The Start Of Mrs Jung Youngwoong a.k.a Mrs Jung Jaejoong

My Name Is Kim Jaejoong And This Is My Life As A Substitute Agent

Here I am, in a tuxedo and sitting inside the bride's room while...yeah, just sitting around. Heechul left me an hour ago with Hankyung to the rest room.

I bet they're having fun in there. Mummy and Daddy went to greet the guests so I'm the only one inside the bride's room. I looked into the mirror and Youngwoong's face greeted me.

"Gosh." I let out a sigh as I comb my hair with my fingers, covering my face in an instant. I can't believe I'm doing this.  

"Jae hyung, this mission is full of risks. Every agent who did this kind of mission all got dismissed from their post. Ironically, all of them are the best agents of each branch and all of them fall in love with the client's spouse and was fired from the headquarters. Jae hyung, I don't want that to happen to you. Eventhough, I know Yunho is involved in this mission and I know you will try your best not to follow your heart. Please, please remember that you are not allowed to listen to your heart when you do this mission. The other chairmen may be ready to see their agents being dismissed but I'm not. Especially when the agent is my best friend. I am not ready to see you being dismissed just because you fall in love with Yunho hyung. And I am not saying that only you falling in love with him. I want you to stop Yunho hyung from falling in love with you. It will be chaos." 

I remembered what Changmin said and another sigh instantly came out from me. I grab the black jewelry case on the table before looking at the necklace. Tracing the necklace with my fore finger, I wonder whether I should wear it during the wedding later on.

"That's a beautiful necklace. You should wear it." I looked to the mirror and saw Yunho standing behind me.

"When did you come inside here?" I asked, turning around in my chair to look at him.

"Long enough to see you about to cry like a cry baby you always were." Here I am thinking that he was trying to be nice to Youngwoong.

"What do you want?" I asked, acting annoyed. I turned back, looking at the mirror instead of Yunho. My lips form a pout as I waited for his answer.

"Look." Yunho said before turning my chair around so that I would face him. I looked up to face him but then Yunho squats down infront of me.

"You're nervous, aren't you?" Yunho asked me. Wow, that's kind of him to care about Youngwoong.

"It's alright to be nervous. We're getting married after all. Look, I know we both disagreed on this. With my dad forcing me to marry you so that he can have a strong back up party from the government. And your dad be-"

"Don't talk bad about my Daddy. He's a kind man. Not like your father. ertic old man." I cursed as I crossed my arms. I see Yunho was about to blow up but he took a deep breath, closing his eyes before releasing his breath and opening his eyes to look at me.

"One more rule. No talking bad about both of our parents." Yunho said. I shrugged, feeling very reluctant to agree to that. I was right on his father after all. That image of his face. Eww!

"So, what I'm trying to say is that we should become friends. At least that will be a better relationship than two people who are forced to get married, right?" Yunho asked. Friends? He wants to be friends with Youngwoong. That is so sweet of him.


"Friends?" Yunho asked, holding out his hand.

"Friends." I stated, holding onto his hand. I got to hold onto his hand!!!!

"Cool. Since that's done, I should be going if not Mum will kill me if she can't find me. Bye." Yunho said before standing up. I turned back to the mirror to fix my make up when I see him made a turn towards me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking at his reflection on the mirror. He grabbed the jewelry case Dad gave me before looking closely at the necklace.

"What are you doing? Yunho, give it back." I tried to reach out for it but Yunho took out the necklace and gave me the case instead.

"Yunho." I called him, warning him to give it back.

"You really should wear this. I'll put it on for you." Yunho said before placing the necklace around my neck. I heard a soft 'click' sound before Yunho look into the mirror. Our eyes met and Yunho gave a small smile.

"That's better." Yunho said. I looked at our reflection. Wow. I just realised how compatible Yunho and Youngwoong looked. But the real Jaejoong and Yunho looked better. Definitely.

"Yunho? What are you doing here?" We both break away from our intense gaze from the mirror.

"Hi Auntie." Yunho greeted. Mum walked towards us before giving the both of us a suspicious look.

