I Love Your Jealousy

I Love Your Jealousy








Screamed a bunch of girls as they saw L, the visual of school’s band named Infinite was walking up to the stage with his band. Today, they have performance in school event that is held in Kirin High School. The Infinite boys who consists of Sung Gyu, Dong Woo, Woohyun, Hoya, Seong yeol, Sung jong and Myungso a.k.a L was ready in their position. L started playing his guitar and as soon as he played his guitar, the girls started  screaming crazily.


In the middle of performance, L playfully gave his wink to their fangirls and made the scream brust out at that place.


“OMG Look! He winks, he winks!” screamed one of the fangirls, fainted.


“he is extremely handsome” screamed another girl, and blood started flowing from her nose.. *oke this is too much*


Their fangirls kept fangirling them until their performance ended. Then, Infinite walked down from the stage and walking back to their class when some girls ran closer to L, who was walking behind Infinite boys.


“L oppa, can we take  a picture together?”  requested two girls, showing their aegyo


L just gave them a slightly smile and nodded. The girls started clinging around at L and they hugged her hand while taking a picture of them. L tried to escape from their hug, but instead of letting him go, they tighten their hug to him.


“YAH! What are you two doing to my namja?” Shouted Jiyeon to the two girls, out of nowhere.


“who are you?” said the girls, giving a death glare to Jiyeon.


“I’m her yeoja” replied Jiyeon confidently while her hands on her hips.


“so?” asked the girl with ‘who-is-care’ expression.


“don’t care about her and lets take a picture again!” said the other girl while hugging L’s hand.


L tried to escape from the two clingy girls and tried to look at Jiyeon who was stomping her feet to the ground and scrunching her nose, made her  look like an angry dinosaur.


“YAH! Let go of him!” yelled Jiyeon to the two girls, but they didn’t care and kept hugging L. Jiyeon couldn’t stand it anymore then she walked to them and quickly grabbed their hair violently.


“AWWWW!” cried the two girls in pain as Jiyeon grabbing their hair. They tried to grab hers back, but they failed since Jiyeon has a wonderful strength.


Jiyeon wasn’t able to control her anger and kept grabbing their hair roughly. L who saw that situation became panic. “Jiyeon ah, let go of them!” he commended Jiyeon, and tried to breaking up their fight, but Jiyeon kept grabbing the two girls. L worked so hard seperated Jiyeon from that poor girls, and finally he succeed.


“JIYEON AH STOP IT! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?” He scolded her while staring her fiercely. The two girls had ran away as soon as Jiyeon let her grab from their hair.


Jiyeon looked at L. “why are you scolding me?” she questioned L angrily.


“what do you think you did, huh? didn’t you ashmed with your action?” L scolded her again.


Jiyeon stared at L in disbelief.”are you trying to defend them, oppa?” she asked him. “why do you defend them? You shound be on my side since I’m your girlfriend, NOT THEM!” she shouted and gave the empashis in the last two words


“I know you are my girlfriend, but it doesn’t mean you can do that to them. They’re just my fans. Why did you become so overreact. You are too possessive, you know?” They started fighting.


“am I wrong? I felt jealous seeing two girls teasing around on you, is that wrong?” said Jiyeon raising her voice. She didn’t know why L should get mad at her. She thought it’s normal if she  felt jealous when she saw L was teased around by some girls.


“it’s not wrong if you’re not being too much. But your jealousy, it’s too much Jiyeon ah. You’re always jealous everytime you see I’m with a girl, you even scold them although they just want to chat with me. I can’t stand it Jiyeon ah, I’m tired with your jealousy” L let it out all of his feeling to Jiyeon.


Jiyeon became silent. The tears started flowing on her cheeks. “so, what do tou want oppa?” she challenged him


L didn’t reply her. He looked like he was thinking something. Then he spoke “lets break up! I can’t deal with your jealous anymore. I’m tired of it. maybe if we break up, it will be better for us” said L, made Jiyeon startled.


“b-break up?” questioned Jiyeon, unable to believe what just she heard.


L nodded his head. “ne, let’s break up” he told her again.


Jiyeon quickly shook her head. “bu-but oppa...”


“mianhae jiyeon ah, but I think it is the best for this time” L cut her words and walked away from her.


Jiyeon just stood in her place. She knew L madat her, but she never imagined that he would ask her to break their relationship. She still loves him and doesn’t want to lose him. They have been that more than two years and they just broke up like that? Jiyeon reminded silent and crying helpless.




