The Last Hour

The Last Hour

It’s funny how quickly life can change, or be taken away. One second you’re happy as can be, the next your life is ruined.

            In my case, one second I was chatting happily with my boyfriend, Yoseob, as we walked through the streets with our hands intertwined, the next I was running up between two men to break up a fight.

            I didn’t see the gun, no one did.


            Two shots hit me, one in the shoulder, one in the side. My eyes widened as the shots connected and the pain set in. Plenty of people screamed but I only heard Yoseob’s voice as he ran and caught me before I could crumple to the ground. He set me down gently and dialed 911.

            As he talked swiftly into the phone he kept eye contact with me as tears ran down his face.

            “Don’t leave me,” he whispered.

            The pain was excruciating, too much to bare. I could see my life flashing before my eyes as Yoseob grabbed my hand with both of his and cried, begging for me to stay with him, to not go to sleep.

            I want to stay here with him but I know I have to leave.

            My vision began changing and shifting, revealing new things. “I can see God’s face,” I murmured.

            Knowing I was about to leave I managed to say one last sentence to Yoseob, “Goodbye, I love you.” 

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ishlikespocky #1
So cute and sad and DO YOU WANT TO MAKE ME CRY :'(
b2utylove57 #2
I almost cried :O Aww, it's so believable...with Yoseob there :') Love it!
i think you enjoy to see my tears LOL
D": that was so sad and short.
omg this is so good though ;A; so short~