"What were you two doing just now?" She asked. Her prying eyes looked over towards me before going to Yunho.

"Ah, probably none of my business, right honey?" Mum asked me. I nod before smiling a little.

"Here. A present for the both of you." Mum took out two small square cases before passing it to the two of us.

"I made a personalised one for you two. Look at it." Mum said. Yunho and me looked at each other before we both open the case. It was an identical bracelet with the ends looking like cuffs.

"Wow. Thanks Auntie." Yunho said, closing back the case. I smiled brightly as a form of thank you.

"Call me Mummy now, Yunho. Just like how Youngwoong calls me." Mum said. Yunho nodded, understanding what she said.

"Now. I should be going. Yunho. Your mother is looking for you. The wedding ceremony is going to start in five minutes. Honey, touch up on your make up and be prepared. Your father will pick you up soon. Bye now. Come on, Yunho." Mum lead Yunho out of the room.

I looked into the mirror before hearing someone knocked on the door twice. I looked behind and saw Yunho sticking his head out.

"See you in a few minutes." Yunho said, smiling warmly before walking away. How cute. I chuckled by myself before turning back to the mirror, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. 

"Youngwoong?" I instantly opened my eyes when I heard Dad calling me. I looked at him through the mirror before smiling sweetly at him.

"You wore the necklace." Dad stated, probably surprised.

"Yunho put it on for me. Just now." I answered as I stand up.

"Aren't we going?" I asked him and he straightened up, tugging onto his tux.

"Let's go, son." Dad said with a warm smile on his face before taking hold of my right hand and wrapping it around his left arm.

He led me out of the room and the doors to the church open. Oh no. This is it. I felt Dad patting my right hand. I gazed towards him and he gave me an assuring smile.

"Even if you belong to the Jung Family after this, remember. Whatever happens, you are still welcome in the Kim Family. I will be there for you and I will always love you." Dad whispered before I gave him a nod. Everything went so fast after that.

One second, I was starting to walk down the aisle with Dad. The next moment, I was standing beside Yunho with the priest before us. I took in a deep breath before I look at the priest. He gave the both of us a nod before started saying.

"We are here to witness the wedding ceremony between Jung Yunho and Kim Youngwoong. Jung Yunho? Will you take Kim Youngwoong as your lawful wedded husband and promise to be with him in sickness and in health?" The priest asked. I immediately looked at Yunho. Wow, even when we're getting married, his serious face is so cute!

"I do." Yunho said, loud and clear. I looked back at the priest.

"Will you, Kim Youngwoong take Jung Yunho to be your lawful wedded husband and promise to be with him in sickness and in health?" No. I'm not ready for this. Yeah, I should say no.

I steal a glance at Changmin who was sitting on the first row. His fingers were close to his mouth. I bet he's biting it out of anxiety. Come on, Jaejoong. For Changmin and ISA. Let's show them that I'm worthy to be called the best agent of KSA after all.

"I do." 

Oh god. If only I could turn back time, I shouldn't have said that if I know what's going to happen in the next months to come.

"Well with the power vested in me, I pronounce you, Jung Yunho and Kim Youngwoong, husband and wif-husband. You may now exchange rings." The priest said before the ring bearer stood infront of us. I grab the ring at the same time as Yunho. He slides it on my ring finger before I did the same on his hand.

"You may kiss the bri-I mean, husband." The priest said as he nods at us once again. Kiss?! I looked at Yunho. He was starting to lean closer towards me. His hands grab hold of my arms as he pulled me closer towards him. He's gonna kiss on my lips!!!!

I closed my eyes, biting my lip on the next second.

Oh god.

Oh god.

Oh god.

Jung Yunho is going to kiss me.

Jung Yunho is go-


A kiss on the forehead?

I was expecting for something more. Guess I won't be getting any lip action from him some time soon. Wait, Jaejoong. Focus. You're not allowed to do that.