“oppa!” Jiyeon called L when he just came out from his class


L sighed and looked at her. “what’s wrong?” he questioned, not willing to talk with her.


Jiyeon bowed her head. “I... I just want to say sorry for what I did yesterday. Oppa,can you forgive me and you stay become my boyfriend?” she pleaded to L.


L didn’t know what to do. Actually, he still loves Jiyeon as well, but he wants Jiyeon to learn to notbeing over protective to him. But seeing Jiyeon begged himwith her swollen eyes, it made L pity to her. Jiyeon must be crying so much when he asked het to break up, and it made her eyes become swollen.


“oppa, I don’twantto lose you, I love you oppa. Please give me a chance”begged Jiyeon while crying


L couldn’t bear seeing her cries. then he sighed. “oke, I’ll give you a chance. But you have to do  a test thahtt I’ll give too you. If you pass the test, I will be your boyfriend again. But if you fail, we’re really over.” He gave her a challenge


“test? What kind of test?” asked Jiyeon


“I’ll try to make you jealous  and you must try to hold your jealousy and don’t show it in front of me. If you hold your jealous for seven days, it means you pass the test and and we will be together again.” L explained her the rule.


Without even thinking, Jiyeon quickly nodded her head. “let’ do it oppa! I’ll pass this tests successfully.” She said confidently, made L chuckled seeing her face was full of spirit


“just a week right? It must be easy” thought Jiyeon, being full of herself.




In fact, trying to hold her jealous is not as easy as Jiyeon thought. She couldn’t bear seeing L was holding hand with a girl when they passed by in front of her, this morning. Jiyeon wanted to walk up to them and shouted the girl who was hoding hands with L but she remembered about the test that L gave to her.


“be patient park jiyeon, it’s all for the sake of your love” she calmed down herself.


L wasn’t joking with his test. When he came to school in the morning until they have their break time, he kept trying to make Jiyeon jealous. He, intentionally teasing some girl in front of Jiyeon’s eyes. He also joking around with them and even touched their cheeks and their hair, and not forget to fed them intimetly. All of this he did in front of Jiyeon. Jiyeon was trying so hard to calm down and not to be jealous. L could see Jiyeon’s face became red since she was holding her anger to not shouting the girls who were with L. L just could chuckle as he saw Jiyeon’s funny face when she get mad.


In the next day, L kept teasing Jiyeon by playing and joking around with some of his girlfriends. On the other hand, Jiyeon kept trying so hard to hold herself to not jealous.


When school was over, L intentionally wanted to make Jiyeon jealous by taking home a girl.


“jiyeon ah, I’ll go first. I want take Luna back to her home.”  Said L intentionally while holding hands with Luna, as they passed by Jiyeon


Jiyeon gave him a fake smile. “ne, take care oppa!” she said weakly while clenching her hands. As soon as they’re not in her sight anymore, Jiyeon quickly cursed Luna. “you shameless girl, what are you thinking you are doing with my namja? Are you that good, huh? You are not even cuter than me” cursed Jiyeon at the  innocent Luna *poor Luna*


Feeling upset Jiyeon then kicked a rock in front of her, made it flew away and landed on a girl’s head.


“Aw!” screamed IU when a rock successfully landed on her head. Then, she looked around that place looking for the main suspect that just made her haed swollen


Jiyeon who saw that rock landed on IU’s head, quikly ran away from that place. She didn’t want ro get beaten by her friend.


Hosh Hosh Hosh


Jiyeon was sitting on a bench in a park while gasping for breath. She felt so exhausted after she running away from IU. She ran as fast as she can, in order to escape from IU’s anger.


“luckily I can escape from her, or else I’ll be a dead meat” she felt relieved.


“what are you doing here, by yourself?” asked a voice, made Jiyeon startled.


Jiyeon looked to the people who just asked her, and she saw a familiar figure standing in front of her. “YAH! LEE CHAN HEE! You want me to die young?” she said sarcastically, felt annoysince he almost made her get a heart attack.


Chan hee a.k.a Chunji only smiled seeing his friend who was upset. Then he sat beside her. “so, why are you here alone? You usually with your boyfriend. Where is your namja?” Asked Chunji felt curious. He always saw Jiyeon with Myungsoo, but now she is alone by herself.


