First Date

Sandeul's Scandal ♥♥♥✉

sandeul’s scandal- first date

You tapped your foot impatiently, waiting outside the restaurant for Sandeul to appear. It wasn’t as if he was taking very long, it was simply that you had no idea what to do with yourself. Perhaps you should have stayed in the restaurant and eaten some more? Scrunching your face and frowning up at the sky in frustration, you silently cried to the heavens. As soon as your face was lifted to the sun, you noticed just how nice the weather was. For the first time, you were actually glad that Sandeul had asked you to go on a walk with him.

You heard heavy, hurried footsteps behind you and stepped back closer the restaurant, hugging the wall with your body. You nonchalantly watched as your “boyfriend” dashed out of the duck shop. His mouth was hanging slightly open in confusion as he frantically glanced around, searching for you as if he was afraid you had left without him. You rolled your eyes, not particularly annoyed or charmed by his display of affinity towards you already, and called him over, “Sandeul, I’m over here.”

Upon hearing your voice, his face instantly lit up, and as soon as he saw you he bounded over. You received him with an awkward smile, still unsure how to handle this little ball of energy. You were surprised by how different he looked just from changing his clothes. You supposed that the “stylist noonas” had insisted on fixing his hair before he left the restaurant because it was no longer windswept. Instead, it was curled to such a degree that he looked like he’d had it permed with a group of midde-aged women. Completely unaware of how slightly ridiculous he looked, he proudly wore a white t-shirt decorated with an adorable bright yellow duckling. The graphic tee led to a pair of looser jeans similar to Jinyoung’s from before. Although you acknowledged that Sandeul was thin, you couldn’t help but notice how he had thicker thighs compared to other idols you knew of. Ahjumma hair or not, at least he had a bit of meat on his bones. Grudgingly you had to admit that he looked a little bit older and more attractive now- even if you were embarrassed of his hair.

Self-conscious because of your scrutinizing eyes, Sandeul shuffled back and forth, ruffling his curls nervously. When you finally noticed his uncomfortableness and averted your gaze, he immediately relaxed. After few moments of awkward silence, he once again took the initiative and asked quietly, “Would you like to walk with me?” He gestured across the street to the park. You nodded expressionlessly, tense for some unknown reason. Together the two of you headed first to the crosswalk and then to the park.

For a while, you both walked in silence, admiring the nature around you. The path was lined with trees, their branches intertwining together overhead, creating the atmosphere of a tunnel. You travelled slowly, Sandeul trying his best to match your pace. Occasionally you would come to a stop when the trees broke, revealing a shimmering lake teeming with ducks and their young. Noticing the gleam in your eye when you watched them, Sandeul tugged on his shirt and teased, “So you do have  a soft spot, huh. You like ducks?”

You looked at him out the corner of your eye, heat rising to your face. With a shrug you tried to respond indifferently, “They’re cute, I guess.”

Sandeul’s expression brightened, “Really? Well, I must be cute too!” A broad grin spread across his face, “My nickname is Sanduck.” You raised an eyebrow and scrunched your nose, unable to see, or rather refusing to acknowledge, the resemblance between the idol and your favorite animal. “No, really!” He stuck out lips and flapped his arms cutely. You couldn’t help but giggle. At least he didn’t care too much about his image. He laughed along with you, feeling exceptionally accomplished after evoking a natural smile from you.

The two of you continued walking, the conversation once again growing quiet until Sandeul spoke, “Mieun-ah, I’ve been wondering.” You cocked your head to the side a little, signaling that you were listening. “Do you know B1A4 and didn’t recognize me? Or do you just not know B1A4 at all?” His voice sounded a little sad, as if he was disappointed that no one in the restaurant had openly pointed him out like they had Jinyoung.

“Oh, um,” the question caught you off guard. “I honestly don’t know B1A4 at all.” The truth was all you could think to say. It was a lose-lose situation. He brightened up a little at the fact that he wasn’t the only forgotten one, but after a moment his face dropped again. You supposed it was because you hadn’t even heard of his band- which was kind of a slap in the face. On national television. Remembering this was being recorded, you tried to make your answer seem less heartless, “It’s not that you guys aren’t popular or anything, I just don’t follow the popular music very much. Like I said, I’m more of a gag show kind of person...”

