


"Alright everyone, independent study time!" The teacher gathered a stack of papers and walked towards the door. "Don't fool around, I'll be back shortly."
The class waited about 10 seconds and checked to see if the coast was clear before talking and playing around.
I ran over to my friend and sat on the empty desk in front of hers. "So, what did your parents say Min Ae?"
"Yeah, can you go to noraebang with us tonight?" Our friend Jae Hee said sitting in the desk next to me.
She held her finger up while quickly scribbling some things onto the paper in front of her. "Okay, done!" She grinned. "Uh, about that...."
"Did they really say you can't go again?" Jae Hee grumbled.
"If I do go, I have to be home at 8. But my extra classes don't end until 5 and it takes an hour to go there and back to my house." She explained and I just sighed. 
It's been like this ever since we met her. She went home late by 30 minutes once and her parents called more than 20 times. That's also the reason she had to take these extra classes. Needless to say that now she ranks in the top 25 of the school.
"It's okay, I understand. If you're late your parents might call the cops on us for kidnapping or something."
"They might even make her have over night classes too." Jae Hee giggled. But we all knew that the idea wasn't too much for her parents.
We chatted a bit more before the teacher came back and I had to hurdle over desks to my seat, but luckily there was another student that distracted her.
"Class, we have a new student joining us today. This is Lee Tae Gyun. Please introduce yourself to the class." She asked while writing his name on the board.
"Hey... I'm Tae Gyun and I lived in the US for about 5 years. Uh, I like listening to music and yeah..." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly before the teacher instructed him to take the open seat in front of me.
I smiled at him and he nodded at me before sitting down. There was something about him that was just... very appealing. But his height was not it for sure. He was around the same height as I was. I stared at the back of his head while mentally jotting down reasons I could find him attractive until the bell rang.
The sound snapped me out of my daze and I packed up slowly to let Jae Hee come over and take a look at him for herself. She must have been reading my mind because within seconds she came right over and asked if I was ready.
"Yeah, one sec. I think I lost my pen..." I said. But she just smirked and rolled her eyes at me. We both new that I dropped my pen right next to Tae Gyun's desk on purpose to get his attention.
But my plan failed when he ended up stepping on it. "Oh! My pen..." I pouted and he just looked at me then the pen under his foot.
It took him a bit to process the thought before apologizing. "I'm sorry... I didn't see it. I'll get you a new one, okay?"
"Oh, really? Then let's go now! Jae Hee and I weren't going straight home anyway." I grabbed him by the arm and led him towards the nearest stationary store with Jae Hee leading the way.
Once there, I looked high and low for the cutest pen I could find. "What about this?" Tae Gyun asked holding up a pen with a lazy panda topper. 
"Oh, that's cute~" Jae Hee and I nodded in unison and he took it up to the register. 
He handed it to me and nodded his head. "Well, it was nice meeting you... Uh, Eun Hye right? You too Jae Hee."
"You're going so soon? We're going to noraebang, you should come with us." Jae Hee told him.
"Yeah, come with us. You'll have to spend the whole school year with us anyway. Why not be friends?"
"Oh, that'd be cool. Thanks." He smiled sheepishly. "But I have to meet some of my friends first if you don't mind coming along..."
We agreed and he led us to a club around the same area as the noraebang shop we were going to try out. As we followed him Jae Hee linked arms with me and whispered in my ear. "Eun Hye is this really okay? I mean how can we go into a club with our uniforms... And what kind of friends hang out here during the day?"
I nodded and called out to him. "Tae Gyun--"
But as I was starting to tell him we'll go get the room, a familiar face exited the side of the club.
He was wearing the sunglasses that hardly ever came off outside of his home, a tank under his leather jacket which clearly showed his tattoo under his collar bone, and a smug expression on his face.
My mood turned sour instantly. "Eun Hye? Is that you? Why are you here?? ...And who's your friend?" He looked her over and smirked.
Jae Hee glared at him. "Why do you need to know?" I said arrogantly.
"Do you two know each other?" At this point Tae Gyun and Jae Hee looked totally lost.
"Because high school girls shouldn't be out alone at night." He winked at Jae Hee and she just scoffed. "Also, because I care so deeply for her. And think her mother would be worried that she's at this kind of place at night. I should call and tell her now..." He took out his phone and I yanked it out of his hands.
"YAH!  Yong Jun Hyung, don't you dare. If you do I'll tell everyone your name was--" He covered my mouth with his hand and I bit back.
The tension between us was so thick that a chainsaw couldn't even cut through it.
"Oh, I get it now then. This is the brother you always say is lazy and nagging." Jae Hee asked to confirm and I nodded but corrected her saying he was my HALF brother.
Tae Gyun cleared his throat, "Hyung, here's the books I borrowed from you. I got my books today so you can have yours back. Thanks."
"Yong Jun, what are you doing? It's your turn--" An older boy popped his head out from the door way. "Oh, Eun Hye-ah, what are you doing here?"
Another one of his friends came outside to join the party. "Eun Hye's here? But why would she come to see Jun Hyung voluntarily?"
I chuckled and explained to them how we met Tae Gyun and we were going to noraebang but had to meet his friend first which turned out to be Jun Hyung. "By the way! This is one of my best friends, Yoon Jae Hee."
We chatted for a bit more while Jun Hyung and Tae Gyun went inside to talk discuss other private matters.
"So, are you guys still going to noraebang or do you just want to hang out here?" The first boy, Jae Hyun asked. "We can take you home later instead of you having to walk."
I was about to decline and leave with Jae Hee when Chi Hoon said, "Are you going to leave Tae Gyun upstairs?"
We sighed in unison and followed the two boys up the back stairwell.
Tell me how it is! :3 I'm excited for feedback.
BTW, I was totally excited for Seungri's comeback. >:D

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woww love this story!! update soon! ^^
clayray3290 #2
Ahhh, this is so interesting! Haha, my Korean name is Yoon Jae Hee, so I was initially hooked, but this is shaping up to be really interesting! Can't wait for the next update!
O_________O; chuuuuuuuuuuu <3 LOL<br />
Oh Eunhye D: D: D:
oh and the guys, why the surprised reaction at what Eun Hye plain and bitter words, they're just
I see Min Ae and Seung Ho got something goin on eh? LOL<br />
but Eun Hye T_T...that must've hurt a lot T________T poor thing
Half Brother :OOOOOOOO<br />
Too bad that I can't come to Noraebang D: LOL<br />
Dang parents >OOO