly, Minho steps forward and gently pulls the album off his lap. Pictures of a young Jonghyun and Key appear as he slowly, slowly, flips the pages, all the members crowd around him. The look on their face is identical – pure happiness, pure love. Tears start in everyone’s eyes.

Something glints in Jonghyun’s icy cold hand and Onew steps forward, gently pulling out the objects. He opens his hand.

Two rings glitter in the last, dying rays of the sun.




Hahaha, okay. I know you're in a turmoil of emotions right now.

But was it good? I decided to change the ending to a sad yet joyful one. Because I know how much you all want a sad ending but also want Jjong to be with Key (:

Have I done good? xD

Anyways, thanks for supporting me through out even though it was this reall short and y story :') I love you guys.

THANK YOUUUUU!! <3 and stop crying!

. Jonghyun sits on the bedside, holds his hand too tight, they talk about the good life they’re going to have, the house on the hillside where they would stay there forever, and grow old together. Then he gets an idea, and calls in the nurse and tells her to bring up the Chaplain and he says a couple verses, he takes out the rings that Key was looking at earlier, everybody’s tears fall on the floor, Jonghyun looks into Key’s eyes and he says “I want you forever, forever and always, through the good and the bad and the ugly, we’ll grow old together and always remember whether happy or sad or whatever, we’ll still love each other, forever and always.” He finishes the vows but the beeps are getting too slow, his voice is almost too low, as Key says, “I will love you forever, forever and always, please just remember even if I’m not there, I’ll always love you forever and always.”

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LockSTARx #1
Hey! I spot the lyrics to "Forever and Always" hurhur, really fits with the situation though hahah(:
Awwww! Sad but happy! I like it!
@lovesweetbunny, aww (: thanks! ^^I appreciate it :D
Wtf jonghyun ended his life:( but this story is soooo nice!!! U should write more angst stories. I will definitely support u:)))
@sama-oppa, thank you! xD *flattered*
@lifespring, hahaha nonono, not the same. suicide is a forced death, in which this case because he was so heartbroken but a death of old age is natural, all people have to go someday (: haha, okay, when I think of another story line,I'll make it fluffy and happy :D
"Loooooooong sigh" =_="
I don't like the ending... I told you not to end it with jonghyun's suicide so you decided to end it with his death..isn't it the same?!!!
Well very similar...both died and I don't know what I'm feeling anyway.
Write another story where there is a happy ending. You were so cruel here T____T
sama-oppa #7
WOW just WOAW ! BEAUTIFUL ! I really lovedthis ficfion !
@wookie_saranghae well yeah, he died of old age, well people got to go someday right! :p
Hohoho did jjong die?? :-0 anyways good g o o d :'D
Happy ending & sad ending,feel like reading sad story!:)