
Sandeul's Scandal ♥♥♥✉

sandeul’s scandal- prologue

“I can’t believe you’re just now getting into the business! You have some skill.”

Pride welled up inside you as Jung Juri, your favorite gagwoman, showered her praise on you. You felt blood rush up to your cheeks as you bowed deeply to your sunbae. You couldn’t believe this was happening. It was like a dream. Surely this wasn’t real.

“It was an honor to work with you!” You smiled a crooked but charming smile at your idol. Forget those silly childish singers that you’d worked with earlier that night, the ones that you admired were the MCs and comedians who relied not on looks but on skill for success.

“Good work tonight, Mieun. Keep it up.”

You whipped around to see Yoo Jaesuk beaming proudly at you, offering a hand for a shake. Your eyes widened, and you took his hand, shaking it and bowing enthusiastically. When you stood upright, the MC presented you a card.

“Call me and maybe we can have dinner some time, talk about maybe another appearance.”

Your jaw dropped in surprise. Had Yoo Jaesuk just offered to have a meal with you? You jumped slightly when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You craned your neck to catch a glance at who had just invaded your personal bubble. Once again, your mouth gaped open. It couldn’t be!

You turned and bowed respectfully again, then blinked up at the famous comedian, waiting for him to speak. The king of being cheap, Boom, smiled down at you. When he finally opened his mouth, a sound no human could make escaped him.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The image faded and your proper senses returned, leaving you in your bed wrapped in sheets practically like a caterpillar in a cocoon. You groaned, immediately aware at how unclean your face had gotten through the night, and threw your hand carelessly in the general direction of the sound.

After a few tries, you successfully hit the snooze button and turned your back to your alarm clock. Why did you have to wake up now? You snuggled against the suddenly soft and inviting warmth of the fabric. You could sleep a little longer, couldn’t you? You yawned, your eyes still closed, trying to run the day’s future events through your mind. It wasn’t like you had anywhere to be-

You bolted up instantly, kicking at your sheets violently. You did have somewhere to be, somewhere important. You finally released yourself from the stubborn grip of your bed’s blankets and scurried to the kitchen, frantically flipping through the papers on your counter when you arrived. “Where is it?” you murmered to yourself, tossing piles of unimportant notices onto the floor.

Just when you were almost to the point of a mental breakdown, you found the plain piece of paper you'd been looking for. The type was the typical black and the format was normal, but it was your ticket to success. “What time, what time?” You scanned the paper for numbers.

Please arrive looking as you would for a date at Jang SoHa’s Origogi BBQ in Busan at 11:30 a.m.

Eleven-thirty. Looking as you would for a date. At a duck meat shop? In Busan? You stared at the paper as you tried to comprehend the information it gave you. You glanced at the clock, reading the time as 6:09 a.m. You lived in a small apartment near downtown Seoul, so it would take almost three hours to get to Busan by train. Your heart sank. That would mean to arrive in a timely fashion, you’d have to leave for the station by 9:15.With a sigh, you set the letter down and practically ran to the shower.

You’d better get started.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating very quickly! D= I'm not dead, I promise. ;D I figured I'd give you guys a little treat before I actually started the plot. Enjoy! I want to get waaaaaay ahead on this story before I actually start posting chapters. That shouldn't take long, though, now that I'm in the writing mood. *shimmy dance- Here's some adorable Sandeul to make up for the lack of his presence in the chapter. Don't worry~ He'll arrive soon! *happy dance- Don't you just want to pinch his cheeks? THERE ARE SOME HIDDEN SANDEUL REFERENCES, THOUGH. ;D *winks- I hope you guys saw them and were like, "I see wat you did thar." Haha. *giggles- You guys should leave some comments on what they are! By the way, the more you guys comment, the faster I update. *winky face- So please be sure to give me encouragement!

** Credits to Tumblr for the gifs

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Chapter 5: that was so cute!!! i really hope you could update soon!
Chapter 5: OMG YOU UPDATED! So so so so happy! I've been reading this when I still didn't have an acocunt so I couldn't comment (T.T) CAN I JUST TELL YOU HOW AWESOME THIS STORY IS? Update when you can, author-nim~
Chapter 5: Awwww you updated! I love Mieun! She's quite a personality!!!
b1a4www #4
I'm a bit confused...are there actually cameras filming them or not? 0o0
Other than that, I like this! ^ ^
HOBO! I'M SO PROUD OF YEW. And jealous of your ability to write a long chapter. HOW DO YOU DO IT?

I already told you most of my thoughts LOL but uh. YEAH. I feel so bad for Sandeullie, I mean, poor kid is so cute and doesn't even realize Mieun's just tearing him down in her mind. ;_;

At the end, I was pissed she wasn't even going to eat the soup he took forever to make, but then she tried it so I guess that's all good lolol.

I hope you get lots & lots of subbies and comments. winkwink ;)

*flips- I'm out!
Awww, she was just dreaming. ;_;

The bunny gif!!!
Assa~ Atlast.
Another Sandeul FanFic.
Looking forward to your next chapter Author-nim!~