“I don’t know, maybe he is having fun with some random girls.” Answered Jiyeon, looked so piss off


Chunji looked confuse with her answer. “are you two fighting?” he asked her, started to guessing

“no, we are not fighthing. We are broke up” replie Jiyeon weakly


Chunji little bit surprised hearing her answer. “what happend to you? Why are you broke up with him?” he asked her curiously


“I’m not theone whos aske that. He did it.” answered Jiyeon felt upset again. “he told me that I’m too possessive to him, and I’m too overreact when I saw him with another girl, but I think he was too much. Isn’t that normal if I got jealous when I saw my namchin was hugging with another girls?” said Jiyeon, trying to defend herself.


“I'll do the same, if I were him” Chunji mumbled weakly


“What?” Jiyeon gazing him.


Chunji shook his head. “ani, I just said you are right. I think he was too much” he lied. He didn’t wanna die If jiyeon knew what he had just mumbling. “so, what willyou do know?” he tried to change the conversation.


“molla, but he gives me a test. If I pass it, then he willbe my boyfriend again.”


“test? What kind of test?” asked Chunji with a curious look


Jiyeon explained him about the test that L gave to her. She also told him what L had done  in order to make her jealous.


Chunji laughed. “it’s so funny. So you have to hod your jealousy in front of her? I bet you can’t do that yeonnie.” He mocke at her.


“YAH LEE CHANHEE! STOP IT! OR I‘LL KICK YOUR !” shouted Jiyeon, feeling annoyed with Chunji’s reaction.


Chunji stopped her laugh. “kekeke mianhae!” he said while trying to not laugh again


“what’s wrong with this guy? Is he that happy seeing his friend suffer?” what a heartless friend” Jiyeon nagged in her heart while staring at Chunji.


“jiyeon ah” Chunji called her and gave her a deep look. Then a smiled curved on his lips.


“w-wae?” asked Jiyeon, felt suspicious with his unusual smile


“why don’t you just be my girlfriend” said Chunji while staring at Jiyeon’s eyes deeply






In the next day, Jiyeon came to school with a bright smile. She stepped her feet happily, heading her class. In their class, L was ready to make Jiyeon jealous. He was sitting with some girls from their classmates and waiting for Jiyeon to see it.


Jiyeon already came to her class and she saw L was joking around with their classmates. She then stopped her step and staring at them. But unexpectedly, she gave them a smile and walked again to her chair.


L was shocked with Jiyeon’s reaction. “she is not jealous? Am I dreaming? Why all of sudden she smiled instead of jealous with me?” thought L, confused. He wondered why Jiyeon suddenly changed




L was sitting around with Infinite and some of their girlfriends. Then he saw Jiyeon was walking into canteen with IU.


“jiyeon ah!” he called her.


Jiyeon turned her head to him. “oh annyeong oppa!” she greeted him while waving her hand to him.


“do you come to have a lunch?” he pretended to ask her and tried to make her jealous by feeding one of girl beside him.


“what does he expect me to do in this place? Of course I wanna have a lunch.” Thought Jiyeon. “ah ne oppa, I wanna have a lunch.” Again, Jiyeon didn’t care what L was doing and she answered his question with a smile, a very natural smile.


L didn’t believe to see her reaction. Why is she so calm?


Not only L who was surprised with Jiyeon’s reaction. IU who was standing beside her also felt the same thing. She even opened widely as seeing her reaction.


“yeonnie ah, gwenchana? Are you sick? Did you ate a wrong food this morning?” asked IU exaggerated even placing her hand on Jiyeon forehead.


“I’m fine IU ah” -__-






It had been a week since L gave Jiyeon the test. Jiyeon did the test well, even too well. She never got jealous when seeing L making out with some girls. On the other hand, L was happy because Jiyeon has changed. But deep in his heart, he felt worry because Jiyeon not only didn’t Jealous at him, but she really didn’t jealous at all. In this past week, he did so many things to make Jiyeon jealous with him, from playing around and joking around with some girls, took them home, hanging out and making out with them, even singing for them in front of many people. But Jiyeon didn’t jelalous at all when she saw that. L was afraid that Jiyeon wasn’t interested with their relationship anymore. She didn’t even bother to remind his promise to be her boyfriend again, even though she had passed the test.


“aish!!! What’s happen with her? She doesn’t even bother to ask me to be her boyfriend again. Does she not interested with our relationship anymore? Or.. there is someone who has attracted her attention from me?” he started thinking nonsense. “NO! She only loves me. She should not like the other guy except me.” He shook his head.


Beep Beep Beep Beep


L heard his phone vibrated. He reached her pocket to get her Iphone. There was someone that sent him a picture.


