U Smile

U smile


I’ve always liked your smile . That beautiful gummy smile that only you posseses


Even now , when you’re stepping down to the aisle , looking perfectly in that white suit . And that smile , still being so shiny and heart-warming to me .


And I could only smile while standing in front of you , hearing your answer to the most important question of your life


“Do you , Lee Hyuk Jae , take this man to be your husband , to have and to hold from this day onward , foe better or worse , for richer of poorer , in sickness and in health , to love , cherish , and to obey , till death do you apart ?”


“I do”


The ring shines on your finger , glittering it sparks together with the tears you have when the hold church burst out in cheers for the wedding .


Bell ringing , people wishing happiness to the newly-wedded couple .



And I could see


That smile  ……


It’s still there when you come next to me , hug me and whispered to me “ Thank you  for accepting to be our pastor , SiWon .” .


“You’re welcome , Hyuk hyung . Oh and congratulation ! I wish you happiness with DongHae hyung !”-SiWon , dressed in the pastor’s costum , hugged back with a gentle smile on his face .



“Hyukkie , baby..”


“I think someone is being a little impatient . You’d better go over there fast or someone may start panicking”-I teased  .


“Yeah you’re right ! Bye Siwon , see you later”


You gave me a hug , then turned around and went to your husband with that smile on your face . And I can catch that glint of happiness in your eyes .



“Hyukkie , let me call you with this name for the last time . I wish you all the best , Hyukkie !”-I whispered



“Good buy , HyukJae !”


And the pastor walk away , smiling….         

                                                                                         Together with a glist of tear .




                                                Because you smile , I smile .


A/N : I just for once didn't want SiWOn to be the bad guy in the story :(

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Chapter 1: oh no, siwon-ah :(
AnchovyMokpo #2
Chapter 1: this story is so sweet! <3
Hueaaaaaaa..... So saaaaaddddd..... Wait for kibum, ne.... Aigoooo.... Sad... Sad.... Sad....
nabzxs #4
I've always knew siwon had this thing for Hyuk. :3 But aww, it's always sad when one loses the person they love. :( And to act as if they're perfectly alright with it.
Ngwaaa!!! :'( So sad Wonnie~~~ Reminds me of Taeyang's Wedding Dress~~~~