
Do Your Worst


The bottle spun around the circle dangerously slowly. I should have twisted it faster, maybe it if would have landed on me I could have just went into the closet and made out with myself-

                “-OOOOOOOOH!” The circle was suddenly filled with cute noises as the bottle made its final stop on him. My heart skipped a beat, mostly in fear. He wasn’t called the “evil maknae” as a joke. They’d put me in this closet, and he’d prank me. Standing slowly I decided to treat it as a punishment. Each step I took towards the small room felt like I was sprinting.

                “Aish, hurry up Jenna.” It was him behind me, his hands gently pushing me forward. Once I’d cleared the doorway we were shut in, immediately surrounding us in complete darkness.

                Slowly I sank to the floor, pulling my knees up to my chest. I felt afraid. I didn’t trust him, even though he made me feel as if I were on air with every moment I spent with him. You see, I knew Cho Kyu Hyun because of this silly contest I’d won to meet all of the Super Junior boys. At first he was cold to me, and ignored me when I first arrived. But lately he’d been doing mean things to me; unplugging my laptop so when I’d play Starcraft it would die, water balloons outside of my door, string all over my room. I’d have to go clean up in Donghae’s room and wear his clothing…because usually those were gone too. I didn’t know why he hated me…and I didn’t know why I continued to keep him as a number one bias.

                “You’re quiet,” he remarked in a snide tone.

                “I’m waiting for the punch line,” I stated.

                It was quiet for a moment. “Punch line?”

                “Yeah, like- walk outside the closet, Jenna. Then you’ll have a bucket of water waiting to dump on me. Or better yet, feathers! Or, even better, eggs!” I threw my hands in the air in frustration and rested my head on my knees. “You must hate me.”

                “….no, I don’t hate you,” he replied quietly. I felt movement beside me and looked over to see Kyuhyun’s face barely lit up from the crack of light coming through the bottom of the door. His eyes were fully focused on me.

                I sighed and blew a piece of hair from my face. “If you didn’t hate me you wouldn’t try in every way, every day of this contest to find some way to embarrass me.”

                “Hey, I wouldn’t have to get your attention this way if you’d just stop hanging around with Donghae,” he whined. “You guys are practically a couple.”

                “Donghae and I…?” I repeated in confusion.

                It was his turn to sigh. “You’re always in his room, you and him are always laughing, and you’re always talking to him- what can I do? I have to get you to notice me SOMEHOW, since you’re so caught up in HIM.”

                “WHAT?” I said angrily. He jumped back from me a bit, and I shook my head, trying to calm myself. “Kyuhyun, if you’re trying to accuse me of being in love with Donghae-“

                “-that’s EXACTLY what I’m accusing you of!” he replied just as loudly, pointing a finger in my face.

                “WELL, I AM NOT!”


                “BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS SIT RIGHT BY HIM, STUPID!” I shouted back. It remained quiet for a moment until I realized exactly what it was I’d said. Clamping a hand over my mouth I shut my eyes. Good thing it was dark, because I was sure I’d turned a bright red. The closet felt smaller, as if I couldn’t escape Kyuhyun’s closeness. Was he trying to get away from me now? Maybe he’d stop pranking me after this outburst. My heart sank low as I realized all of this infatuation was one-sided.

                Suddenly his hand reached out and turned me to face him. His thumb brushed across my cheek and I realized I’d been crying as he wiped away my tears. “Is that true?”

                I sniffed quietly. “Well yeah. Donghae is nice, but he’s not….he’s not you, Kyuhyun.”

                “Thank god,” he said, and suddenly I was being pressed against the wall, his lips feverishly on mine. As if he couldn’t get enough of me, just from this one kiss. Our mouths moved in sync and he gently bit my bottom lip, his arms encircling my waist. I reached up and put mine around his shoulders, pressing him as close to me as possible. Even when he pulled away so we could breathe he kissed my neck gently, trailing kisses down my skin and finally stopping at the most sensitive part of my neck to on it roughly. I had to bite my lip hard enough to where I was tasting blood to stop from out loud.

                “Kyuhyun,” I gasped, and he finally pulled away. The door suddenly opened and we both fell forward, since he’d pressed me to the door. I heard a loud thump and felt something cold drip down onto me. I was right; he’d put a bucket of water on the edge of the door so I’d be soaked when I walked out. Luckily he’d fallen on top and taken all the hit for me. I looked into his shocked eyes and grinned, kissing the tip of his nose lightly. “Thanks.”

                “Thanks?” he repeated angrily. “THANKS?” I pulled away from him and stood up, brushing myself off.

I laughed and stuck my tongue out. “Serves you right!”

                He stood quickly and began to chase me around the dorm. “GET BACK HERE, JENNA!” I began to laugh again and realized I wasn’t as fast as I thought I was as his arms went around my waist and pulled me into his room. He shut the door and stared into my eyes. “If you think I’m going to let you get away with that, you thought wrong!”

                “Go ahead, evil maknae, do your worst!” I said firmly, but couldn’t help but grin. He grinned too and walked up to me, pressing his lips to mine again. As his arms went around me I couldn’t help but smile. He pulled back suddenly and smiled genuinely.

                “Saranghae, Jenna.”

                “Saranghae, Kyuhyun.”

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Hahaha so cute! :3 I love this ^^
thank you so much ^_^
xXCute_Krystal #3
i like this! ^^