“WHAT THE?” his eyes a got widen as he saw the picture that appeared on his phone’s screen. The picture of Jiyeon who was kissing a boy’s cheek.


L looked at that picture carefully. “is he.. CHUNJI!” he even more surprised as he knew Jiyeon was kissing Chunji, one of her bestfriend


“what the meaning of all of this? Is it meant that Jiyeon is dating with chunji? But, how it can be happened? That’s why she didn’t jealous with me even though I making out with some girls, because she is with chunji?” he speculated. Suddenly he felt angry, knowing there was a boy  who attracted Jiyeon except him.


“I’ve to find out about this”




Jiyeon was standing in front of the school’s gate, it seemed that she was waiting for someone. A few minutes later, Chunji came, riding his motorbike.


“do I make you waiting too long?” asked Chunji as he stopped in front of Jiyeon.


Jiyeon shook her head. “Ani” she said, smiling


“kajja! I don’t want your umma mad at me since I take her daughter so long” chunji said jokingly.


Then, Jiyeon jumped on his motorbike and they started riding away from that place. Not too far from there, L was wacthing at them. His face tunred red because he hold his anger as he saw Jiyeon was hugging Chunji’s waist.


-Next day-


Jiyeon was waiting for Chunji when suddenly L passed in front of him, holding hand with a girl.


“annyeong Jiyeon ah!” L greeted her


“annyeng oppa” Jiyeon greeted her back


“ehmm jiyeon ah, I’ll take suzy home with me, so I’ll go first okay” he informed her while smiling with Suzy who was smiling too.


As expected, Jiyeon gave him a smile. “ne oppa, take care” she said innocently, made L’s jaw dropped


Then, Chunji came to that place. “annyeong yeonni ah!” he greeted jiyeon happily. “oh, annyeong myungsoo ssi, annyeong suzy ssi.” He also greeted L and Suzy who were in that place with Jiyeon.


“what are you doing here?” instead of greeted him back, L asked him rudely even gave him a death glare


Chunji smiled. “I wanna pick Jiyeon up” he replied. Then he looked at jIyeon. “kajja yeonnie, the movie will start in 30 minutes” he told her


“wait! Are you going to watch a movie together?” L questioned them. He looked startled as he heard Chunji’s words


“ne” answered Chunji.


“kajja oppa, I don’t wanna be late.” Jiyeon held Chunji’s hand. Then she waved at L “annyeong myungsoo oppa!.” She said and they walked away from L and suzy


“let’s go oppa, we have to go home as well” Suzy interupted L when he was busy looking at Jiyeon and Chunji who had far away from his sight.


L looked at suzy. “just go home with yourself!” He said coldly and walking away from her. Suzy just standing in her place, confused with L sudden changed.




“jiyeon ah, we must talk” said L to Jiyeon when they were in the class


Jiyeon blinked, had no idea with his sudden action. “talk about what oppa?”


“about our relationship, and about you, and that chunji boy.” Replied L while staring at Jiyeon seriously.


“what’s wrong with me and chunji?” asked Jiyeon, confused.


L looked hesitante. “are you and him... are you two dating?” finally he asked her.


“wae? Why all of sudden you ask me about that? Are you jealous with him?” jiyeon tried to


L looked nervous. “no, why I have to?” he answered him and shook his head.


“so, there is no problem about that, right?” said Jiyeon, her voice sounded mad.


L raised his voice “of course there is. You, you shouldn’t be that close with him, because...”


“because of what?” Jiyeon cut him. She pissed off with his action.


“BECAUSE I’M JEALOUS!” finally L told her his true feeling.


“wae? Why you have to be jealous?” jiyeon questioned him coldly


“wae? am I wrong? I felt jealous seeing you hanging out and hugging around with another boy, is it wrong?” I think it’s...” L stoppe his world. He just realized that he just said a thing that almost the same as what Jiyeon said, when he asked her to break up.


L reminde silent for a few second and then he stared at Jiyeon. “you’re right jiyeon. I shouldn’t be jealous with you since you’re not my girl anymore.” He continued his word, but his voice sounded soft and weakly. He also looked helpless. Then he wanted to walked away from her, but Jiyeon quickly grabbed his wrist, made he turned back to facing her.


Jiyeon stared at him. Then a smile curved on her lips. “finally you felt what I felt oppa. Now, you know how’s my feeling when everytime I saw you with another girls, right? I thought I couldn’t make you jelous to me. But I did it. hmm.. I mean, we did it”


L blinked. He had no idea with what Jiyeon said. “what are you talking about. What the meaning of ‘we did it’?”


