Second Date

Sandeul's Scandal ♥♥♥✉

sandeul’s scandal- second date

You: "Sanduckie" ^^ added to your contacts.

"Sanduckie" ^^: Annyeong~ ^^ Mieun-ah! Wae didn't you text me?  (ㅠ.ㅠ)

You: Omo! >.< I forgot. Mianhae. (ㅜ.ㅜ)

"Sanduckie" ^^: It's okay~ ^^ I can't wait to see you tomorrow! ^0^ You'll never guess what I have planned. ㅋㅋ

You: Sandeul oppa, tell me, please? (ㅜ.ㅜ)

"Sanduckie" ^^: If I tell you it'll ruin it.  (ㅠ.ㅠ)

You: Ai~ Aniyo~

"Sanduckie" ^^: Arasso, we're going to a fancy ballet recital. ^o^ I went through a lot of trouble to get the tickets! Dress nicely, alright?

You: Ne~ I will.

"Sanduckie" ^^: Go get some sleep!

You: Ne~ You too, oppa.



You sighed as you looked over the conversation once again. Though you knew he was only trying to be sweet, you groaned and even slightly resented Sandeul when you thought of the date he’d planned. This kid really wasn’t perceptive in the least bit if he thought you would enjoy watching some pretty girls dancing across a stage. You thought that you'd made it pretty obvious how disinterested you were in that artsy fartsy stuff. Dress nicely? You had a slight urge to dress as a slob just to be obstinate. You didn't, of course, even though you were extremely tempted when you came across a ripped up shirt in your closet.


As you scoured your limited, completely-broke-girl-in-her-twenties closet, only one outfit seemed fitting for the occasion. An elegant, flowing purple dress caught your eye after only a few moments of looking. It wasn't too ridiculously long, nor was it skimpy and whorish. Instead it exuded a certain maturity that you suddenly found yourself desiring for the evening. When you slipped it on, you realized just how fitting this dress was to your figure. For a split second you wondered why exactly you hadn't worn it before. In about the same amount of time you noticed how old you looked- almost mid to late-twenties- and decided that must be the reason. Fearing looking like an extremely old, creepy noona with your older but young looking "boyfriend," you threw a fun sparkly flower hairpin into your short locks hoping it would somehow counteract the dilemma you'd been faced with.


Unsatisfied with its minor effect, you pouted at the mirror and colored black circles around your eye with your liner. The makeup was thick enough to have been scribbled on with a marker, but many people told you that the style suited you well. For a bit of originality, you drew a quick star on the corner of your right eye. Slowly but surely you nodded at your results, feeling that you yourself looked a little bit like a kpop star. Perhaps like that one girl.. was it Son Ga-In? You shrugged, not really caring about the specifics, and hurried to gather the rest of your outfit. You slipped on a pair of low, comfortable, heels, instantly loving the effect it had on your legs. You were just about to check yourself once again in the mirror when your doorbell rang. Bewildered, you scrambled to the door, not even bothering to be lady-like.


Without checking who it was, you flung the door open, stood in the doorway, hands on your hips and legs spread in a powerful position, ready to tell whomever he or she was off. You were getting ready for your very important fake date that just might determine your success as a future gag woman, how dare they interrupt? To your surprise, someone you knew but didn't know stood before you. A very different Sandeul than what you were used to gaped at you, mouth slightly open, cheeks rosed with embarrassment. Just behind him was a small filming crew, present to capture your every flaw.


The intimidating expression you'd put on your face faded to a flustered frown as you adjusted yourself and bowed in greeting, "Sandeul oppa, I wasn't expecting you..." Your eyes traveled from his straightened hair to his handsome suit, your stomach fluttering in confusion and excitement. Why was he so much more attractive than you remembered?


Immediately he bowed back, his face covered with guilt, "I'm sorry, I should have let you know we were picking you up...” He caught your gaze with a fleeting glance and then sought refuge from the floor as he trailed off. “Do you need more time?” Your “boyfriend” kneaded his hands together, unsuccessfully trying to hide his nerves.


Feeling slightly remorseful for greeting him in such an unsophisticated way, you quickly shook your head and insisted, “No, no! I’m fine. Let me just go grab my phone and purse. I’ll be right out.” You hesitated when Sandeul met your eyes, his round orbs you in for a brief second. You quickly looked away, battling inwardly over whether to leave the door open, close it, or invite him in. He was supposed to be your boyfriend after all, right? Besides, this would be good for broadcasting. Your stomach shriveled slightly at the total corniness of the offer you were about to extend, but before you knew it, the words had slipped out of your mouth, “Do you want to come in?”


To your relief, it seemed as if you’d made the right choice. The coordi noonas in the background smiled, nodded, and put their thumbs up, the camera man smirked slightly at you, and Sandeul, completely oblivious to the real intent of your reactions, grinned at you, his eyes shining brightly- signifying how moved he was. Suddenly uncomfortable under the undeserved pedestal he had put you on, you pointed to the couch and then shuffled to your room to grab your belongings. Once your clutch purse was in hand, you ushered Sandeul and the crew out as quickly as possible without seeming rude. This was going to be one hell of a night.

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Chapter 5: that was so cute!!! i really hope you could update soon!
Chapter 5: OMG YOU UPDATED! So so so so happy! I've been reading this when I still didn't have an acocunt so I couldn't comment (T.T) CAN I JUST TELL YOU HOW AWESOME THIS STORY IS? Update when you can, author-nim~
Chapter 5: Awwww you updated! I love Mieun! She's quite a personality!!!
b1a4www #4
I'm a bit confused...are there actually cameras filming them or not? 0o0
Other than that, I like this! ^ ^
HOBO! I'M SO PROUD OF YEW. And jealous of your ability to write a long chapter. HOW DO YOU DO IT?

I already told you most of my thoughts LOL but uh. YEAH. I feel so bad for Sandeullie, I mean, poor kid is so cute and doesn't even realize Mieun's just tearing him down in her mind. ;_;

At the end, I was pissed she wasn't even going to eat the soup he took forever to make, but then she tried it so I guess that's all good lolol.

I hope you get lots & lots of subbies and comments. winkwink ;)

*flips- I'm out!
Awww, she was just dreaming. ;_;

The bunny gif!!!
Assa~ Atlast.
Another Sandeul FanFic.
Looking forward to your next chapter Author-nim!~