I opened my eyes, looking at him with great boredom. Seriously, if this was my wedding, I would have kicked my husband if he dared to kiss me on the forehead. It's our first kiss! We're supposed to be kissing on the LIPS not FOREHEAD. Gosh!

"Let's go." Yunho said as he pulled me down the aisle, running pass the guests.

The door opens an-

Ah! Too bright!

I immediately halt for a few seconds, squinting my eyes and trying to get cover my face from the bright camera flashes. I heard a soft sigh coming from Yunho. Hold on. What's happening? I felt myself being swept off the floor. I immediately hold on to Yunho.

"Hold on tight." Yunho said softly before walking down the stairs. The crowd applauded as I hold onto Yunho tightly, never letting go. Hey, I don't want to fall down. That will be so embarassing. The reporters started rushing towards us and I winced again with the sudden load of camera flashes.

I faced Yunho's chest, covering my face from the reporters pushing and shoving to get the perfect picture of the both of us. How would you get a perfect picture when you're just shoving the camera into our faces? What? You want us to take the picture by ourselves or something?

Yunho pulled me closer as I heard him shouting to make way for him to walk. Gosh. This is so unbelievable. I'm married to Jung Yunho. Married.


I felt Yunho stop and he placed me on the wedding car. Reporters were still bustling around us but it was a distance away since there were security guards holding them away from the car. Yunho the ignition before driving off with me.

I looked down and started playing with my fingers, not knowing what to do next. What does a couple do right after they get married? Well, when I watch dramas, they usually go back to their house and do...


I jerked up when Yunho suddenly hold onto my clasped hand. Gosh, this guy really knows how to shock me.

"Relax. It's just me. I heard about your phobia. From your mother." Youngwoong has a phobia? I didn't know about that.

"Well, since I'm going to take care of you, at least for a month that is, she told me about you being afraid of people rushing towards you. There's no need to hide it. Judging from how you behaved infront of the reporters just now, I believed what your mum said."

Hold on for a second. Youngwoong has a phobia? Why isn't it declared? How am I going to react now? But Youngwoong looks fine to me everytime when he goes for press conferences. Well, he didn't went to that many press conferences. Most of the time, he went missin-

Oh! No wonder Hyunmin told me that Youngwoong was always running away. Wow, all this while. I didn't know about this.


Oh my cookies.

Say something, Jae!

Hi guys! Just finished my first set of exams so I thought of updating. Well, there are other more exams coming up but I'm not gonna care. 

Anyways! Enough about my exams. New chap here. Jaejoong's married to Yunho now...technically. What's going to happen? Even I don't know. Hehe...

Do wait for my new updates that won't be coming up until a week later unless the comments you guys left makes me want to update earlier. Free bone-crushing hugs will be presented to the ones who comments. Don't worry, dear. It won't kill you. Trust me. A big thank you for the readers reading this. Leave a comment, alright? Pretty please? For the sake of this author here who loves her readers very much. 

Hey! Who won't love you guys, right? So, yeah. Bye for now!!!

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Chapter 48: Gahhh!!! Author-nim!!! Read this in one day! I'm impressed! Seriously though, how can I missed this? I have no idea...just kill me!!! You doing so good! And I hope to hear from you soon...can't even comment decently on each chaps because I'm in a need to read this wonderful story as fast as I could~ ahahah...,Thanks for sharing this author-nim! You are amazing!
Chapter 36: Brace myself~
Chapter 34: Jae is one dramatic agent! Ahaha...Gosh...poor Yunnie but, can't he feel J aura on Jaejoong?
Chapter 33: I cry too~~~ this is it...
Chapter 31: OMG!!! Me love Yunjae!!!
Chapter 29: Arggghhh!!! Just when Yunjae having their honeymoon~
Chapter 28: Yunjae=romantic+ert~ ahaha..honeymoon!!
Chapter 27: Aigoo!!! Poor Yoongwoung~ no wonder he despise Yun..his father though~ huh~
Chapter 26: Jaejoong!!! My Goshhh!!!
Chapter 24: Yunnie~~~ hehe...Minnie, seriously~ ahaha...