

"Dude.. did you just go to the milk club yesterday?" Nichkhun laugh while pointing at Wooyoung 

"I went there because there're supposed to be a lot of cute girls, but there're only ugly girl.. oh, and some fatass too. But, the good thing is that, the milk is delicious!" Wooyoung replied as he stuck out his tounge. 

I know right Wooyoung, the milk at the milk club is delicious! 

"You're such a !  HAHAHA!" Nichkhun laugh at him, again. 

"Die you bastard! Die right now!" Wooyoung cursed him, with a horror look from his face, kinda scary thou. 


"Nichkhuuuuun!" A girl named, Taeyeon squealed while jumping. 

Boing boing. Her 's' hop around left and right, up and down. Yes, her s are big. Too big.

Wooyoung's arm is already opended, ready for Taeyeon to hug him "Taeyeooooon!" But, she ran towards Nichkhun instead.

"Good morning Nickhun!"  She giggled as she hugged Nichkhun, I can see Wooyoung face is screwed, I almost laughed at him. 

"You know! I tried too call you yesterday but you didn't pick it up!" She said as she's doing her annoying aegyo.

"Oh, I'm sorry? We were eating out" said Nichkhun

"Ah.. invite Tayeon to those kind of things too!" she said with her aegyo, again. 

"OKAY!" said both Nichkhun and Wooyoung at the same time. 

"Okay... lets go out and eat next time! byee.. gotta go. See you later!" she said, as she wink with a duckface.

I hate duckface. People should stop doing duckface!


"You know.. It's unfair.. Taeyeon seems to be after you.."  Wooyoung mumbled, aww.. he's doing his sad face.

"I don't know about that.. haha" Nichkhun said as he laugh, he always laugh. Always.

"Those s are awesomeeee!" Wooyung suddenly happy again. Because of s.

You must be curious why I watch them the whole time, well, I'm not a stalker or anything, I just having my break in the cafeteria which is nearby to the place where they're standing. I'm about to practice again anyway.

"Hey.. Khun" he whisper "Watch this.."

Bang. He suddenly push me with his long hand. It hurts.

"Aah.. sorry I didn't see you..." He said, jokingly.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Eveyone there's laughing at me. At my pain. The only thing I heard is laughter. I sat there as I stare at my bruised palm and then stare at Wooyoung.

"Come on.. I said it wasn't on purpose right? I apologize, didn't I? He said again, with a laughter at the end.

I got up and walk away. I didn't dare to walk back and shout at him or stuff like that. It is easier to just walk away.

I still heard Wooyoung making fun of me, he said "And there she goes, walks as nothiing happend, everything she does is fun to watch.. HAHA!"






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ooo i love this
flowerslover #2
Chapter 1: Nice! I love your story very much. I just read a story that have the plot pretty similar to yours, it called " Say I love you". Keep on the good work!
Chapter 3: Update soon.. This story makes me feel curious
Chapter 3: please update soon
i can't wait
Chapter 3: Update update soon!
Poor Fany, i do hope she has friends..
foirfeachta #6
Will update as soon as I can!
Taengoo5486 #7
Update soon
upload!! ^^ KhunFany jjang! ^^
keep uploading :)
Loving the story
melonbread #10
poor tiffany D: