With love comes jealousy, right?
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With much difficulty, Taemin tore away from the scene in front of him. But the images keep replaying in his mind’s eye – Minho leaning on Nichkhun and hugging him and trusting him…

His stomach felt empty and he had a sudden urge to throw up, but the main sensation that occupied him was the heaviness in his heart. It weighed him down as he walked away, causing his shoulders to droop and his feet to drag along the ground. He tried to concentrate, instead, on the sound of gravel and loose asphalt.

Taemin felt like crying. Crazily enough though, he found that he didn’t have enough tears. There was no higher misery than that, and Taemin took it out by rehashing what he’d seen over and over again in his head.  

He thought he might loose his mind if he continued thinking. The questions abounded in his head, compounding mercilessly on his headache.

What was Minho dealing with? Was he… was he telling the truth when he said he trusted no one else? Why…?

Walking along, Taemin paused his runaway thoughts. It suddenly occurred to him, through his dejection, that there was a possibility he was over-reacting. Minho was just talking tothe only one he trusted someone he was close to on set, and telling him about his deep worries his life. It was completely normal. Nothing to be depressed about, right?

But it hurt. As small and insignificant it was, it hurt. It pained him because in this world, there was no one else he trusted more then Minho.

And now, knowing the truth…

Knowing that he didn’t hold the same place in Minho’s heart, and probably never will.

In his head, Minho wrapped an arm around Nichkhun, laying his head on the older boy’s shoulder. Behind the partition, the small boy stood watching and shed a tear.


When it started to get dark, Minho separated himself from Nichkhun and stood up. He sighed.

Nichkhun spoke out at once.

“Where’re you going? I’ll send you.”

Minho coughed, and sighed again. “You know… the studio. I have to-“

“You shouldn’t. I’ll send you back to the apartment.” The older boy softened his voice.

“I know you’re worried, but… at least not before you’ve had some rest.”

He stood up to join Minho, laying a hand lightly on his arm.

“Come, let us leave before we’re all alone on set.”


They drove along in silence, but Minho could sense Nichkhun was no

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This was such a good fic >.<!!
sarafu #2
=( update pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase
ketat10250 #3
DoubleYsYeoja #4
jealousy is poison...<br />
i totally agree with that...<br />
i can't stand it seeing tae depressed....
starkey #5
I thought this is the part they were hugging on the dream team. But I guess that would be coming later. Too bad the boys don't spend time much because of their schedule, I hope to see their interaction more in coming chapter
2min88 #6
LuciferGirl97 is right!!
DoubleYsYeoja #7
WHAT SHINee is not SHINee without minho!!!
curryjim #8
NO!!!! :(<br />
minho is forever a SHINee Member :(<br />
if Minho is not in SHINee.. i will not have 2 min in my life!!<br />
Minho is too important in SHINee!!!!!
Kianna #9
now its starts to make even more sense, poor minho :(