Tears keep on flowing as I reminisce everything we went through. Everything was just so painful.

There's only few words staying in my mind. Your name and the question WHY?

7 years had pass and I just wish I can replace that part of my life so I can ease the pain.

Will you forgive me?


I was happy to have you, making our dreams come true. It was a perfect scenario with just one reason that keeps us from everything.


It was hard and we made our way through it but what happened?

You came to me crying, your shivering. I went to you and made you feel better.

"Oppa, lets end this." your words were crystal clear.

I cant believe your words. Tears fell in my eyes.



I quickly wipe my tears and it felt like everything stop from that moment.

I stood up and turn to face you. That same face who put this dagger in my heart.

"What brings you here?"

"I just came to say something."

We found our way to the bench and sat.

"I just wanted to apologize if Im still the cause of the pain youre feeling, sorry if im the reason why youre crying. I want to see the same Lee Donghae, the cheerful, gullible and smily Donghae I loved but I guess it will take time for me to see that again."

"I guess so. Its been hard."

"I know and im sorry if I will make it more harder for you. Im really sorry."

"What do you mean?" She handed to me an envelope, a white one with words embosed to it. "IM YOONA ♥ ________"

It felt like there were ten more daggers pinned in my chest. I felt like I was dying.

"im sorry oppa but this is the way it should be. I just wish the best for you and please wish the best for me too. Thank you for everything."

It was her last words. She stood up and walk away.

Tears fell and maybe this is the way it should be.


Acceptance is the best way to be free.





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The chapter was nice but it was too short. Could have been developed more. This is a little less than complete