He forced a laugh, but it was obvious you had put a major downer on his mood, “The other girls must have missed me because of my accent, then.” His weak excuse told you that he was sensitive about his looks, and his saddened smile tugged somewhat painfully at your heart. Before you could say any awkward reassuring words, he took another swig of his handy water bottle and changed the subject. “You said you don’t listen to popular music. Is it because you don’t like it... or you think it’s overrated.. or just never really had the time?”

Quickly, you forgot anything kind you’d intended to say to him and  searched your mind for an appropriate answer- something that would capture the hearts of the viewers. You had to do well! Your career depended on this! With a shrug you responded, “I’ve always been a bit busy. I’m sure I’d be a fan if I actually had an opportunity.”

“Really?” Interest immediately sparked in his eyes and he shuffled closer to you, gently putting his hand on your shoulder, “You absolutely have to come to one of our concerts then. Or visit an Music Bank performance.” His grinned down at you, “I’m the main vocal! I’m sure we can get you backstage or something.” Sandeul? The main vocal? Judging from his higher almost grating voice, you imagined him singing with something clear and bell-like or maybe even something rocky. In all honesty, you couldn’t really see yourself enjoying listening to that.

Still, thinking only of the cameras rolling, you nodded reluctantly. At your agreement, Sandeul jumped up and down, tugging your arm joyfully. He was clearly happy that you were going to see him- you, a person he’d only known for a couple of hours. Confused by his heartfelt delight, you hesitantly added an extra spring in your step to match his. Before you knew it, your initial agitation with his vivacious character began to wear off and was replaced with a fondness- the kind you have for a helpless puppy that won’t stop following you. Romantic feelings for a puppy? No way. You’d have your work cut out for you.

Your stomach rumbled, bringing you from your thoughts. Sandeul looked over at you and smiled, taking your wrist gently. “We’re almost out of the park. There’s a cafe across the street, would you like to go?” Speechless and embarrassed, you looked at the ground and nodded. Perhaps you really should have eaten more of his soup. At the thought of the tasty dish, you grew even hungrier and picked up the pace.

In no time, Sandeul was leading the way to a small two-person table in an empty donut and coffee cafe. He pulled the chair out for you, waiting for you to sit down before he scurried to his seat. As soon as the two of you were comfortably seated, a handsome young waiter flew over to you, obviously bored due to lack of customers. Sandeul ordered water and a glazed donut; you ordered a chocolate donut and a frappucino. As the waiter went to prepare your requests, you just barely caught a glimpse of his nametage- Lee Howon.

The service was fast- within a couple of minutes you had your frappucino and Sandeul had his donut. As you sipped on your delicious drink and eyed the counter for signs of your food, you felt Sandeul’s gaze boring into you. Curiously, you cast a glance at him, catching him just before he looked away like a kid seen doing something he shouldn’t. Knowing that he couldn’t ignore your words while the cameras were rolling, you used them to your advantage and asked with a slight laugh, “Why’re you looking at me like that? Did you do something?”

Sandeul’s eyes widened and he shook his hands violently, “Oh no! No! I’m just trying to think of a way to give you something.” You blinked at him with the largest questioning eyes you could accomplish. He shifted shyly in his seat and then broke into a grin, “I can’t do it with you staring at me like that! Look over there again!” He pointed to the counter. With an inward sigh and a small chuckle, you obliged. When after a few moments he still hadn’t said or done anything, you turned back towards him exasperatedly. He couldn’t ask you to do things and then not keep his end-

Your eyes widened and you furrowed your brow. Sandeul sat across from you, his eyes narrowed and his mouth set in an attempt of a seductive smirk. You were halfway torn between it being extremely attractive or ridiculously cute because of his contradictory curly hair. “I have something for you,” his voice was slightly deeper as he leaned across the table, one eyebrow slightly raised, and held out a phone. You purposefully avoided his hand as you accepted his gift.

As soon as the cell was within your grasp, Sandeul leaned back in his seat and smiled innocently once again. “Make sure you text me a lot. Diligently!” He used his hands for emphasis, “Even if it’s a little late, I will respond to you.” You nodded, still flabbergasted by his sudden change. He glanced at his watch and suddenly his smile dropped, “I have another schedule to go to.” He stood and bowed, offering his hand for a shake, “I’m sorry about not being able to see you home.” You took his hand and were glad when you felt nothing but friendliness in the action.

