Part 3

Gone for good


Soomin finished her midterm exam with flying colors, but she's not sure if she answered the questions right.

It's Tuesday, the day that Soomin always seeing the boy sitting on the grass during break time, but she didn't saw him today. She even sat on the grass just in case he will appear but to her dismay he's nowhere to be found.

Rin noticed Soomin sulking face and was like searching for someone,

"Soomin? Is there something bothering you?" Rin finally asked.

Soomin shook her head and told her that she's fine. She glanced at her watch. It's almost time for their last subject.

"Come on guys it's almost time! We better get moving and go to our class now."

While heading to the building Soomin keeps on searching for him.

*That's strange I always see him every Tuesday.*


After class Soomin linked her arms to Hyunki's and Rin's arm.

"I didn't get to see him today," Soomin frowned.

"Who?" Hyunki asked.

"My crush," Soomin frowned once more.

"You will see him soon, what if he'll just pass by in front of us?" Hyunki smiled.

At that moment group of people passed by from the center stairs. The three stopped from their tracks and wait to all of them to pass by. Soomin bent down to tie her shoelace, when she stood back up she saw a familiar face, the face that she's been looking for. She can't believe that he's standing in front of her right now. She froze and looked at the boy.

He glanced to her, his eyes were gentle. He broke his gaze to her and keep his pace moving.

Soomin was shocked and flushed, she didn't expect that coming.

"Soomin, are you okay?" Rin shook her lightly.

"That guy just now..." Soomin muttered.

"What guy?" Hyunki curiously asked.

"…the guy who stood in front of you?" Rin asked.

"Yes, that's him!" Soomin exclaimed.

Rin rubbed her chin as she was trying to remember something.

“I think I already seen that guy before, but I can’t remember where,” Rin let out a sigh.

“Really?!” Soomin shook Rin lightly.

“Let me recall it… hmm… Ah! Hyunki remember last Monday? When we sat on the table at the cafeteria with Taemin? He’s with Kai that time then someone sat beside Kai?” Soomin looked at Hyunki.

“Oh! Yes! Is that him? I think he is since he’s familiar,” Soomin looked at Rin next.

“Yes, that’s him. I think he’s Kai’s friend.”

Rin smiled.

"Ooh... fate!" Hyunki grinned.

Rin slung her arm around Soomin.

“Don’t ya worry girl, I’ll ask Taemin for his name!” Rin chimed. Soomin can’t help but to smile.

“Thanks guys,” Soomin slung her free arm to Hyunki’s shoulder.

“That’s what friends are for!” Hyunki grinned.

“Awww…” Soomin and Rin cooed.

“Come on, let’s eat! I’m hungry!” Soomin shouted.

The three girls entered the cafeteria; they sat at the nearest table. Soomin went to the counter first to buy her lunch then went back to her seat. Now it’s Hyunki’s and Rin’s turn to buy their food.

Soomin waited for them before eating her lunch, she propped up her elbow on the table and placed her cheek to her hand, absentmindedly gazing outside. Suddenly a boy appeared on her sight.

*It’s him!*

Soomin was alarmed. She was praying that he will enter the cafeteria, well he did. He’s with a girl but the girl was nothing to Soomin.

Rin and Hyunki came back with their tray of foods in their hands.

“Soomin, he’s here! And he’s with a girl!” Hyunki muttered.

“I know and that’s fine. I think he just accompany the girl to eat lunch,” Soomin shrugged.

“You’re not jealous?” Hyunki peered.

“Nope, not one bit, and why would I be jealous? Who am I to get jealous?” Soomin smiled.

“Well, you’re right. Come on let’s eat! Thank you for the food!”

While happily eating and chatting, Soomin noticed that the boy was heading out.

*I’m glad to see him twice today.* Soomin secretly smiled.

After eating lunch, Soomin went to the bench to wait for her cousin to pick her up. While Hyunki have her class and Rin went somewhere because she had things to do.

While Soomin was sitting at the bench, propping her elbow to her thigh and rested her cheek on her hand. She looked to her left to wait for her cousin’s car to arrive, but her neck hurts so she the other way to rotate and stretch her neck.

But to her surprise, when she turned her head a familiar boy was approaching her way. Soomin’s reaction was shock with matching wide eyes.

She turned her head again to the other way and thought of her reaction a while ago if the boy noticed it.

*Did he noticed it? Oh my gosh, that’s embarrassing,* she face palmed.

The boy passed in front of her, she gazed at him while he’s walking going to the restroom, then a minute later he got out and went inside the cafeteria.

*Okay... that was unexpected!* Soomin leaned back to the bench and let out a relief sigh.

*I wish I can see him again before I go.*

Soomin waited for him to get out from the cafeteria, but he hasn’t gone out yet. At that moment, Soomin’s cousin arrived. To her dismay, she lazily stood up and didn’t bother to take a glance back at the cafeteria.

In front of her were group of girls who were excitingly chatting, while they were one by one got out from the exit. Soomin don’t want to squeeze through since it’s too crowded and she hates that. So she stood behind and waited for these girls to go out.

While standing there, someone stood beside Soomin. She looked down and saw the person’s shoe up to the person’s wrist. She saw a familiar baller, a baller that that guy wore. She realized who was it and froze on that spot where she was standing, she felt the time stops.

When she glanced in front of her, there’s no more sign of the girls earlier. Soomin wants to go first, but since she has heavy things with her she moved backward so the guy can go out first.

*Please go first.* the back of her head said. She didn’t manage to say it loud because she’s too nervous. The two of them didn’t make a move, even an inch, nothing. Soomin can’t take the silent-awkward atmosphere anymore so she went out first, and she can feel that the boy was behind her.

It feels like the time stops and her pace got slower.

When she finally got out, the guy ran but abruptly stopped when someone called him from Soomin’s behind.

Soomin looked at the guy who called him and glanced again at him. He smiled and waved to his friend.

That smile sends tingly feeling to her pounding heart. She sheepishly smiled and went inside the car, still smiling.

*His smile... is like.... heaven.*


I'm so sorry if I update this sooooooooo late. I've been busy and can't online how i used to be online before.
Mian, forgive me >< so here's the third shot. Forgive my Gramatical errors. I hope you still enjoy readiing it.



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Ah so Soomin is majoring in language? interesting!
Aww, Rin is indeed cute naming all her things hehe and Amber for her pencil case hihi ^^
3 hours break? omg is she lucky or what?! >< -jealous- lol

so Soomin is done with Luhan sunbae? awww~
she bumped into him and and he is so nice to apologize even though it's not his fault ><
omg he smiled at her -literally screaming inside- lol XD
Bacon? what a weird nickname he has lmao xD
omg so Soomin has noticed him before? asdfghjkl so lucky of her!
she must be so happy to see him around the campus that much ><

i hate it when you have an important exam to face but your lecturer showers you with works to finish ><
omg how nice of Luhan to come and wish us personally ^^
and there he is, flashing his angelic smile -dies-
soomin, are you sure it's just a normal smile? lol XD
oh i sense something here. Kris likes hyunki? aww, so cute of him being so shy in front of hyunki XD

how can soomin concentrate if that boy is smiling, laughing like that in front of her? ><
Yah, Soomin! Focus! XD
LOL Rin noticed me smiling like a crazy girl XD
lmaoo and suddenly Key is mentioned XD and Soomin didn't even know him, poor boy XD

Yay! I like it ^^ Palli, update! I want more Baekhyun LOL XD Fighting :)
aww your story? is it okay with you? ._. well, i just cant wait to read it!! ^^