“Those who sleep may have dreams. Those who don’t sleep can realize theirs.”

Of girls, boys and complications!


“Mmhhh…” Tatiana woke and stretched in her bed. She’d been taking it easy the night before, so she felt perfectly rested and got up to make herself some breakfast. “I doubt all the others are feeling just as good today…” she said to herself and giggled a bit as she remembered the night before. Both Shadira and Lynne had been pretty tipsy, and the last she’d seen of Mai had been her back, heading out the door with one of the guys they’d met. She shook her head. She couldn’t understand Mai no matter how hard she tried. Mai was the maknae, but she was also the craziest and most flirty in their group. She’d danced and laughed all night last night, and Tati had seen several of the guys throwing long glances in her direction. Mai could pretty much flirt and giggle her way out of any awkward situation, and she’d most definitely live life to the full when out partying. But despite this, Tati had never seen the girl come even close to a serious relationship. She’d always come home and never spoke of the previous night again. It confused all of them. Last night however… maybe this time was different. Tati shook her head again and opened the door to Angelica’s room. “Morning Angel! I made breakfast, do you---” She stopped abruptly. The bed looked completely empty and it definitely didn’t look like someone had slept there during the last 24 hours. Now this… this was unusual. Tati looked at the bedside watch and around the room again. 11 AM, and no Angelica. She turned around and strode back outside and into Elham’s room. She was already awake, sitting by her desk. “Do you know where Angelica disappeared to last night? She hasn’t slept in her bed.” Elham’s eyes widened in surprise and she turned around to face Tatiana. “No, I thought she’d gone to bed when I got home! I was quite late myself, Min Ho walked me home and we ended up strolling around the block just talking. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t still at the club though!” Tati sighed. “I’ll call the others, maybe she slept over at their place…”

Lynne woke with a start and sat up. She groaned and brought one hand to her head, while fumbling for her phone with the other. “Hello?” Oh god… was that really her voice? It sounded so frog-like. “Good morning, Sunshine! How are you feeling today?” Tati sounded way too chippery for her own good, and Lynne lay back down. “I’ve been better… ” “I figured… Hey, have you seen Angelica by any chance? She’s not at home and I’m kinda worried…” “Umm, no! I’m sorry, I haven’t… ” “Ohh… could you ask Evie? Maybe she knows!” “Yeah, just a sec, I’ll go---” Lynne cut off her sentence and looked around the room. THIS was most definitely not her room… Or her bed! Her eyes widened as realization came upon her. She didn’t remember a thing of how she’d gotten home last night. “Uhh… Listen Tati, I… I’m gonna have to call you back!” She slammed her phone on the bed and startled as she heard a soft knock on the door. “Uhh… yes?” The doorknob turned and her eyes widened as it opened.

Mai stared at the young man in front of her, horror and shock written all over her face. He seemed somewhat surprised and suspicious to see her, but of course she could well understand why. After all, a young girl tip-toeing towards the door, wearing only a skirt and a t-shirt was probably not the first thing you’d expect seeing when you got up in the morning. He stared at her for a bit more, before his gaze flickered to the door, and his mouth turned into a wide, devilish grin. “YA, HYUN JOONG! YOU’D BETTER START TAKING BETTER CARE OF YOUR GIRLS, OR THEY’LL ALL RUN OUT ON YOU!!!!!” Mai gaped at him and tried to grasp the content of what he’d just said. Who on earth was this Hyun Joong, and WHY was this guy shouting all over the place? Suddenly she could hear a door open, and she felt her heart sink to the ground as two new pairs of feet tumbled down the stairs. He’d never mentioned there were more people living with him… Then again, she really hadn’t listened all that much to what he said either. Lifting her eyes from the floor, she managed to send the guy who’d been shouting a furious glance, but it only seemed to make his grin even wider. Her gaze shifted to the newcomers, and widened as she recognised one of them. The guy she’d crashed into the day before! She could feel heat rush to her face as his eyes met her and he smirked, obviously recognising her as well. The other one looked kind of confused and curious. His hair was dark as the other’s, but it was thicker and his face was gentle. He looked over at the one with the grin with a questioning look. “Hyun Joong isn’t in… I don’t think he came home last night!” The maknae blinked and seemed confused. “Saengie?” The one from before, ‘Saengie’ as they called him, shook his head. “She’s not mine!”. “Ya! What’s that supposed to mean? ‘Not yours’, you talk like I’m something you own! I’m standing right here you know!” Mai completely forgot her manners, these guys were bugging her. The nerve of them! They looked at her, and she could see amusement in their eyes. “Well then,” said the youngest. “I guess that answers the question. JUNG MIN!!!”

Meanwhile, Evie was smiling blissfully while preparing breakfast. Last night had been simply wonderful! Her and Junsu had finally talked everything out, they’d both found out that they were ready to move on… and she’d spent the rest of the night, dancing, enjoying herself and having fun! At first it had indeed bothered her when Junsu revealed to her that he’d managed to move on and even found a new girl. But not long after Evie herself had run into Geun Suk. And suddenly, Junsu and his new crush, whoever she was, was the last thing on her mind. She giggled a bit as she remembered the way he’d been dancing, and flirting, he’d seemed like such a bad boy! Just the kind of flirt she needed. As soon as he’d noticed her she pretended hard to get and Wham! There she got his interest straight away! Haha, sometimes such things were too easy! Even if it had been a while since she’d been out looking for nothing more than some innocent fun, it wasn’t really that hard to get back in the game! Evie jumped as her phone suddenly went off, and hurried over to pick it up. “Yes? Oh Hi, Tati! ... No, Angel’s not here! Only me, Shadi and Mimi, and I’m the only one up yet. Yeah, Shadi’s probably gonna sleep a while longer!” Evie giggled and moved into the hall to be sure not to wake any of the others. “Yeah, I think her night was pretty rough… Some guy helped me get her home though, he seemed like he knew her from before, very caring. No, of course not Yunho! I think he said his name was… Chung… Jung… something like that! I don’t know how she knew him…” “Mimie? Well you know, Siwon couldn’t be there… I did notice she talked a bit to that new guy, what’s his name? … Yeah, Kim Bum, that’s it! … Yeah, cute enough, if you like that kind of guy… Really? You too? I didn’t notice you talked to him too! What about Kyu Hyun then? … Yeah, I get it! Well… This kinda stuff has never been easy! I know, trust me!” Evie paced the floor while talking to Tatiana. She looked up as she heard a noise from the living room and looked up to see Mimi there. “Hey, I’ll ask the others if they noticed where Angelica headed off to last night, and I’ll call you back, ok? Love ya!” She went out to where Mimi was already at the table, buttering a piece of bread and sat down to eat. It looked like it’d be an interesting day ahead!

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