Chapter o4

One True Love
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His face become pale as he stare the person standing right in front of her. You frown at his reaction as you push yourself inside the house and went straight to the kitchen to put the the groceries. Jaejoong walks his way to the kitchen with still pale face like he a ghost, he looks at you front head to toe as you move around his kitchen. You look up at him with a cute pout that you always do, one of the thing he missed the most from you.

"Wae? You seems like you see a ghost or something" You said as you take everything out from the bag.

'What the? Am I in heaven or something? Is this a dream? Is she here for real?' Jaejoong thought as he look at the calendar on the fridge. "August 17 2011" The date was set 4 months before your death. You look at Jaejoong again. "Did you have a bad dreams oppa?" Jaejoong didn't say anything as he envelope you in a tight embrace.

You chuckles as you wrap your arms around his neck. "I missed you too oppa~" You whisper against his ear. 

A tear skip from his eyes, he misses you so much, he missed your smell, your warm body, your sweet voice and most off all he missed kissing you. Jaejoong pulled from the hug as he look at you in the eyes caressing your cheek with his thumb. A sweet smile appear on your lips, as you stare back in his eyes. "I love you you" He whispers before he pressed his lips against your. Kissing you so passionately, you happyly kiss him back.

"I love you too Jaejoong oppa~" You manage to mumbles against his lips.


Jaejoong arms wrap around your body from behind, while you were

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Chapter 4: OMG I love it already lol
cherryaizawa #2
Chapter 1:'s sweet i live again???i really curious to know the next. so please continue this story so soon ^_^ i will wait
Chapter 5: up date soon >_<
Chapter 4: waaaaa... you left me hanging...aigoooo.. i love this already >______< its a good thing i got the opportunity to read this..yey
carissawhite #5
Chapter 4: nice chap..I'll wait the update. I want to see what they'll do.
oatlover #6
hi! new reader here :)
looks like an interesting story
and the fact that I found my name in this story
I can't help but imagine that Jae really talk and thinking about me *blush*
although I'm dead in this story *no!!!* I think I'll continue reading it :)
Author-nim, fighting :)
carissawhite #7
Chapter 3: ah, you left it hanging. I'm so curious. Looking forward for ur next update.
carissawhite #8
Chapter 2: after read this chapter, I'm sure it's In Heaven's story. Update please
carissawhite #9
Chapter 1: well, verlova in this story is dead, sad though. but reading a story with my nickname in it with the word death in one sentence kind of give me goosebumps.
carissawhite #10
wow, a fanfic with me as the character *lol*. I thought my eyes play with me, seeing my nickname as the char, but it's true. well, coincidence enough. interesting. :D