
I'll tell you.

And here's the chapter I promised ! ^^ Happy reading!


[Previously :

Jonghyun POV

I finally reached to the hospital, drenched in head to toe, bloody palms and knees, I looked like the living dead. I continued running through the corridors with tears overflowing in my eyes and running down my cheeks stained with ruined makeup.

Key. Key. Key.

I flung open the door... "Key?"]

We were sitting, or rather, three of them were pacing outside the emergency room, I was in Key’s room, sitting on the chair beside his bed hugging his pillow, it had his scent, the only smell that could keep me calm. But I couldn’t help the tears that rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably. Manager had called me and scolded me for running away but I really couldn’t care less, I had to see Key for the last time and tell him, and tell him, I loved him before it was too late.

Key. Key. Key.

Then a nurse entered, she handed me a letter with sympathetic eyes, “You must be Jonghyun, Kibum, your friend told me that if anything had ever happened to him, to pass you this...” With that, she handed me a package, it was labeled “Jonghyun” with Key’s delicate hand and one of a kind handwriting, I opened the package, savoring the moment, it was Key’s diary that I’ve seen him writing in a few times before (rather secretly) and a letter addressed to me as well. I carefully tore open the envelope to reveal a piece of paper. I read it with tear filled eyes, it said...

(Gosh, I’m repeating this again)

Dear Jonghyun,

We’ve been best friends since forever and we always had each other to lean on but I have always wondered... Were we ever more than friends to you? Ever? I admit now in my absence that I loved you, I love you and always will love you. Not just as a friend, not just as a brother, not just as part of the band but like my own life. Every touch, every conversation, every smile, every tear we had together, I remember. I remember everything about you, not because you say it often but because I paid attention. I don’t know if any of those meant anything more to you but it meant the world to me. Because I love you. I love you even till death, aren’t I just pathetic? If I died with any regrets right now, it would be that I never had the courage to tell you my true feelings, like the sea that needs the moon by night and the sun that needs the edge of the world to become sunset and sunrise. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about how much you mean to me. Without you I have no end. When I stop and think about the things that mean more to me than my own life, that thing is you. You will never know how many nights I laid in bed crying, because I don’t know if you love me or not. Not knowing if I meant anything to you and yet, I do not expect you to love me, I am not worthy of your love. All I am wishing for is for you to accept me as a last favour and not to mourn over me. I am too little worth of your tears. I'm sorry my dearest Jjong.

Yours truly,


Oh gosh. Key, how could you ever think that you’re not good enough? You mean the world to me, I need you like I need you like I need my voice to sing, I need you like a hug needs a kiss, I need you like the ocean needs the tide, I need you like love needs two people, I need you like a soul needs a body, I need you like numbers need an equation... I need you more than anything!!!

I opened the book carefully, flipping the pages, running my hands over each of the pages, my heart reached it’s maximum breakage, I started crying hysterically and punching the air. Not being able to control what I felt anymore. Key, you can’t leave me, not now, not ever. I love you. I love you. I love you and I never got the chance to say that, please… I was exhausted from the running, the crying and without knowing, I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep, it was already the wee hours of Monday (the next day), dreaming about who else but Key.

In my dream, I saw Key, he was as beautiful as I remembered. But he was curled up into a ball, crying, he was crying his eyes out, I ran to him, I wanted to take him into my arms and tell him that I loved him, that whatever he was crying about, it would be fine because I was going to be with him through whatever. I reached out to him and tried to grab his hand but my hand ghost passed his, it went right through his hand, I tried again, the same result. I couldn’t touch him. I tried calling out to him but he couldn’t hear me, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t touch him. He was out of my reach. Then he put his head up and called for me “Jonghyun? Jjong?” I tried waving my hand infront of his face, trying to tell him I was there but to no avail, he couldn’t see me. He just kept calling for me, my name, over and over again. Then I realized, his voice sounded too real to be a dream, it couldn’t be from memory… It…

 I woke up to a hand shaking me gently and calling to me, it was... It was... Key?!


It's funny how the chapter started with "Key" and then the ended with "Key" again.

I swear, it was not intentional xD

But hey you all! I know this chaper isn't long enough but I wanted to end his whole story with the most fluffy yet most angst way possible (:

To people who thought this was going be sad, lol, there are twists in stories that make it interesting don't they? ;D

And the people who now think this is going to be a happy ending, I'll repeat, there are twists in stories that you'll never see ;)

And I'm trying to make this twist as good as possible for you all ^^ I hope you like it :D

Hahahahahahahha, I'll give you guys a challenge okay?

After you read this chapter, tell me what you think will be the ending and comment okay!



The next chapter will be up soon :D

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LockSTARx #1
Hey! I spot the lyrics to "Forever and Always" hurhur, really fits with the situation though hahah(:
Awwww! Sad but happy! I like it!
@lovesweetbunny, aww (: thanks! ^^I appreciate it :D
Wtf jonghyun ended his life:( but this story is soooo nice!!! U should write more angst stories. I will definitely support u:)))
@sama-oppa, thank you! xD *flattered*
@lifespring, hahaha nonono, not the same. suicide is a forced death, in which this case because he was so heartbroken but a death of old age is natural, all people have to go someday (: haha, okay, when I think of another story line,I'll make it fluffy and happy :D
"Loooooooong sigh" =_="
I don't like the ending... I told you not to end it with jonghyun's suicide so you decided to end it with his death..isn't it the same?!!!
Well very similar...both died and I don't know what I'm feeling anyway.
Write another story where there is a happy ending. You were so cruel here T____T
sama-oppa #7
WOW just WOAW ! BEAUTIFUL ! I really lovedthis ficfion !
@wookie_saranghae well yeah, he died of old age, well people got to go someday right! :p
Hohoho did jjong die?? :-0 anyways good g o o d :'D
Happy ending & sad ending,feel like reading sad story!:)