“actually, I and Chunji doesn’t has any special realitonship. We pretended to look so close with each other in order to make you jealous. And I think, we’re success.” Asnwered Jiyeon while chuckling.


“Mwo? So, it’s just acting?” Asked L, surprised


Jiyeon nodded. “ne oppa.” She answered. Then she told him about Chunji’s plan in order to make L jealous with him.




“Jiyeon ah” Chunji called Jiyeon while staring at her and gave her a suspicious smile


“w-wae?” asked Jiyeon, afraid of Chunji’s unusual smile


“why don’t you be my girlfriend?” said Chunji while looking into Jiyeon’s eyes


“MWO?” Jiyeon shocked with his confession. “are you crazy?”


Suddnly Chunji brust into laugh. “Bwhahahaha, do you think I’m serious? I’m just kidding Jiyeon ah. It’s impossible for me to confess you, since you’re not my type at all” she said between his laugh, he also mocked Jiyeon


“do you think you’re my type? Absolutely no” replied Jiyeon, looked so upset.


Chunji looked at Jiyeon who was frown. “yah, don’t be angry. Okay I was wrong, mianhae, jinjja mianhae.” He tried to persuade her. Jiyeon just silent and keep puting on her frwon face.”yah yeonnie, don’t mad! actually I have  an idea to help you.” Said Chunji who succeed caught Jiyeon attention


Jiyeon looked at him. “what is that?” she asked him excitedly


Chunji pretended like he was thinking “hmm... how if you make Myungsoo jealous to you”




“ne, if in these whole times the one who jealous is you, let’s try to make him jealous for this time. So that, he knows how it feels jealous.” He explained Jiyeon


Jiyeon nodded her head, looked like she had understood what Chunji’s meant. “but, what can I do to make him jealous?” asked Jiyeon


“how about you become my girlfriend, of course just a fake girlfriend. And we can make him jealous by petending to making out in front of him.” Chunji told her his plan.


Jiyeon looked satisfied with his idea. “hmm.. it’s not bad idea.” Commented her. “Chunji ah sometime you can be smart as well” she complimented him.


Chunji smiled proudly. “of course. I’m not you who just know abot food.” He mocked Jiyeon again.




“kekeke.. okay, let’s do the first move. Let’s take a photo with romantic pose and send it to myungsoo!” he adviced her


“kajja!” replied Jiyeon excitedly. Then they took a photo of them with Jiyeon pretended kissing Chunji’s cheek


“when will you send it to myungsoo oppa?” Jiyeon asked Chunji as they finished took a photo together.


“hmm.. when I feel it is the right time.”




“so that was his idea?” L looked upset because Chunji and Jiyeon had tricked him. “and that photo, it’s the part of your plan?”


Jiyeon smiled and slightly bowed her head. “ne oppa!”


“ah.. jinjja, you’re really good actors” L praised them


“so! Would you still be mad at me if I’m jealous with you” suddenly Jiyeon asked him while crossing her hands in front of her chest.


L chuckled, then he placed his hands on her cheeks. “ani, I won’t be mad at you anymore because I know the reason why you do that. And... honestly, when you not jealous at me I felt like, I miss something in my life. Something that always makes me angry yet happy.” Said L while staring at Jiyeon’s eyes deeply


“so, you loe my jealousy oppa?” Jiyeon


L turned his face from Jiyeon “ne.. I.. I love your jealousy, yeonnie” he answered shyly, made Jiyeon chuckled


A few seconds later, L pushed Jiyeon’s body on the table and kissed her lips, Jiyeon kissed him back. They shared their passionate kiss for a moment. Suddenly, IU came to their class





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niiyeon #1
Chapter 1: the ending is so funny haha
Ahahahha... This is so cute <3 Jieun interrupted them xD
Omg on the last part . Author-nim , Please make a sequel , I loveeeeee this story !!!
LOL at the ending!
LOL. Cute ending. XD
@all thank you so much for your comments I'm please if you like my fanfic. kekeke sorry, but I don't have an idea to make the sequel, but I really appriciate your request
aaaa i want chunyeon anyway great concept ..luvit
wind_devil #8
lol the end so funny =)) this is so cute~ plz make a sequel or another Myungyeon oneshot ^^.
Jiyeon1234 #9
Cute cute cute
Dea_Jiyeon #10
myungyeon cute story
thank you so much for making this fanic
sequel please