When he’d almost reached the exit to the shop, he turned around and tipped his head to the side, asking innocently, “Where do you live?”


Before you even thought about how strange the question was, you answered quickly, “Downtown Seoul.”

“Ahh~” He beamed at you, “You traveled a long way to meet me.” You laughed inwardly at his logic, watching as his expression brightened even further, “I’ll probably be able to see you a lot more than I expected. Most of my schedules are around Seoul this week.” Surprised at his enthusiasm, you looked at him with wide, curious eyes. He simply waved cutely and left, leaving you completely baffled.

A few minutes after he’d left, your donut finally arrived. As you ate it slowly, you thought about the day and how you’d judged him. He’d chosen you out of all the girls in the restaurant, though you had no idea why. He’d gone through all that trouble to pick out the perfect ring for you and prepare your strange order- which you’d only even tasted once. With a sinking feeling, you realized that he didn’t even know that. He probably thought you’d just left without trying it.

His kind actions throughout the second half of the date somehow meant so much more to you now that you acknowledged he had an actual reason to dislike you. You finally accepted that he was, without a doubt, a sweetheart through and through. You had definitely misjudged him. Perhaps, despite your certainty earlier that day that you and Sandeul wouldn’t get along, the two of you could be friends after all. It’d be easier to fake romantic attraction if you actually liked him in some sort of way. Unconsciously, you smiled. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

There were legit so many days where I only wrote one sentence in this chapter. I got /so stuck/ at one part. I still think it's a little bit awkward. T_T I hope you guys can't point it out. ;D ;D ;D *refuses to tell you guys where it is- Let's just say that it took me forever to go from the restaurant to the park to the pond to the cafe. It. took. forevs. Did anyone notice Hoya's quick lil cameo? I was gonna make it Sungyeol.. then I realized that Hoya's the Busan man from Infinite, so it made 20x more sense to throw him in. Haha. *dances- I am /so glad/ I made it through this chapter. It's filled with quite a bit of Mieun logic and Sandeul logic that make absolutely no sense if they're not put into a fanfic. *shrugshrug- ;D Thankfully this is a fanfic! I'm a /huge/ fan of fluff. I hope this makes you squeal of cuteness- and all you girls that want a y Sandeul, relish in the seductive look he gives on the first date. Lawl. It might be the last one that you see for a looooong while. SANDUCKIE!!!! You're just adorable. Cannot handle. By the way~ In later chapters, look forward to connections to the conversations they had today. =^-^= I tried to give some hints for the future dates to come. ;D

Please, please, pleeeeease comment if you're reading this. *pokes comment box- Koutaculous is the only one leaving me feedback here. T_T
Revel in his adorable mouth-openness that occurred in the fic. =) This photoset is one of my favorites of him~
Is it just me or are my Author's Notes more of me spazzing about Sandeul than anything else? :# I hope it doesn't bother people too much. ;D
Whisk~ Out <3

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Chapter 5: that was so cute!!! i really hope you could update soon!
Chapter 5: OMG YOU UPDATED! So so so so happy! I've been reading this when I still didn't have an acocunt so I couldn't comment (T.T) CAN I JUST TELL YOU HOW AWESOME THIS STORY IS? Update when you can, author-nim~
Chapter 5: Awwww you updated! I love Mieun! She's quite a personality!!!
b1a4www #4
I'm a bit confused...are there actually cameras filming them or not? 0o0
Other than that, I like this! ^ ^
HOBO! I'M SO PROUD OF YEW. And jealous of your ability to write a long chapter. HOW DO YOU DO IT?

I already told you most of my thoughts LOL but uh. YEAH. I feel so bad for Sandeullie, I mean, poor kid is so cute and doesn't even realize Mieun's just tearing him down in her mind. ;_;

At the end, I was pissed she wasn't even going to eat the soup he took forever to make, but then she tried it so I guess that's all good lolol.

I hope you get lots & lots of subbies and comments. winkwink ;)

*flips- I'm out!
Awww, she was just dreaming. ;_;

The bunny gif!!!
Assa~ Atlast.
Another Sandeul FanFic.
Looking forward to your next chapter Author-nim!~