

"Miyooooung! How many years have you been without a boyfriend?"  "Worse than no boyfriend, she has no friends!" "Where's your best friend miyounggie?"  "I've never seen her with somebody else" "I've probably never hear her voice"

I don't need friend. I'm 18 and I've never had a boy friend, besides, I've never had any friends.


"Waa.. I want the apple bun too!" "Ok! But If I buy this and you buy that, we can share!" 

I saw two girls chatting about breads. How unimportant, and noisy. Yes, I was at a bakery. 

No, I'm not jealous, I've had a several so called friend who haven't been friends for real. 


The next day

"Siwon's birthday party was fun!" a girl shouted "And don't forget, Siwon's mom made a cake for us! It was really good!" Anoter girl blurted out.

Eh? Siwon's birthday party? But, he didn't invite me.

"Si.. Siwon's birthday party? Cong.. Congrats!"  I said.

"Oh sorry, I called you on Saturday but you weren't at home. So I couldn't invite you" Siwon replied me

Thats a lie. I was at home the whole day that day. 

Things like this happended to me.

"Oh, That's how it was? That's too bad, haha" I laughed.

I felt ghastly and vulnerable.


"It's so cute!" Victoria said "It'll eat anything as long as it's grass!" 

"Eh, but are you sure it's ok to just feed it like this?" Krystal asked 

"Don't worry" Victoria feed the rabbit.

It's soo cute. Not them, the rabbit. It's the office's rabbit. Her name is Michan. I watched both of them talk non-stop like a broken radio.


The next day

"Um.. Yesterday, Michan died. It seems like it had eaten something bad. But, is there anyone who knows anything?!" My coach shouted

"It has to be you! I saw you were in the rabbit's house yesterday! What did you do!!" One of the boys start to shout at me.

I kept quiet. True, I was in the rabbits house with Victoria and Krystal. But I swear, I didn't do anything.

"Tiffany said we should try to feed the rabbit 'cause it eats anything, we said no but she forced it to eat some strange grass" Vicotia shouted while pointing at me.

I stood still. I'm speachlees. Frozen. All eyes one me. Horrifed looks from everyone in the room. 

"Miyoung stay! The rest can go home!" My coach screamed at me. 

"Vi... VICTORIA! KRYSTAAl!" I shout, shout and shout for them. 

No one turned back even though I called. 


I remember that night, my punishment was practicing my dance. I practice, practice, practice and practice. It hurt terribly over my whole body. After that, I didn't want any friend. Even if I have any, I will only get hurt. I noticed that I din't need any friend.



TADAAAAA! Chapter one done! Do you like it? :D


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ooo i love this
flowerslover #2
Chapter 1: Nice! I love your story very much. I just read a story that have the plot pretty similar to yours, it called " Say I love you". Keep on the good work!
Chapter 3: Update soon.. This story makes me feel curious
Chapter 3: please update soon
i can't wait
Chapter 3: Update update soon!
Poor Fany, i do hope she has friends..
foirfeachta #6
Will update as soon as I can!
Taengoo5486 #7
Update soon
upload!! ^^ KhunFany jjang! ^^
keep uploading :)
Loving the story
melonbread #10
poor tiffany D: